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Halo 2's cut-scenes are just stunnning


I know this is old old old news to most of you, but tonight I had a chance to carefully watch all the Halo 2 footage I could find. mainly the stuff on gametrailers. I can believe how good the cut scenes look.... I was wondering if some of it was prerendered but then I remembered Halo 1's cut scenes were all realtime. in Halo 2, when the drop ship comes in for a landing, as it swings around, then the next shot is closer-up, that was just amazing. as are the scenes of Master Chief in the ship getting ready to 'go down town' to earth.... damn, they must be pushing Xbox close to the limit. I'm more impressed with Halo 2 than Xbox Doom3...... the gameplay looks like a great deal of fun. concider me hyped for Halo 2.


Cutscenes will be "sharper"(mentioned by Frankie in one of the updates, don't know what that means yet), and use the highest LOD model, but they are still in-game.

HALO 2's cutscenes should be really great. Bungie's going for a more cinematic approach for them.


Despite the attention and dedication put into the single player game, I think I'm going to first try this baby out online before playing the single player game. Hmm..maybe I can start out playing co-op online, that'd be a nice balance.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
if we can play co-op online, play against me :) (err.. with! WITH!) i don't take lightly to someone stealing warthog driver seats >=]


This is really veering off the subject, but DopeyFish mentioned stealing driver seats so what the heck. I'm really looking forward to what Frankie called the 'warthog parasite' - booting the gunner out of an enemies warthog and taking control. Driving a warthog around with someone gunning your own guys down would be a nightmare - and hilarious for the gunner.


You know, if I could have both Final Fantasy XII and Halo 2 right now, I would gladly waive my ability to reproduce.


I want subtitles :( English isn't my mother language and I tend to follow the story better when I see what they are saying.
Yeah, Halo 2's visuals (interactive or otherwise) look fargin' amazing!

Slightly related:
My favorite Halo-related video is still this one.
Never fails to make me laugh...especially considering the poor performance of the PC version on most setups.


MightyHedgehog said:
Yeah, Halo 2's visuals (interactive or otherwise) look fargin' amazing!

Slightly related:
My favorite Halo-related video is still this one.
Never fails to make me laugh...especially considering the poor performance of the PC version on most setups.

You need to remember, Bungie neither developed, nor published the now shit performing Halo PC version.
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