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HAHA! gonna sell my dreamcast too biatches!! mooooney!!!


Ah yes I'm perpetrating the one unspeakable act of evil! Dreamcast and 20 games should be liquidated by thursday

I'm sad but happy! money!!! but no more DC. but MONEY!!!!!!!

I'm turning into a PS2-only kid!

I'm also offloading my digicam, wich sucks more than the DC IMO, but that's a whole other story... I thought I got the shaft on that one anyway, the new models came out just after I got it. it sucked a lot of ass being ripped off for insta-old hardware. I liked the little (well it's kind of big...) bugger still. served me well.

Hey, any one want a 13 inch TV? I've got one gathering dust, and that could bring in a few pennies too. :D

everathang must go!!

That shelf is gonna look mighty empty now... I think it'd need some sprucing up... maybe the pizzaz of a PStwo, but that's ways off... maybe I should tell my sister to gimme back my CD-X... yeah... I could play some Lunar EB... :)


DC games seem to have very very low aftermarket value amongs mainstream gamers since its still awfully easy to get self-booting pirated games.


I didn't say I was getting a lot of money for it, but hey, situation demands... and it's gonna be enough to cover a few items.

If it's any indication, every damn time I played it I had to reset the clock, because the damn battery had time to run out in between sessions..

It'll be better this way, now it's gonna fill a poor family's kid's gaming needs as a budget-but-not-quite-ass-like-a-PSone machine. at least it's gonna get used

"wanna cookie?"

yes please, I could use a little quarter-to-10 snack. fill up that poutine-lubrified belly of mine.


oh shit, I just remembered I have to cancel that damn Live account too before I unload da 'X... I just so rarely use it, I almost tend to forget I even have live...


situation demands...


"Cocaine's a helluva drug"


cocaine? nah, I'm gonna be huffin' car paint fumes :D:D:D:D:D and a whole lot of exhaust/chemicals at school....

should be plenty fun ^_^


nah, I'm too nice to do that, and I'm too much of a lazy bastard to search for the isos.

and besides, while looking at the Sega Rally 2005 thread I thought: "well isn't this poetic? my liquidation of the DC coincides well with Sega's steepest downwards spiral of suckage. between this and Shenmue Online, fuck 'em"

besides, I can always get SFIII 3rd Strike on PS2 now, should the need arise.


if I was getting only 20 bucks I wouldn't part with it. add a 5x.

actually, the clock is kept alive with a battery. It should be able to recharge when the console is powered on, but when sessions are 2+ months apart, that sucka is always dry.
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