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Guy Game Makers Hit Back


Saint Cornelius said:
I'd rather take the holier-than-thou view of people that actually created a game - no matter how worthless - than some idiots that sit around eating Krispy Kremes, play through the first level of a game and write up a paragraph or two about it.

And I'd MUCH rather take the holier-than-thou view of the developers over a bunch of armchair reviewers on GA.

I'm a game developer. The Guy Game is shit. kthxbye.
Gazunta said:
Sorry to say that I have...I know you're not a fan of the game, but you're really taking it to heart...

I guess I just see through the transparency of some of the people in this thread, and it bothers me. For instance, I KNEW Disco Stu was going to come in here and rag on me, you know?

It's not a good game and it deserves most of the scores that it's received. On the other hand, people DID work on this game, and I think they have the right to be pissed & take it personal if a bunch of reviewers (if you haven't guessed by now, I don't have a lot of respect for videogame reviewers in the internet age - Give me Bill Kunkel & Arnie Katz any day over these idiots) decide to have a field day picking it apart.
The games creators are correct. This game is just a simple party game and as such is a fun rental. Whoever at those magazines gave the game a 0 or 1 rating is a politically correct tard.


I'd rather take the holier-than-thou view of people that actually created a game - no matter how worthless - than some idiots that sit around eating Krispy Kremes, play through the first level of a game and write up a paragraph or two about it.

I would like to meet them, maybe they could explain me why I am at 12 of the night working and how I could avoid it.

Ok, just take it as is it. Reviewers, critics exist because there is a demand of them. People want to know about the games that are going to cost their well earned money, because they know that a nice cover and some sentence saying "the best videogame in the worlds" is not enough.

Everyone have a role in this industry, and each one has benefits and disavantages. If you are not happy with your position, change it. A studio can counter a review, that is fair, they can give their opinion. But I find incredible that they try to counter the opinion of someone bashed on how he likes, don´t you see how stupid is that? it´s the answer you can expect from a child of 4 years, not from mature professional guys.

For me this is not a topic about if The Guy Game is bad or none, is about how pathetic is anyone counter a (harsh and maybe offending) opinion laughing about how he likes and how that invalidates his opinion (because you have to be cool and hansome to give your opinion about "The Guy Game", right?).


On the other hand, people DID work on this game, and I think they have the right to be pissed & take it personal if a bunch of reviewers (if you haven't guessed by now, I don't have a lot of respect for videogame reviewers in the internet age - Give me Bill Kunkel & Arnie Katz any day over these idiots) decide to have a field day picking it apart.

Except rather than refute the claims that the reviewer made about their game, they ad hominem attacked him by making fun his collection of videogames AND taste. As much as I support countering opinons with one's own, I simply cannot agree with attacking a person's character as a basis for a rebuttal which puts them clearly in the butthead category IMO.


I read this thread earlier and was quite amused by the thought of any game developer wasting their time rebutting/attacking/whatever you call it an opinion.

Then I came across this post on the gameinformer.com forums


(Yeah, I work there)

Anyway, the poster "brianhansen" just so happens to trace to an Austin, Tx ISP.

Coincidence? No.

Attacking the press? I think that is fair game.

Bashing consumers? That is utterly sick.


Saint Cornelius said:
I think that's awesome. It kinda proves the point I'm trying to make.

I still don't think you've successfully explained what that point is, actually. I think I got the "death to all game critics" bit, but after that you lose me.

If the guy had any balls, he'd at least come out and announce who he is and why he's pissed. Instead he's just another anonymous troll what can't find the shift key. Yawn. The world sure needed more of those.



Guy Game deserves less than zero for the face the guy makes on the front of the box


That's a "PLEASE PUNCH ME IN THE FACE" face if I ever saw one


Saint Cornelius said:
Give me Bill Kunkel & Arnie Katz any day over these idiots) decide to have a field day picking it apart.

Fuck yeah...bring back Ed Semrad!!!!1111!!!

Wait, it has been documented tht he had ghost writers.

Bring back, Joyce Worley!!!!


I think if you're working on a game and you want to keep working on games, you really need a thick skin.

Chances are "my" game will not win any Game Of The Year awards. Chances are some reviewers will quickly dismiss it because it's a "kids" game, or they don't like animal mascot characters, or they didn't like the first game in the series. Chances are that some reviewers won't even play the game. Fine. I get that.

You won't see pictures of reviewers on our company website making fun of their personal lives though. And that's the difference. So no game deserves a bad review because innocent people's jobs are at stake? Sorry, it's just too bad. That's part of this damnable hell hole of an industry.


(more a nerd than a geek)
How DID this game escape the AO rating, anyway?

You play to see naked women. That is the entire point of the game. How is that not pornography?

[Between BMXXX and this, perhaps "MACHURE" games can be set back far enough to keep gaming worthwhile.]


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
it's good to know the GI boards are just as full of retards as the EGM board.
WarPig said:
I still don't think you've successfully explained what that point is, actually. I think I got the "death to all game critics" bit, but after that you lose me.

Just death to the ones that continously have to sign their posts. :D

My whole fucking point, which I will admit is very roundabout and probably not at all conveyed succesfully, but here goes again:

People work hard* on game. Critics - mostly internet ones who haven't done much but critique, drink Mt. Dew & get fat in the back of their parents house - get appalled and break out their online thesauruses to come up with clever ways to tell how awful it is. People that made shitty game fire back at said critics.


I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but to be all shocked at it? Grow a thicker skin, Nancy. And to ask for people to be fired & or fucking KILLED for it? Yeah that's great. Good work.


*again, hard is subjective in this case
Gazunta said:
I think if you're working on a game and you want to keep working on games, you really need a thick skin.

and the critics need to keep that in mind as well

Gazunta said:
So no game deserves a bad review because innocent people's jobs are at stake? Sorry, it's just too bad. That's part of this damnable hell hole of an industry.

goddamn i like how people keep saying shit i didn't say


Saint Cornelius said:

Oh, soitanly. And then I feel free to point out the hilariously dickless manner in which they've chosen to fire back. And the asshole merry-go-round happily continues to spin.

In fact, for all the yacking we've done about it, Topheavy's counteroffensive appears to have pretty much stalled in the garage. The shot at Nich was inspired by a blog post from before the game was released -- they haven't actually spotlighted any genuine reviews as "Dim Bulbs."

I wanna see 'em try and go to the mat with Seanbaby, though, that'd be a hoot.


It's okay for a reviewer to insult the game makers.
And it's okay for the game makers to insult those reviewers back.
But to insult the game makers for insulting the reviewer is out of line?

Just making sure.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
JackFrost2012 said:

It's okay for a reviewer to insult the game makers.
And it's okay for the game makers to insult those reviewers back.
But to insult the game makers for insulting the reviewer is out of line?

Just making sure.

I'd say that's what he's saying, but that's just crazy talk.


Saint Cornelius said:
I think Seanbaby has kinda worn out his schtick, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy stylee.

Maybe, but if the Guy Gamers decided to trade punches in the arm with 'im, I figure he'd come out on top with little trouble.

Judging by their grasp of game design, though, outwitting these guys sounds like a before-breakfast kinda challenge.

EDIT: Then again, Spangenberg is probably the only guy living who ever came out on top of Nintendo in a business deal, so who knows?

JackFrost2012 said:

It's okay for a reviewer to insult the game makers.
And it's okay for the game makers to insult those reviewers back.
But to insult the game makers for insulting the reviewer is out of line?

Just making sure.

Too many cooks spoil the chowder, my friend.


By the way, I'd like to jump back to an earlier fork in the conversation and note that I wish I lived in the back of my mom's house. I'd be rich enough to buy my own island at this point if it weren't for fucking San Francisco rent.



Saint Cornelius said:
See, now I get frustrated with that. Is writing about video games the main way you make a living?

It's the only way I've ever made a living. Dave Halverson hired me three months after my 20th birthday. On track to gross $70K this year.

On the flip side, I've worked three nights of four this week, so the job means I have no life to spend it on.



This thread has certainly taken an interesting route. Sadly, it might be the makers of The Guy Game who have the last laugh here, after seeing all the trouble they stirred up in an effort to ...stir up trouble.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
WarPig said:
Maybe, but if the Guy Gamers decided to trade punches in the arm with 'im, I figure he'd come out on top with little trouble.

Judging by their grasp of game design, though, outwitting these guys sounds like a before-breakfast kinda challenge.


HA! I'm using that for the shitstorm of work that awaits me tomorrow.

Really, what does Topheavy hope to acheive by these personal attacks against the journalist who didn't review the game in a formal manner? Street cred? And "brian" over @ GI is a joke as well. I can only hope that Spangy and crew don't get another chance to release another title. As for the programmers and others that are at the lowest rung, please polish your resumes and get the fuck out.
WarPig said:
It's the only way I've ever made a living. Dave Halverson hired me three months after my 20th birthday. On track to gross $70K this year.

So you make enough to live in San Francisco by writing about video games, and you're complaining about it?

Some of us would probably kill for the opprotunity to live that life. Three nights of work? Boo fucking hoo?


BuddyChrist83 said:
This thread has certainly taken an interesting route. Sadly, it might be the makers of The Guy Game who have the last laugh here, after seeing all the trouble they stirred up in an effort to ...stir up trouble.

I dunno. I don't think this is gonna spawn any of the kind of notoriety that moves units.

If it inspires them to dump on more reviewers, though, hell, I welcome the entertainment. They should go after the OPM review next.



WarPig said:
I dunno. I don't think this is gonna spawn any of the kind of notoriety that moves units.

If it inspires them to dump on more reviewers, though, hell, I welcome the entertainment. They should go after the OPM review next.

They also need to make a shrine to GameDAILY.com, who gave it a 3/5.

The entire game seems like a joke, and the guys over at TopHeavy know it. The punchline is that they can film a bunch of girls taking their shirts off, slap some flimsy trivia game on it and charge $40. The worst part? It'll sell. Not great, but enough.

They know this, and they know how wrong it is. That's the best part, you see. They don't even have to try. They can attack reviewers all they want, it doesn't matter one way or another. For fuck's sake, they got paid to make The Guy Game.


Saint Cornelius said:
Actually I'm bitter because I've been hopping from contract to contract for over a year now. You should make a joke about that as well!

What the fuck am I talking to people here for? Jesus.



Agent Dormer said:
You know what's really great? Katamari Damacy comes out next week. That's really good news.

You're goddamned right that's good news.

What's also good news is that you can buy two Katamaris for the price of one Guy Game. Get it for someone you love!



Tag of Excellence
Agent Dormer said:
You know what's really great? Katamari Damacy comes out next week. That's really good news.
Yeah I agree, we should just start talking about how that's better than The Guy Game.

In retrospect if this starts a flame war between the creators of "Barbie Horse Adventure" and "The Guy Game" then this might have been worth it.
I guess the best thing that could happen would be this game not selling. Their bitchy post on their site won't matter much if they can't move many units... I just can't see this doing well. I still can't believe it's $50.

I'd be interested in the sales numbers for this game.
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