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GunValkyrie was made for masochists


See nitewulf, you've never played the game the way it's actually meant to be played. When you can actually do this you'll see that your control scheme breaks down. You can't look up and down? You *need* to look up and down constantly if you want to get S-rank. And the situations that you've given me are still very much possible in the control scheme the way it is, that's the beauty of it, *I* am free to decide how to take the enemy out, I'm not hindered by the control scheme.

In the situations you gave, you only have 1 way to dispatch the enemy, as it is now I have *4* ways. I can do your suggestion, I can turn to my left, or I can jump up and look down and strafe to my left, or jump up and look down and turn to my left. You need these 4 options if you want to get S-rank.

It's true I've never played ZOE2, but as has been mentioned it's been on a different controller. I want to hear from someone who played and enjoyed BOTH games to comment on the controller schemes.


ZOE2 and GunValkyrie are different games.

ZOE2 is balls-to-the-wall action, while GunValkyrie places an emphasis on platforming (in certain levels) in addition to the action. Using the ZOE control scheme in Valkyrie would have completely overlooked the entire platforming aspect of the game, changing the game into something else.

My only beef with Valkyrie was that they didn't offer to un-invert the controls. Even then, it didn't affect me as much as it turned others off of the game.


My opinion is close to Wellington's, even though I ended up liking the game overall. Mastering the controls was a satisfying experince, but that is dampened by levels that just seem to drag on or objectives that are nothing more than "kill everything".


first, gravity would be needed for that :b with that in mind, I think it would have worked

you owe it to yourself to play ZoE2, rastex...easy to learn, hard to master, challenging gameplay, vast variety, great controls...

just be warned that it'll be harder to play GV afterwards...i liken it to being forced to play a PC FPS with the numpad to look around instead of the mouse...sure it'll work, but you have to be some sort of masochist to enjoy it (or grow a big head because you think you're hardcore)


Gattsu25 said:
first, gravity would be needed for that :b with that in mind, I think it would have worked

you owe it to yourself to play ZoE2, rastex...easy to learn, hard to master, challenging gameplay, vast variety, great controls...

just be warned that it'll be harder to play GV afterwards...i liken it to being forced to play a PC FPS with the numpad to look around instead of the mouse...sure it'll work, but you have to be some sort of masochist to enjoy it (or grow a big head because you think you're hardcore)

I'm sure they could have worked out a more, shall we say, forving control scheme, but this game was always mean to be niche: I mean, it was originally a light-gun game on the DC.


fact is, i wasnt able to play it in whatever way it was intended to. i couldnt keep up clicking in, so i couldnt stay up for too long, and after a while of wildly flying around i got a headache, i went up to the first boss and couldnt beat him after numerous tries, even though i knew exactly what to do, and could evade all his attacks, i just couldnt fly over him and at the same time shoot his weak spot. ridiculous controls.
i gave up, no point.
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