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halo 2 will cause riots.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i fucking hope so. if i dont get to tip at least one cop car over i'll be pissed
man, for a few seconds, i really believed it too...

i was like "oh my god, it makes perfect sense!!!"

then i thought it over and realized it made NO sense...
So then I went to Sam Goody ( who seel music DVDs and Video games) and I asked them to check on the release date they checked and they said......*drum roll*......August 24th.....Thats right I said it.

Woah, this kid needs to calm down.


on november the 9th I'll raise my hand to answer a question, I'll just giggle and run out the class saying

"screw you!"




StrikerObi said:

the iDA!!!! wtf??? LOLOLOLOLOL. who has time! i mean i was all into the site over the weekend. it was a good diversion but to create a whole detective agency over it. LOL response after response with censorsed out cursing is just classic.


I just get frustrated with these guy who cant get laid and wish they could **** that Cortana chick in Halo

I mean look how obsessed their getting. Its pathetic. Now they are posting every ****in store in Beaumont its sad. Very Very sad.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That thread is just sad, but it will go down in ages as what a huge game release can do to people. In the same thread we get:

- Mexicans can not learn about www.ilovebees.com
- IDA (Internet Dorks Agency) is always on the case
- Anyone who joined the forums within a few days can not be trusted about ilb

What the hell is wrong with everyone? This really freaked me out. "I am sorry, but I just can't trust someone who just joined these forums a few days ago to speculate about ILB. But hey I really hope you are telling the truth."

Some people need to loosen up a little bit...I mean damn.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
There was a scent on the street, lingering in the air much longer than such a smell should hang around. I could feel it encasing my body and clothing, leaving a reminder to myself and anyone who passed me on these shady streets, where the lighting was as spotty as my facial hair growth, which I had passed by this place in my journeys. I grabbed a pack of smokes out of my left coat pocket, slowly sifting around for my lighter in my right pocket, but jabbing around for it after a few seconds of blind search only returned lint. I discovered it passed the business card of the blond who I had met at Charlie's last Thursday evening when I passing my usually vodka cascade past my lips. She was a cute number that held a tune pretty well, but she ended up turning up some past priors when I ran her name through later as a Jane who liked to work the upper left side, but she did flag something interesting. Something that had brought me to this wharf. Something that had caused me to go nights without sleep the past week and a half, fighting for sleep amidst the sounds of the fan rotating the stale air around the bedroom and the scent of pasta sauce coming from the apartment below me. I'll never understand why that lady in 5B cooked pasta sauce at 3AM every morning, but it probably had to do something with the cheating husband she had coming home at all hours of the nights every night of the week. It was murder on her, and it was murder on me. Where's a cop to charge these asswipes when you need one.

I lit my cigarette and took a long drag to both steady my nerves and get the scent that filled the air out of my lungs and nostrils. The cancerous smell evoked many feelings in me, and I welcomed them in this hell hole as I waited for my contact to arrive. I smoked it to a bud, counting the ambers as they fell to the ground in a beautiful dance that provided for some type of way to pass the time. If I had a watch, I'd probably be checking it between the glancing over my shoulder, the smoking of the cigarette, and the god awful stench of whatever the fuck had died. This is my life. I'm Agent Dormer, and I'm the lead investigator of the iDA - ilovebees.com Detective Agency.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I will not be satisfied that this game is all it can be until there is an actual MURDER inspired by the hype.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Watching the ambers was getting old and I could feel new wrinkles appearing on my forehead as a frowned yet again, causing me to feel bad because that blond, even though she was a bit of a tramp, had told me that wrinkles didn't suit me. Aw, what the hell did I care - even with protection I'd probably wake up with a visitor next morning that would keep the burning coming for years to come, and I didn't want any of that. All I wanted was answers. That's why I was here, and that's why I was going over anything pertaining to the case.

It was a hot July afternoon and I had been at work, shuffling some papers on my desk to look busy while nursing a box of Chinese food from the mom and pop joint from across the street. It had been in business by a few illegals a few months ago, when the INS came in on a call placed by a random customer who had received some shrimp in his vegan special. That was the problem nowadays, there was too much specialization required, from washing machines to Chinese food. Now some elderly Polish immigrants ran the place and it put an interesting spin on Shrimp Lo Mien. All I could say is I always checked my shrimp to make sure they were cooked.

While doing just that, opting to grab a plastic spork from the garbage instead of goofing with these goddamn chopsticks, a man walked into my office, slowly pushing open the door that produced a nice high pitched noise that made me think I wasn't destined to eat that shrimp. Wouldn't you know, it was part of an infested shipment they had received a week prior. Luck was on my side, which confirmed working on this case was important.

The man who came in was meek, wearing thick glassy and having an extremely nasally sound to his voice that made me imagine shoving an inhaler in his mouth would be a fun time. He introduced himself as B. Edge, and he wanted answers about ilovebees.com...

I needed a drink. And slowly searched around my inner coat pocket for a flask I kept for when this happened and forgot about the cast for a minute. It was a good decision.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
My senses felt alive and my body was instantly coaxed into a state of apathetic behavior as I enjoyed each swig of the vodka I had saved for just this situation. It was cheap, and tasted more like lighter fluid than any type of alcohol, but it did the job just right.

Anyway, B. Edge blathered on and on about some type of internet conspiracy and how it related to some game named Halo 2. Now, normally I wouldn’t have pursued the case past the consolation, but the poor sap seemed like a loser who just wanted and answer, and that might be enough to help him move on whatever tragedy he had suffered in his life. Plus, it was getting a little late and I was tired of hold my bladder any longer. I told him I’d take the case and scheduled him for tomorrow. After that I entered the bathroom, relived my self and became totally complacent, not aware of what I would be facing in the coming weeks.


First tragedy, then farce.
Shit like this is what caused me to leave that hellhole of a website (well, that and being IP banned).

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
After I washed my hands a few times with some Irish Spring I found in the inner recesses of the cabinet under my skin, I stared at myself in the mirror long and hard, to the point where I felt if even if I broke the gaze my reflection that I would only see myself looking at me for the rest of eternity. I needed something to eat.

I walked back over to my desk, looked at the information B. Edge had provided me and decided I'd take some work home with me tonight and get started on this case. I had a feeling. My intuition told me I should be jumping head first into this murky water, but I restrained myself and decided I could make these uncharted waters a little bit clearly if I got some food first. As I collected the specific files and put them into my briefcase, I contemplated where I would go to fill up my mental gas tank to power me for a night of fact checking and phone calling, when suddenly the phone rang, and someone I would never expect to hear from was on the other end...
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