Urk, how did you place spawn points in the Hallway? I can't get anything to go down there. When I materialize something, it always stays above me, in the level.
Ok... this is my first venture into the world of YouTube... If someone wants the original video file PM me and I'll give you the direct link to the high quality version of it.
This was from a VIP game on Last Resort awhile back. It cost us the game cause had I not died I would have probably been able to save our VIP. The video is funny non-the-less. I had just spawned... ran past our sniper and BAM!!! I at first thought they had a sniper shoot me, but MasterFox says he shot me and had no clue how. Just watch the bullet trail in the video and the direction MasterFox is facing...
Hey Frankie... can I get recon armor? Masterfox is shooting magical bullets and I died...
If it was lag... none of us had host. I know that the saved films will be different for each person who plays it when you play a game together, but the film was the same for my box and his box. I actually watched it in his theatre first, then pulled up mine and recorded it. It probably was lag, but still crazy to see the bullet not just go "through" me and straight to the left.
I've had a couple of fun MP games, and a couple of very frustrating ones. Just had a game where I lost most of those mêlée slot machine pulls, several in a row - despite seeing my strike extend first. I realize I'm LTTP on this, but it really feels broken.
If it was lag... none of us had host. I know that the saved films will be different for each person who plays it when you play a game together, but the film was the same for my box and his box. I actually watched it in his theatre first, then pulled up mine and recorded it. It probably was lag, but still crazy to see the bullet not just go "through" me and straight to the left.
Next playlist update, what do you want to see happen?
Personally I'd like to see a Hardcore style playlist (with the usual BR starts etc etc),
BTB Ranked playlist, remove BTB from Social and perhaps increase Social Skirm and Social Slayer to 6v6, Lone wolves increased to 6-8 players per match and Maybe even a Snipers/Shotty-Snipers playlist (though i doubt that would get that much traffic) and take it out of slayer. Anyway, 2 cents put in and all that. Any other thoughts?
Next playlist update, what do you want to see happen?
Personally I'd like to see a Hardcore style playlist (with the usual BR starts etc etc),
BTB Ranked playlist, remove BTB from Social and perhaps increase Social Skirm and Social Slayer to 6v6, Lone wolves increased to 6-8 players per match and Maybe even a Snipers/Shotty-Snipers playlist (though i doubt that would get that much traffic) and take it out of slayer. Anyway, 2 cents put in and all that. Any other thoughts?
I played a squad in BTB last night that all had fashioned tits as their icons. Some were pink, some brown, some tan and each had different nipple colors and diameters. lolz.
I played a squad in BTB last night that all had fashioned tits as their icons. Some were pink, some brown, some tan and each had different nipple colors and diameters. lolz.
It never hit that grenade though. We watched it and the grenade was way past the barrel of the gun when it fired. Truth be told, I modded to get my gun to shoot sideways like that. Stunner just was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The ranking system is absolute garbage. I'm now 24 in Team Slayer, and start to play Lone Wolves. Now I'm rank 9 there and get my ass kicked in every game with a -10 spread.
I'm not even going to complain about the absolute lack of correlation between the numeric levels, or the apparent complete disregard to the rank/medal status. I'm just boggled how the fuck can it be so hard to create a ranking system which would occasionally rank me to matches where I stand a chance.
I've been thinking that I'll skip Orange Box since I will only play Halo 3, but I think I'm about done with this crap.
The ranking system is absolute garbage. I'm now 24 in Team Slayer, and start to play Lone Wolves. Now I'm rank 9 there and get my ass kicked in every game with a -10 spread.
I'm not even going to complain about the absolute lack of correlation between the numeric levels, or the apparent complete disregard to the rank/medal status. I'm just boggled how the fuck can it be so hard to create a ranking system which would occasionally rank me to matches where I stand a chance.
I've been thinking that I'll skip Orange Box since I will only play Halo 3, but I think I'm about done with this crap.
The ranking system is absolute garbage. I'm now 24 in Team Slayer, and start to play Lone Wolves. Now I'm rank 9 there and get my ass kicked in every game with a -10 spread.
I'm not even going to complain about the absolute lack of correlation between the numeric levels, or the apparent complete disregard to the rank/medal status. I'm just boggled how the fuck can it be so hard to create a ranking system which would occasionally rank me to matches where I stand a chance.
I've been thinking that I'll skip Orange Box since I will only play Halo 3, but I think I'm about done with this crap.
LW is a radically different style of play, though. That's why there's separate rankings for each ranked playlist. Someone might be really awful solo, but great in team games, or vice versa...
I'm kind-of disappointed that the final rank wasn't something special, since it's soooo much more EXP than the rank one step below it. I've secretly been hoping that the final rank wasn't just another General rank, and was actually "Master Chief."
Oh well. It's still neat (and crazy) that someone has played over 5000 games of Halo 3. His medals chest is nuts.
Edit: His social medals chest has some medals I literally didn't know existed in Halo 3, and I thought I knew about all of them, so if medals are a spoiler to you, don't view them
I've never seen the invincible medal before now
To give you an idea of how much EXP 5000 is, there are only SIX Halo 3 players in the entire world that have even HALF as much EXP as him.
Yep. Happens mostly when there are players with a Star badge or a badge with many stars come into the game.
I can buy the argument than Team Slayer rank is not directly comparable to LW, but surely it would be able to draw some conclusion if dude is L40 with less games than what I have for my L24. That just might indicate we are not a great match.
And for the record.. In about every one out of three LW games I get a spread around +10. Which is fucked up too.
The ranking system is absolute garbage. I'm now 24 in Team Slayer, and start to play Lone Wolves. Now I'm rank 9 there and get my ass kicked in every game with a -10 spread.
I'm not even going to complain about the absolute lack of correlation between the numeric levels, or the apparent complete disregard to the rank/medal status. I'm just boggled how the fuck can it be so hard to create a ranking system which would occasionally rank me to matches where I stand a chance.
I've been thinking that I'll skip Orange Box since I will only play Halo 3, but I think I'm about done with this crap.
While the ranking system is certainly questionable I think you are putting the cart before the horse. Is your ranking the only reason you are playing and your sole level of enjoyment?
Yep. Happens mostly when there are players with a Star badge or a badge with many stars come into the game.
I can buy the argument than Team Slayer rank is not directly comparable to LW, but surely it would be able to draw some conclusion if dude is L40 with less games than what I have for my L24. That just might indicate we are not a great match.
And for the record.. In about every one out of three LW games I get a spread around +10. Which is fucked up too.
Well, I mean that's the nature of playing ranked matches at a low rank.
When I was moving up the LW ladder, I'd occasionally get MY ass-kicked by 10s, 14s, etc. The thing is, those were players on their way up to being 40s. They just hadn't gotten there yet. The rank that someone is at the moment you play them doesn't necessarily represent the rank they're going to peak at (and therefore doesn't represent their skill). The more games played, the more accurate the numerical rankings.
You actually kinda proved my point, by saying you're occasionally getting +10 spreads, too. To me that indicates that you're getting matched with players who's skill really IS rank ~10, while you yourself are on your way up to 25, or so.
I'm kind-of disappointed that the final rank wasn't something special, since it's soooo much more EXP than the rank one step below it. I've secretly been hoping that the final rank wasn't just another General rank, and was actually "Master Chief."
Oh well. It's still neat (and crazy) that someone has played over 5000 games of Halo 3. His medals chest is nuts.
Edit: His social medals chest has some medals I literally didn't know existed in Halo 3, and I thought I knew about all of them, so if medals are a spoiler to you, don't view them
I've never seen the invincible medal before now
To give you an idea of how much EXP 5000 is, there are only SIX Halo 3 players in the entire world that have even HALF as much EXP as him.
It was accomplished entirely by boosting. Check his game history.
I don't think I'd normally even post this as news - but it sort of blows me away. oriol pointed out a newspost on Grunts R Us that purports to find the first Five-Star General in Bungie's ranking system. I went to look, just because I couldn't imagine how good the guy had to be... and I found page after page after page after page of boosting games. In fact, I had to go back 60 screens (of 25 games per screen) before I found my first non-cheating game! (I didn't look at EVERY screen, so I might have missed one or two - but the VAST majority of those first 60 pages are filled with boosting matches in Social Doubles.) This continues until about the 190th screen (of 218) - that's well over 4500 cheating games out of a total of 5400. THAT'S what it takes to get to 5 Star General? No thanks. (This, folks, is the sort of attitude that made Bungie turn off Leaderboards in Halo 2.)
My screens from Friday night updated! Nothing spectacular. Just showing a (rare, for me!) successful Energy Drain deployment. I tossed it into the middle of a pack of three, the one in the foreground lugging the bomb.
Results were predictable, though the SPOD I used on one of them caught him off-guard.
I took out those two, and the bomb carrier tried to go around (shieldless) and met a gristly demise at the hands of a team mate.
Ya know, I play this game an unhealthy amount, and yet there's people out there who have a 1K+ games over me legitimately. It's unbelievable when I put it into context with the amount I play myself and I'm no where near it. :lol
When I checked out the link to that guy's account you could tell at least some of it was obviously boosted. Kinda disappointing, boosting combined with it being (seemingly) much easier to get to higher ranks now.
Ramirez said:
Ya know, I play this game an unhealthy amount, and yet there's people out there who have a 1K+ games over me legitimately. It's unbelievable when I put it into context with the amount I play myself and I'm no where near it. :lol
Really? I've played very little the last two weeks and have over 800 games played, that's not that much. I know people who have (legitimately) 1,500 or so games played.
When I checked out the link to that guy's account you could tell at least some of it was obviously boosted. Kinda disappointing, boosting combined with it being (seemingly) much easier to get to higher ranks now.
Really? I've played very little the last two weeks and have over 800 games played, that's not that much. I know people who have (legitimately) 1,500 or so games played.
Well in theory they didn't want to punish you for playing unranked games. Rankings and exp are different things; you only get exp in social. I wind up playing a lot of social since there isn't any large party sizes allowed in ranked playlists, at least right now. Most of the time there's more than 4 of us, so it's off to social.
The obvious fix to all this would be to not give you exp if you win because the other party quits. Legitimately that happens pretty rarely, so it would be a non-issue. Boosters could still do it by actually finishing matches, but it'd take a looooot longer. It'd be awesome if they made it retroactive, and watching people go from Generals to Captains :lol
The ranking system is absolute garbage. I'm now 24 in Team Slayer, and start to play Lone Wolves. Now I'm rank 9 there and get my ass kicked in every game with a -10 spread.
I'm not even going to complain about the absolute lack of correlation between the numeric levels, or the apparent complete disregard to the rank/medal status. I'm just boggled how the fuck can it be so hard to create a ranking system which would occasionally rank me to matches where I stand a chance.
I've been thinking that I'll skip Orange Box since I will only play Halo 3, but I think I'm about done with this crap.
Yeah, you'll be better off in TF2 where individual skills mean less in the face of good teamwork, and different classes allow people to contribute in ways other than straight shooting. It's all I play online anymore.
Yeah, you'll be better off in TF2 where individual skills mean less in the face of good teamwork, and different classes allow people to contribute in ways other than straight shooting. It's all I play online anymore.
cept it was pretty terrible on 360... has it gotten a patch yet. I only played two different times and thought the netcode ruined the play experience. I hear pc is the only way to go with TF2
While the ranking system is certainly questionable I think you are putting the cart before the horse. Is your ranking the only reason you are playing and your sole level of enjoyment?
I think you got me wrong - I don't care that much about my rank. Only K/D spread. But what I care about is having an enjoyable game - which is even, not overwhelming in either way.
I think you got me wrong - I don't care that much about my rank. Only K/D spread. But what I care about is having an enjoyable game - which is even, not overwhelming in either way.
Does anyone else never go underground on Snowbound? I pretty much just grab a Carbine and play deadly predator on the top portion of the map. It's rare for me to lose an open-field battle with a BR or Carbine, so this strategy usually leads to me going +10 or better. What gets frustrating is when my teammates keep rushing the lower levels, and I can literally watch the other team's kill count go up every second.
I don't know why, but I just don't "get" High Ground. My k/d ratio there is the worst of any map. First of all, the Ghosts break the level. Second, the level always spawns enemies behind you. Nothing is worse than lining up a sniper shot on someone only to get pulled out of your zoom, and turning to see some idiot running at you with his assault rifle blazing. Does anyone have any tips on how to properly play this map?
Last thing. Of all the weapons to be affected by lag, I think the Needler gets the biggest boost. Why? Because if the lag is bad, you can't tell when your opponent starts firing, and so you might die when on your screen the opponent has only fired off two or three Needler rounds. I've lost count of how many times I've been killed by five needles or fewer (I know it's really more, but that's what it looks like on my screen).
I'm kind-of disappointed that the final rank wasn't something special, since it's soooo much more EXP than the rank one step below it. I've secretly been hoping that the final rank wasn't just another General rank, and was actually "Master Chief."
Oh well. It's still neat (and crazy) that someone has played over 5000 games of Halo 3. His medals chest is nuts.
Edit: His social medals chest has some medals I literally didn't know existed in Halo 3, and I thought I knew about all of them, so if medals are a spoiler to you, don't view them
I've never seen the invincible medal before now
To give you an idea of how much EXP 5000 is, there are only SIX Halo 3 players in the entire world that have even HALF as much EXP as him.
Does anyone else never go underground on Snowbound? I pretty much just grab a Carbine and play deadly predator on the top portion of the map. It's rare for me to lose an open-field battle with a BR or Carbine, so this strategy usually leads to me going +10 or better. What gets frustrating is when my teammates keep rushing the lower levels, and I can literally watch the other team's kill count go up every second.
I don't know why, but I just don't "get" High Ground. My k/d ratio there is the worst of any map. First of all, the Ghosts break the level. Second, the level always spawns enemies behind you. Nothing is worse than lining up a sniper shot on someone only to get pulled out of your zoom, and turning to see some idiot running at you with his assault rifle blazing. Does anyone have any tips on how to properly play this map?
Last thing. Of all the weapons to be affected by lag, I think the Needler gets the biggest boost. Why? Because if the lag is bad, you can't tell when your opponent starts firing, and so you might die when on your screen the opponent has only fired off two or three Needler rounds. I've lost count of how many times I've been killed by five needles or fewer (I know it's really more, but that's what it looks like on my screen).
I go underground to ferret out the campers. That's it. i really wish there was a switch somewhere to turn the doors off or even a temporary way to overload them. Spawn camping on doubles is horse shit on Snowbound.
Stop being a sniper whore on High Ground. Move. Grab the SMG and have some fun.
On Snowbound I usually crouchwalk down right to one of the bases entrances to the shotgun cave, then I wait for the other team to go running for the shotgun, they don't see me on radar so the run for the shot gun, I throw a grenade. Usually nets me a nice double kill when playing doubles
I need some better players to play with, just went down from a 47 to 46, and I hate playing games where I'll get 19 kills but we'll still lose since some some guy on my team goes -13