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Halo 2 ownage...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
DJ Demon J said:
Well of course it's more of the same, it's Halo. The impressions can't be given without spoilers, because the game really adds a lot in SP campaign. Yes, it's still an FPS, yes, there are new guns, yes, there's new enemies, yes, there's dual-wielding, what more impressions can I give without revealing the plot? That's the main draw here. It's not like they gave the game RPG elements or something...


If I had to describe Halo 2 in one word I'd say "more."

I guess saying something like "The game is fantastic, it has a more cinematic feel! The battles are a lot better drawn out now that Elites can mock you! I consider Halo 2 to be much more of an enjoyable experience than Halo because story elements from both the books and from Halo have been more fleshed out and become even more believable."

or something along those lines

Doth Togo

:lol at pirates.

People, buy the game if you're such a fan of it. Support those games you really enjoy. No sense in stealing from those who you truly admire.

I'm preaching here to the choir, I know. It sucks and is painful when companies that spend millions of dollars on development costs and thousands of hours of production labor to get a game ripped off by some 17-27 year old anti-social misfits who can't get laid. I've seen companies go under...close their doors and fire their staff...because pirates rip off the game before it hits retail. Granted, the game may suck, but don't mock those who try.

And yes, I've met with a lot of the pirates who've been busted by the Feds over the years and they're all the same.

/ends tirade
DopeyFish said:
I guess saying something like "The game is fantastic, it has a more cinematic feel! The battles are a lot better drawn out now that Elites can mock you! I consider Halo 2 to be much more of an enjoyable experience than Halo because story elements from both the books and from Halo have been more fleshed out and become even more believable."

or something along those lines

Well that's pretty much exactly it, but I don't think it would be that hard to figure out from the gobs of media coverage of Halo 2 so far. Personally spoilers (barring ending spoilers of course) don't spoil an experience for me. I just think it's funny that people want to know more about the game but don't want spoilers. Come on....
DJ Demon J said:
Well that's pretty much exactly it, but I don't think it would be that hard to figure out from the gobs of media coverage of Halo 2 so far. Personally spoilers (barring ending spoilers of course) don't spoil an experience for me. I just think it's funny that people want to know more about the game but don't want spoilers. Come on....

Could you answer one specific question: How much has the Covenant AI been improved, and do the battles feel improved overall for it? Thanks in advance if you can answer.:)
PanopticBlue said:
Could you answer one specific question: How much has the Covenant AI been improved, and do the battles feel improved overall for it? Thanks in advance if you can answer.:)

Well, haven't played on Normal difficulty yet, but Legendary seems harder. The Covenant AI is very smart and uses cover effectively and starts running as soon as MC produces a grenade in his hand. It's also tough because the Grunts aren't quite as stupid this time around. The entire Covenant knows of the "demon" the Humans have on their side and what it is capable of...I haven't played any of the campaign levels with vehicles yet, so I don't know how the AI has improved in that regard, perhaps Doth can handle that. He's played more of the campaign.

Also, the environment is more interactive, so if they are hiding behind cover there's a good chance you can blow it away/move it with superior ordnance. :)
DJ Demon J said:
Well, haven't played on Normal difficulty yet, but Legendary seems harder. The Covenant AI is very smart and uses cover effectively and starts running as soon as MC produces a grenade in his hand. It's also tough because the Grunts aren't quite as stupid this time around. The entire Covenant knows of the "demon" the Humans have on their side and what it is capable of...I haven't played any of the campaign levels with vehicles yet, so I don't know how the AI has improved in that regard, perhaps Doth can handle that. He's played more of the campaign.

Also, the environment is more interactive, so if they are hiding behind cover there's a good chance you can blow it away/move it with superior ordnance. :)

Wow, so is there a lot of destructible bits? Something like geo-mod from Red Faction? The AI sounds awesome too, thanks:)

Doth Togo

Halo 2:



slayn said:
Idealy I would htink it would be:

if one person dies, they are dead until the other player reaches the next checkpoitn at which point he will be respawned.
No, that idea would really suck. Why would you want to play coop like that when the fun of it is playing along side a friend. You would be playing most of the game alone if they put that idea in there.


Doth Togo said:
Both good arguments.

Yeah, it's a tough call. I like the idea of having a more challenging system on Legendary, but for normal play there are multiple ways to go, but I don't see a perfect solution. You don't want it to be too easy, but you want to actually be playing the game with two people for most of the time as well.

We'll know on the 9th (or the 7th if the online reviews cover it).

Doth Togo

I played co-op with a colleague earlier this week and it's quite hard, even if it's not on Legendary. So don't think they made it easier in any form or fashion.
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