Every single weapon should be useful, either through direct use (CE AR had 64 bullets but emptied a clip faster than later AR's with 32 bullets. It had a shit ton of spread, but UP CLOSE it was a fucking. animal. It obliterated the Pistol as you can see many times in
this video.) or by a unique trait that it has (Plasma Rifle stun, that little glitch where an AR could activate Camo faster, etc.). Why? Because why have a weapon in your sandbox that is outclassed in a specific situation it should excel at? People requesting stopping power being added to Sword users blew my mind..
I want a useful useful AR (in multiplayer, in single player, especially in Halo CE, the AR works just fine). Not something that is outclassed by shotgun/sword/whatever for for close range work 99% of time, outclassed by similar weapons at similar ranges due to unique functions (Plasma Rifle stun in Halo CE, plasma dealing bonus damage vs shield in later Halos combined with melee), outclassed by semi-automatics at range (in Halo 3 and Reach, BR/Carbine/DMR could beat AR at even
close range easily, provided you weren't screwed by lag or bloom).
Basically i want an automatic utility weapon. As a serious option.
My main issue with the concept of utility weapons is that i get bored if i have to use one or two weapons all the time, not counting power or special* weapons and the leftovers are usually not worth using. Most dual-wieldable weapons or sidearms are not really good enough or are way too specialized without actually being special/power weapons, not if my options are them, utility weapons or power/special weapons.
This is why i like Halo 4's sandbox, there's a lot of options. Or would like if they were better balanced, more diverse in function and the automatics were actually utility weapons.
Just make automatic utility weapon difficult to use effectively but
good (easier said than done of course. Perhaps something akin to ODST SMG, most effective if fired in rapid short bursts, with full auto being useful at close range?).
*I define special weapon as something that isn't (quite) a power weapon but neither is it trash (SMG/Spiker/Plasma Repeater/Suppressor, pistols Halo CE aside) nor an utility weapon. The Plasma Pistol with its EMP, the Grenade Launcher, perhaps the Brute Shot/Concussion Rifle, Needler and Sticky Detonator too.
And honestly, Halos need better weapons in single player, or more ammo for them. Or more interesting weapons.
In Halo 2, i stick with the goddamn Carbine all the time, when i don't have a power weapon. It is good and it is common but it does get boring. Alternatives either lack ammo or are not available (BR) are mostly shit, lacking either punch or range (why bother with SMGs when the Carbine deals with enemies faster from range?). There are things like the Brute Shot but it is rare and has very limited ammo.
In Halo 3, the BR is more common now but the Carbine is good if the BR is not available, and one of them is almost always available. Also power weapons are more common so... Half the sandbox is unused due to being mostly worthless.
Reach... noob combo or power weapons. The AI is too strong for anything else. Hell, the DMR/Nerfle alone suck in that game's campaign.
In Halo 4 i use either power weapons or the Lightrifle (plentiful ammo, superb weapon for marksmanship).
Oddly, i think i use the most varied arsenal in Halo CE, but i don't like it really. For most encounters, i've noticed that most weapons are practically interchangeable, but all are... uninspired... (three automatics, 4 if you count rapid firing the Plasma Pistol, 5 if you count the Magnum due to its ability fire automatically..., and the boring old trio of Shotgun, Rocket Launcher and Sniper we've seen in most shooters).
I think older shooters tend to have more interesting, varied and useful arsenals.
But i guess the ability to carry all of them too helps with this, it makes balancing easier, since everyone has everything, no?
I cannot, however, take carrying all the things seriously in a game that isn't something like Unreal Tournament. Hell, it is in the damn name,
unreal. I wouldn't like a serious game having ability to carry everything. Unless, of course, everything is in a single multi-function weapon sometimes postulated in scifi (the best example of these i've read about is the varigun in The Risen Empore by Scott Westerfeld, the weapon contained explosives, rapid fire mode and others). Of course, this makes the whole idea of picking up weapons utterly pointless, so the "scavenging weapons" element vanishes.
I guess a class-based shooter can get around this issue easily enough while being realistic, instead of everyone having everything, both/all teams have everything.
EDIT for fucks sake. I digress way too easily when i'm tired. My original post was a quarter of this one's length.
Forgot about Backwash. That was a cool map.
Yup. Beautiful, i liked its feel a lot. Never got to play it in Live MP though, didn't play Halo 2 on Live with the original Xbox, only with 360. Wasn't a particularly good map for 3-4 player FFA.