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Halo 2 ownage...


Doth Togo said:
...you play as both the covenant and the big 'ole MC... the covenant tank is wicked...

I read that :( I thought it was just going to be impressions, oh well it's not really story related, and it could be crazy cool if true.

Doth Togo

Ah. Your question.

Ilovebees. Yes, well, the "bees" are a new kind of machine enemy you must fight. Lots and lots of them. Good luck trying to shoot them down.

That's all I can think of that relates to bees. I could be way off, though.


How does that tell me how it fits in with the girl sending messages at ilovebees.com? Unless I missed something... don't sue me.


DJ Demon J said:
First Strike hints at Halo 2's ultimate goal. And old enemies will reappear and be just as guilty as before.



I thought is was a foregone conclusion that GS, not to mention the dreaded F-word, would be back. I'm happy about'em both. :D
Ecrofirt said:
How does that tell me how it fits in with the girl sending messages at ilovebees.com? Unless I missed something... don't sue me.

Fall of Reach discusses Cortana's origins and other AI and John's growing up learning from AI teachers. The Humans and Covenant both use AI. There are specialized AI routines, some are hacking, some are strategy, etc. Cortana is a primarily hacking AI, but she's the most advanced learning AI the Humans have ever created. Fall of Reach also hinted at what happens when an AI "thinks" itself into oblivion--similar to insanity in humans. Messages like those written on "ilovebees" may tie in to that.


needs to show more effort.
is co-op finally not stupid in that you and your partner have semi infinite lives? =\

I couldn't stand co-op because of that but I rememver loving co-op in Perfect Dark.


slayn said:
is co-op finally not stupid in that you and your partner have semi infinite lives? =\

I couldn't stand co-op because of that but I rememver loving co-op in Perfect Dark.

I can't seem to find it, but somewhere I read that there is no more 'hopscotching around' when playing co-op on Legendary - when one player dies, both start back at the last checkpoint. I have not read how it will be handled for other modes, though I personally hope that the other player won't respawn until the survivor hits the next checkpoint, rather than when he just backs out of the fight.


I thought it was when both characters die.

Going back to the beginning if one of you is done is a tad bit extreme.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
the bungie guys said that when one character dies (this is on legendary) it's back to the last checkpoint for you both.


needs to show more effort.
that seems a bit extreme... though still better than Halo 1.

Idealy I would htink it would be:

if one person dies, they are dead until the other player reaches the next checkpoitn at which point he will be respawned. If both die, both go back to the last checkpoint or something similar.

As long as its not as it was in Halo 1 where I would be in the same room, surrounded by enemies, and suddenly find that if I duck behind a barrel my partner comes back to life. Then he goes and dies, but I'm still behind the barrel so he's right back there with me.
Doth Togo said:
This is true for legendary. As for the other levels, I've been dragged along by my partner a few times. It's funny.

All this Halo 2 talk is making me want to play. Doth, wanna game?


catfish said:
the bungie guys said that when one character dies (this is on legendary) it's back to the last checkpoint for you both.

!? When either player dies you automatically get reset back? There had better be a hell of a lot more checkpoints!

Better yet, this would be fine I suppose if they allow SAVING AT CHECKPOINTS during Co-Op. Nothing, NOTHING was more frustrating than playing 2 hours of AoTC or Two Betrayals to only have to quit because a friends Wife was calling him back home, or it was time to go to the bar. It isn't really a problem except on Legendary, which can really stretch out the playtime through some of the longer levels.


Sai said:
I thought it was when both characters die.

Going back to the beginning if one of you is done is a tad bit extreme.

Well, it is only on Legendary and then only to the last checkpoint. But considering how hard Legendary is supposed to be, it could be pretty brutal.

Which is just how Legendary should be.

SyNapSe said:
!? When either player dies you automatically get reset back? There had better be a hell of a lot more checkpoints!

Better yet, this would be fine I suppose if they allow SAVING AT CHECKPOINTS during Co-Op. Nothing, NOTHING was more frustrating than playing 2 hours of AoTC or Two Betrayals to only have to quit because a friends Wife was calling him back home, or it was time to go to the bar. It isn't really a problem except on Legendary, which can really stretch out the playtime through some of the longer levels.

This is so true.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Doth Togo

can you save mid level on co-op?


you've been warned....

Halo 2 starts with a (briefly) triumphant return of MC and also delves into the Covenant hierachy (quasi-religious council). Two main characters, Master Chief and a Covenant Elite, are played in turns by the player through the SP campaign. MC must fight back against an overwhelming force of Covenant on Earth, while keeping them away from artifacts crucial to their Prophet leaders plans for galactic domination. The Covenant Elite, meanwhile, fights to redeem himself and may find unlikely allies along the way...


man, you guys suck. you could sorta describe the game you know?
"its good, i like it"
...yeah, thanx for those stunning impressions there dude...

Doth Togo

The second level, Cairo, involves the use of an improved Ghost, Warthog, tank and a new Covenant tank. You race through the underground streets of Cairo in the Ghost with an improved speed boost, which, in turn, is exactly like F-Zero.

The guns in Halo 2 include... a new Covenant sniper rifle, dual automatic machine pistols, battle rifle with 2x zoom, as well as old favorites like the pistol. The standard machine gun from the original Halo is not used...

Playing as the Covenant is very cool.

That is all. Carry on.

you've been warned....

Multiplayer levels are pretty incredible, and almost all are very large. Vehicles litter the maps--much like UT2004. Although it's a challenge for a small group to bring down a Warthog filled with even numbers with just machine gun fire alone, on some maps there are placed energy canisters (think exploding barrels). I haven't seen any ridiculous physics like in Halo 1 yet, but I assume they're still in there. That's not to say that Warthogs don't get launched in the air when hit with explosives (or bodies flying through the air if they didn't get out of the warthog in time before it goes ciritical and blows up).

The fabled plasma sword is either kept in an out of the way area (not hidden, just far away from the main action) or in a centralized, easy-to-see-but-hard-to-get-to location. I still haven't figured out how to get it to do one hit kills (I've killed people in one hit, but that's been because they've been slightly damaged before). I've tried holding various buttons down, but it doesn't seem to do anything different than the two animations for slashing. However, it is a pretty quick weapon, so it's not hard to flick off two swipes (which WILL kill ANY enemy, even an overshield protected one). The challenge is maintaining a close enough distance to your enemy (charging head-on at someone to try and get a quick kill gives them a nice big target to stick a plasma grenade to). However, if you can manage to get stealth camo and sneak up on someone...

Ghosts and Banshees have new L-trigger functionality (boost). The Covenant Mortar Tank (for which I can't remember the name right now) is also included on many maps, and it too has a boost option, which gives it some much-needed mobility. Ghosts can get up to some pretty high speeds now, so expect lots of bodies flying as n00b pilots try to master the controls.

One of the coolest aspects is the ability to jump on a moving vehicle and forcibly eject the driver out. Run after a ghost or time your jump right at it and hold X and the camera will switch to 3rd person as you see MC (or your Covee Elite) hop on the back. X again (or it may be A I forget) will kick their punk ass off and you'll take the wheel. This ejection won't kill the other player (unless you kick them off a cliff or into some other nasty place). Not sure if it's possible for that player to deny your attempted boarding with their own button presses. Suffice it to say, I think the coolest experience yet has been jumping off of a high level with perfect timing to land on the back of a Banshee, kick the driver out in mid-air and watch him fly to his death. :D
Doth Togo said:
The second level, Cairo, involves the use of an improved Ghost, Warthog, tank and a new Covenant tank. You race through the underground streets of Cairo in the Ghost with an improved speed boost, which, in turn, is exactly like F-Zero.

The guns in Halo 2 include... a new Covenant sniper rifle, dual automatic machine pistols, battle rifle with 2x zoom, as well as old favorites like the pistol. The standard machine gun from the original Halo is not used...

Playing as the Covenant is very cool.

That is all. Carry on.


new guns are a Brute launcher (the weapon used by Covenant Brutes), and a much improved Needler. No sighting of the flamethrower or Covenant Fuel Rod Gun yet.
Doth Togo said:
One upsmanship, eh, DJ?

Nah, we can just comment on different aspects...you've made it farther in SP than I have, I've probably played more multi than you, so it all works out.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Did you play multiplayer on Xbox Live, or is the XBL feature closed until November 9th? If played on XBL, how is the lag?
Wario64 said:
Did you play multiplayer on Xbox Live, or is the XBL feature closed until November 9th? If played on XBL, how is the lag?

No XBL. I very much doubt there will be lag. Lag is your fault (not you, Wario); each user's speed is the cause, not anything that a game company does--network code notwithstanding, but still). I've had very few laggy games in my entire XBL experience over 2 years with a variety of broadband connections in different geographics areas.


DJ Demon J said:
I still haven't figured out how to get it to do one hit kills

Get close and get your reticule on them, then wait just a second for it to turn red and "lock on".


How about a general impressions update? i.e. Hey guys it's a lot like Halo 1 with some new tweaks and no crappy repetitive levels?

I guess that would be my hope.. I know vehicles are supposed to be used more frequently, but how about throwing us some basic impressions w/o spoilers?


I can't believe some of you can't keep yourself from reading spoilers,its ELEVEN days away and you're gonna ruin the game for yourself this close?Amazing.
SyNapSe said:
How about a general impressions update? i.e. Hey guys it's a lot like Halo 1 with some new tweaks and no crappy repetitive levels?

I guess that would be my hope.. I know vehicles are supposed to be used more frequently, but how about throwing us some basic impressions w/o spoilers?

Well of course it's more of the same, it's Halo. The impressions can't be given without spoilers, because the game really adds a lot in SP campaign. Yes, it's still an FPS, yes, there are new guns, yes, there's new enemies, yes, there's dual-wielding, what more impressions can I give without revealing the plot? That's the main draw here. It's not like they gave the game RPG elements or something...


If I had to describe Halo 2 in one word I'd say "more."
I find it funny that there are pirates in this very thread who have played through Halo 2, and have even posted impressions at that "other" forum, yet they are in here discussing the game with DJ Demon and Doth. Am I the only one who finds that funny?
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