Hey Frankie/whoever, I thought this might be interesting to some people about kids and their ideas toward Halo.
Anyway, I've said before, but I work with school age children at a daycare place. I talk to a lot of kids every day about video games(mostly Minecraft and Pokemon and stuff), but today it turned toward Halo talk. I asked if any of the kids saw E3 or the Halo trailer, they all said no.
So I described the trailer to them all and they were freaking out and then from there they were talking about what they wanted in the new Halo game.
Some stuff like "bigger scope on DMR!" and "More Tank and truck[Scorpion and Warthog] stuff!", "More sniper file missions!" They also wanted the option to vote as a team on colors for a match before the match like how we vote for maps. Like vote to be red, blue, green, purple, yellow, or whatever. Kind of a strange, but I thought it was interesting. Also, they all wanted ranks back like Halo 3. I was surprised, because they're all like 8-11 years old. Anyway, those were the most demanded. Except for the joke "bigger boobs" for Cortana, but whatever
Then we moved on to Halo: Forward Unto Dawn. The three boys I was talking to were two nine year olds and one ten year old. All three had see FUD many times. Between them, they said they saw it 11 times. But they're kids so it could have been exaggerations, but whatever. All three of them absolutely adored the movie and want new ones made pretty much yesterday. They loved the teenager aspect and the badass MC vs Hunter fight. They all agreed the best part of the entire thing was during the training segment where Lasky and his team took off their helmets and set up the ambush with the FoF tag sensors thing.
It's not much, I know, but I thought it was kind of funny how kids pick up certain things from the games. They're not the target audience for Halo, I'm sure, but they sure do seem to make up a large part of sales.