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Guy Game Makers Hit Back


To be honest, Nich's review of the Guy Game was pretty brutal. I don't see how he can take offense at TopHeavy Studios firing back in kind--they don't go as far as he did.


sonycowboy said:
I think this game would have gotten much better reviews if ....

They had hot chicks instead of white trash skanks that look like they've been beaten over and over and over again with the ugly stick.

no, no it wouldn't.
Teddman said:
To be honest, Nich's review of the Guy Game was pretty brutal. I don't see how he can take offense at TopHeavy Studios firing back in kind--they don't go as far as he did.

1) It wasn't a review - it was a blog post.
2) He didn't take offense, he found it funny.
3) Nich's comments were far less offensive than the content of The Guy Game.


go eat paint
One thing I'm amused by is that in one of the clips, the host comes out and says that the women were paid $100 for their participation. There are about 30 women in total. That's about $3,000. Don't know how much it cost to hire women to wear lingerie and strip for the avatar videos, but probably not much more than that. Talk about making content on the cheap. The videos are DivX and the interface and marble games couldn't have required much more than a week of programming--I've seen better Shockwave games. Add in what it cost to research the questions, record the videos, put it all together, and pay the employees, and I bet the entire thing cost say $10-15 thousand to make.

And the game retails for $40.

Now, since it has boobs and an M rating, I'm sure it'll recoup costs. Talk about a healthy profit, even if some parents group tries to sue the company (M rated or not, 14 year olds are going to get their parents to bring it home, and some parents are going to go sideways).

Which is why I'm surprised the game didn't get an AO rating -- seeing as it's clearly sexually-themed and its entire gimmick is nudity. Nice to have proof that the ESRB is totally brain-dead AND/OR on the take.


mosaic said:
Which is why I'm surprised the game didn't get an AO rating -- seeing as it's clearly sexually-themed and its entire gimmick is nudity. Nice to have proof that the ESRB is totally brain-dead AND/OR on the take.
Ah yes, interesting point. Still, I'm kind of glad that boobies do not automatically equal an AO rating.

Perhaps full-frontal would. You know how prudish we Americans are.
If teh boobies were enough to give a game an AO rating, .hack/Quarantine would get it for its DVD. The industry's getting quite smart at avoiding that bullet.


The game looks like a piece of shit...but I still can't understand how half the forum turned into goody goody saints. Oh nos...boobies in a game how offensive!?! Please now...

Please...I don't see anyone complaining about the strip mahjong games in the arcade and for home systems in Japan, and the other more than handful of hentai games around for PC and even consoles.


This guy reviews games for a living.
You have to admit that this is the WORSE START they could do... Right at the begining, they suggest that every gamer should hate this guy, since he is reviewing games FOR A LIVING!1!1!!!

The next whitch haunt? Maybe...
kpop100 said:
Please...I don't see anyone complaining about the strip mahjong games in the arcade and for home systems in Japan, and the other more than handful of hentai games around for PC and even consoles.

DID YOU KNOW: the animated girls in hentai games aren't real!

The nudity isn't really the issue with The Guy Game. The point is that the game is based around demeaning and making fun of actual, real people - as the girls get trivia questions wrong and take off their clothes, you're supposed to be laughing at them, not with them.


JackFrost2012 said:
DID YOU KNOW: the animated girls in hentai games aren't real!

The nudity isn't really the issue with The Guy Game. The point is that the game is based around demeaning and making fun of actual, real people - as the girls get trivia questions wrong and take off their clothes, you're supposed to be laughing at them, not with them.

The girls in the strip mahjong games in the arcades I saw were all real.


The bit that I find offensive isn't the boobies. Boobies rock.

The bit I find really offensive is that it really makes men look stupid. Stupid for making it and stupid for enjoying it. Top Heavy's site even says "we just wanted to make a game with things guys love". We love ugly women who have no brains? Look at the dickhead on the cover - he's a stupid, one-dimensional gump. Selling him as an avatar for a "guy" offends me as a "guy".

I think men - real men, not sexually and emotionally immature males - are beyond that, and calling it The Guy Game sells all males short.
kpop100 said:
The girls in the strip mahjong games in the arcades I saw were all real.

Those games were also unlicensed, black-market, and running on illegal hardware.

If I say I don't like strip mahjongg games, either, can we go back to talking about The Guy Game?

EDIT: The point isn't the nudity, or the real/fauxness of the girls - the point is that the gameplay is based around embarassing, demeaning, and belittling the women. If they kept all their clothes on it would be even MORE offensive, because then the game's worldview would be all the more obvious: men are stupid, juvenile, and funny, but women are just plain stupid.


JackFrost2012 said:
Those games were also unlicensed, black-market, and running on illegal hardware.

If I say I don't like strip mahjongg games, either, can we go back to talking about The Guy Game?

EDIT: The point isn't the nudity, or the real/fauxness of the girls - the point is that the gameplay is based around embarassing, demeaning, and belittling the women. If they kept all their clothes on it would be even MORE offensive, because then the game's worldview would be all the more obvious: men are stupid, juvenile, and funny, but women are just plain stupid.

Believe me I'm not positioning myself as an advocate of the Guy Game, but I understand what you're saying.


go eat paint
Hell, my overall point isn't about demeaning women, men looking stupid, or even that the game costs too damn much (though it does)...

My biggest problem with the Guy Game is it's a horrible trivia game. Everything else that sucks about it is just an added kick to the nuts.

Put boobs in "You don't know Jack"!
Gazunta said:
I think men - real men, not sexually and emotionally immature males - are beyond that, and calling it The Guy Game sells all males short.

Not to open a whole new can of worms here, but this happens in more than just shitty videogames from a Retro reject.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Developers trashing reviewers... how unprofessional and without tact can you get? Well, if you made "The Guy Game", then I guess you can go pretty low :p

These guys definitely deserve to go under, the sooner the better.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I Think there's a bigger issue that I haven't seen mentioned yet.... how in the hell did this get approved by SCEA and MS?


DarienA said:
I Think there's a bigger issue that I haven't seen mentioned yet.... how in the hell did this get approved by SCEA and MS?

I was thinking the same thing. They turn down games (ACTUAL GAMES) all the time yet they approve this garbage?
What's sad about this game is that the trivia questions are quite good, most of the girls are hot or at least cute, and the presentation is well done. However, as others have pointed out, the gameplay balancing and pacing is really terrible. The usual method for seeing boobs in The Guy Game:

1. Play through a new episode and memorize/write down all the answers and girls' responses.
2. Lose because it's impossible to consistently guess whether the girls will answer correctly.
3. Replay that episode, now armed with all the answers ahead of time.
4. Enjoy the boobage.

There's no other way to do it, that I can tell.

The "Ballz" mini-games really suck, too. Thank goodness you can skip them.


Saint Cornelius said:
You don't like the subject matter, fine, but when people lose jobs it's not glee glee happy time. I'm just edgy 'cause my contract runs out Dec. 24 but whatever :/

It's not about the subject matter. It's about the industry being filled with self-righteous asses too numerous to count. The Guy Game, no matter how shallow it is, has a right to exist. But the people who make it shouldn't be so convinced that they've made such a worthwhile, pure, and important contribution to the industry that it be defended with such venom.

The worst thing that you can do, as a creative person in any field, is be utterly incapable of taking criticism. It will get you nothing except directions to the exit door.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Gazunta said:
I think men - real men, not sexually and emotionally immature males - are beyond that, and calling it The Guy Game sells all males short.
Hmm, are class-action defamation suits possible? :D

*note, this is sarcasm and not intended as serious consideration of a lawsuit.


My 'drinkin' buddies love the game. Half of them are gonna buy it.

You guys who are wondering why SCEA and MS approved it? Cause it will sell, and they know it'll sell. It's a guy party game.

EDIT - Yeah I know BMX XXX didn't sell well, but this one is more of a 'get your buds together' kind of game, and it's real cheap.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
LakeEarth said:
EDIT - Yeah I know BMX XXX didn't sell well, but this one is more of a 'get your buds together' kind of game, and it's real cheap.

It's $10 cheaper than the normal release price, how is that "real" cheap?
Zaptruder said:
If you were responsible for pushing out SOCIETY CRUSHING CRAP then I'd want you fired/killed too.

There's a war in Iraq, unemployment rates in the US are skyrocketing, but The Guy Game is "SOCIETY CRUSHING CRAP"?

xsarien said:
But the people who make it shouldn't be so convinced that they've made such a worthwhile, pure, and important contribution to the industry that it be defended with such venom.

So if YOU spent months/years (god I hope TGG didn't take years to make) on a game, and a bunch of asshole critics shit all over it in hopes that their political-correctness will get them a date, YOU wouldn't be all snarky in response?

I'm much more pissed off about never getting a Uniracers sequel than some stupid trivia game for the Maxim crowd. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a couple of bootleg Nintendo kiosks to report.


hyperbolically metafictive
that's actually pretty funny. just the picture of a husky postadolescent smiling wanly and "this guy reviews games for a living." i laughed. they should have stopped there, though.

and anyway, who's meant to play this game? if i remember college accurately -- and to be fair i don't -- the sort of fratboy douchebags it's ostensibly for are too busy beer-bonging and circlejerking and copping feels off of passed-out co eds to play a videogame about it. so is "the guy game" for guys -- maybe younger guys, maybe much older guys -- who wish they were fratboy douchebags? that's kind of sobering.


Saint Cornelius said:
There's a war in Iraq, unemployment rates in the US are skyrocketing, but The Guy Game is "SOCIETY CRUSHING CRAP"?

So if YOU spent months/years (god I hope TGG didn't take years to make) on a game, and a bunch of asshole critics shit all over it in hopes that their political-correctness will get them a date, YOU wouldn't be all snarky in response?

If the criticism was deserved, then yes, I'd not only expect it, but welcome it. I've been in the position, and I'm better for it.

If these people had any genuine respect for what they do, they'd not only accept the critcism, but maybe - and I'm just floating this idea - use it when/if they try to make a second game, TGG sequel or something completely different.

But this holier than thou attitude they're carrying does nothing for them, and proves the critics right. I refer back to my earlier statement about how anyone can be a game designer, but not just anyone can design a game.
I'd rather take the holier-than-thou view of people that actually created a game - no matter how worthless - than some idiots that sit around eating Krispy Kremes, play through the first level of a game and write up a paragraph or two about it.

And I'd MUCH rather take the holier-than-thou view of the developers over a bunch of armchair reviewers on GA.

MC Safety

It's real classy to suggest men who don't like The Guy Game are:

A) Gay
B) Pathetic losers who embrace political correctness because they think it will score them a date.


Saint Cornelius said:
I'd rather take the holier-than-thou view of people that actually created a game - no matter how worthless - than some idiots that sit around eating Krispy Kremes, play through the first level of a game and write up a paragraph or two about it.

And I'd MUCH rather take the holier-than-thou view of the developers over a bunch of armchair reviewers on GA.

Oh, I get it. The PA defense:


Do you not see how ridiculous it is for a company to react to criticism like this? Do you honestly, truly not see it as juvenile - at best - and bridge burning at worst? I somehow doubt that any blood, sweat, and tears went into a writing a game whose central logic is centered around playing the right video of half-naked co-eds if a question is answered correctly. (Other bodily fluids are up for debate.)

They think people are actually going to pay for this? You can get this crap for free on the Internet, and the only question you usually have to answer is "Are you at least 18 years old?"
Disco Stu said:
It's real classy to suggest men who don't like The Guy Game are:

A) Gay
B) Pathetic losers who embrace political correctness because they think it will score them a date.

Oh, fuck off, Mother Teresa.
xsarien said:
Do you not see how ridiculous it is for a company to react to criticism like this? Do you honestly, truly not see it as juvenile - at best - and bridge burning at worst?

I'm not saying it's not ridiculous! I'm saying that I can SEE WHERE THE DEVELOPERS ARE COMING FROM. Shit, the last game I made was a text-based adventure in the mid 80s for a school project, and I got into a fist fight with the one jerkoff classmate of mine who said it was boring! Was I ridiculous? Hell yes. I see where it's coming from though.

Also, if burning bridges will mean there won't be TGG2 - shouldn't you be happy? ;)

xsarien said:
I somehow doubt that any blood, sweat, and tears went into a writing a game whose central logic is centered around playing the right video of half-naked co-eds if a question is answered correctly. (Other bodily fluids are up for debate.)

Well, if reviewing a weak game is a more difficult job then programming a weak game, then the terrorists have already won, or something.

edit: i switched "reviewing" with "programming"

MC Safety

Saint Cornelius said:
I keep forgetting that I'm here to impress you!

I thought you were here to make ad hominem attacks on people who disliked The Guy Game.

It seems to me as if the makers of The Guy Game intended to make a lighthearted title that would basically be a cash cow -- a quick, out-the-door-and-watch-the profits-roll-in affair. But when they found that they were taken to task for their efforts, their response was not so lighthearted.

If they had a real, insightful defense of their product, well, that would be one thing. But to attack the character and inclination of those who don't like it ...
Disco Stu said:
I thought you were here to make ad hominem attacks on people who disliked The Guy Game.

Yes, because if you actually read the whole thread instead of deciding to pick a fight with me, you would see that I'm the #1 fan of the most wonderful game since nekkid Twister - The Guy Game!

You must be a wonderful critic, what with your amazing comprehension skills.


Saint Cornelius said:
I'm not saying it's not ridiculous! I'm saying that I can SEE WHERE THE DEVELOPERS ARE COMING FROM. Shit, the last game I made was a text-based adventure in the mid 80s for a school project, and I got into a fist fight with the one jerkoff classmate of mine who said it was boring! Was I ridiculous? Hell yes. I see where it's coming from though.

Also, if burning bridges will mean there won't be TGG2 - shouldn't you be happy? ;)

I can see where they're coming from if they're irrational, immature, well-funded brats who think that just because they put work into something means that it should be immune from harsh commentary. Dozens upon dozens of games get trashed everyday. Some deserve it, others don't. But this is the first case I've seen of a company firing back in the form of personal attacks. Just because you had the same reaction doesn't mean it was the correct one. More to the point, I'd guess that if someone said the same thing to you now, you'd be a hell of a lot more reserved in how you respond.

Well, if programming a weak game is a more difficult job then reviewing a weak game, then the terrorists have already won, or something.

To some, programming comes just as easily as writing does to others.


Disco Stu said:
It's real classy to suggest men who don't like The Guy Game are:

A) Gay
B) Pathetic losers who embrace political correctness because they think it will score them a date.
But to be fair, calling The Guy Game a "demeaning piece of shit" and saying "it's porn" was not classy either.
xsarien said:
More to the point, I'd guess that if someone said the same thing to you now, you'd be a hell of a lot more reserved in how you respond.

You haven't been reading too many of my posts, have you? ;)

I don't know. I think it's time I tip my hat to this thread. I seem to have people confusing my arguement in this thread as to me actually LIKING The Guy Game, which really, I don't! I don't! I'm much more of a Miss World '88 kinda guy. :)


Saint Cornelius said:
I'd rather take the holier-than-thou view of people that actually created a game - no matter how worthless - than some idiots that sit around eating Krispy Kremes, play through the first level of a game and write up a paragraph or two about it.

Hey, let's leave Krispy Kreme out of this, okay?



My biggest concern in this is simple. If the devs of TGG are attacking the reviewers on a personal level ....

are they stooping to personal attacks?

Or is it more an even level for them?

Maybe after creating TGG, they figure they could asprire to be a class act, and that's why the personal attacks? It's a step up?

"HomeLAN - How did the idea for The Guy Game come about?

Jeff Spangenberg - I was feeling pretty frustrated with the status quo of video game ideas. I went out to blow off some steam with some friends. We went to our favorite watering hole, which just happens to be a strip club! My friends and I were watching the girls, knocking back a few and playing Madden on the big screen television. We looked at each other and thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if you could put all these things in a video game?”

If only someone saved the little expose of how Jeff Squandered all of the money Nintendo gave him for Retro.
Why would a trivia game play their questions in a sequential order and not randomly?

Do they at least reveal the correct answer if you answer it wrong?
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