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had you thought about what will you do when you get to the last part of your life?

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I will eat and drink and live my life to the full. Next week im taking my tent and fishingrod, a case of beer and a bottle of Jura whisky and som entrecotes and go camping by a lake for a couple of days. Imagine wasting youre life afraid of living it, holy shit.

Oh no, today i ate a pizza I hAve tO gO aNd RuN for 24 hours now, oh no im drinking coffe, i need to Stopz that couse its dangerous....Can you imagine that there are fucks like this out in the world? Holy shit....I got my self a bit upset so now i gonna order sashimi and a steak from 2 different places and drink a beer just couse i can. And no im not rich, it will cost me about 40 dollarinos and i just choose that over other things.
Some people spend their lives worrying about dying instead of living


Hopefully I’ll have a decent pension and I can have grandkids visit (if my kid has any) and catch up on my TV show and book backlog.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Pushing 50 and still kinda living my life in many ways as if I was half my age. I have definitely slowed down but can still hang with the rug rats! But I acknowledge that there needs to be changes, pretty major, if I am going to make it in the next decade more gracefully in many regards. Physically I still feel "mostly fine" but my lazy lifestyle cannot be good forever. Also my mind has always felt particularly sharp (as well as can be self-judged) and between abusing myself, depression, sleep deprivation etc I can feel that starting to show some signs of wear and tear as well. As in "get better habits in the coming years or things may not be so wonderful."

As far as money, work, productive things to spend my time? I just don't like to linger on it too much, it is tiring.. depressing.. I feel like it's been a long, lonnnnng half-century. The world has been good to me but yeah I am tired of it, I have long felt this way that the experiences/relationships/career stuff I have gone through, they have been good for building my character and all of that but considering more of the same (going through more of the same with the reverence for what all of that means) is just unpleasant to think about. I might chalk that up to depression, feeling kinda stuck in many regards in my life (and I take full ownership for the reasons that all of that is the way that it is, I refuse to consider myself "a victim of circumstances" haha). Maybe if something happens to unseat my current lifestyle/trajectory then it will knock some sense, purpose, excitement back into my feelings about the future. Right now it's a pretty flat line.

as someone in a similar situation, I'm basically just going to keep on with my current path of life style. maybe if I ever find someone who I actually care enough for, I might change a little. but otherwise, I think I'll just stay the same til I can't enjoy life any more. at which point I'll just find some way to end it.

I completely agree with the live life as best you can part, but definitely up for throwing some good health practice in there too. if for nothing else but to at least extend the time I have to enjoy the things I love.

It’s terrible enough to see how your body starts failing around 40 even if you don’t do anything to actively damage it. Plus I see plenty of old and unhealthy people every day, so I know how easy it is to just don’t give a fuck until one day you find yourself full of pain and physically unable to do simple stuff. Let’s not speak about mental disease, that’s just awful and it’s terrible how medical advances can prolong the life of mere human husks for decades after the brain has effectively gone.

I often think about the future and one thing I try to do is to stay thin. Obesity brings so many burdens and diseases with it, if you can avoid it you’ve already done a lot of good work for your later years. Another thing I do is read a lot and try to keep interested in new stuff. There’s really no prevention for dementia, but if you happen to avoid it, you don’t want to be someone who doesn’t know how to pass the day after retirement.

yeah. things can go south pretty fast, and I honestly feel modern medical advancement is getting to the point of being a disservice to human life. but that's a whole other topic.

and yes, obesity is for sure one of the best way to ensure yourself a miserable old age in terms of health. really need to avoid it if possible. I'm lucky that I'm only 40 lbs overweight for my height, but I definitely need to get back to doing more exercise and lose some of it. thou it's getting kinda hard now a days with my slowed down metabolism and lowered energy. we'll see I guess. and I whole heartedly agree with the keeping interest in new stuff part. my dad, ever since he moved to this current place, had really not been doing much outside of watching TV and movies. in the last 2 or 3 years, it's been very telling how his memories and reactions had all gone down a lot. he had starting going to a physical therapy place recently to help with his general mobility, but I told him to try doing something to keep his mind active too. not sure if he'll listen or not, but that's about all I can do.
I don't have an answer yet. That's kind of worrying for some. The future is just unclear for me right now and the world is a ticking time bomb from my point of view. Ignorance is bliss.

The only way I can get a handle on any of this shit is to become self employed at some point so that I'm in control of my own fate so that I can funnel that energy into a hobby that could maybe help others.


Hold onto your panties
this might be a rather bummer topic, so please ignore it if you feel that way. and let me preface this by stating that, I'm getting close to 50 now. and due to my work in the last few years, I face a lot of elderly folks in a medical setting; which makes me think about these sort of things a lot.

I don't think I dread the idea of death, but I do have a certain amount of fear when it comes to getting old. more specifically, getting old to the point of not being able to take care of myself or do things for myself. as someone who lives alone, I really don't want to become one of those folks who can bearly eat or function in daily life or can't enjoy life in general. I know it's inevitable for everyone, but it's something that bothers me. it also affects the way I see society and it's structure in terms of the treatment for elderly folks sometimes. I understand it would be a lot more different for those who have a well established family with their partner and children, of course. but had anyone ever thought about not wanting to live so long to the point of becoming a burden to those around you?

again, sorry if this is a downer topic. just want to air out some thoughts.
Not a bummer topic at all. I've been near death 4 times and I'm nearing my later 30's. I respect death can/will happen at any given time and I'm at peace. Doesn't mean I'm a daredevil and look for death but the fear is gone. I've already started getting greys, go to sleep early/get up early. My hearing in both ears is 30% gone and my wife sometimes has to shout things. I've been exposed to chemicals in my younger years which could lead to cancer or otherwise, and I'll cross that bridge. It won't always be easy or painless either.
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