I can't wait for more over-hyped, incorrect leaks.
Very nice of them to do that.
Here's the original image:
Non-truncated URL:cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Iron-Man-in-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Movie.jpg
Shinobi says it's Halo 5
...Am I supposed to see a difference here?
So MC gets a team and goes around the universe kicking ass?
So MC gets a team and goes around the universe kicking ass?
I mean MC having an actual team would be awesome actually!
So MC gets a team and goes around the universe kicking ass?
I mean MC having an actual team would be awesome actually!
I'd be okay with this loldidact, arby, s-2's, brute leader.
CBOAT with a cryptic message about iron man and Frankie with a little tid bit to tell us. Is there going to be some news like this week or something?
didact, arby, s-2's, brute leader.
HALO for XBOX ONE will no longer be known as HALO for XBOX ONE, from tomorrow.
So MC gets a team and goes around the universe kicking ass?
I mean MC having an actual team would be awesome actually!
At the IMAX right now for Godzilla, so pumped!I'm interested in whatever Halo news comes out tomorrow. Of course, Halo will be battling my attention with Godzilla.
Like GMT tomorrow or what ever time zone the place where they are tomorrow?All signs point to tomorrow, and by all I mean Frankie's sleep count points to tomorrow.
"Halo 5" gasppppHALO for XBOX ONE will no longer be known as HALO for XBOX ONE, from tomorrow.
Probably on about the rumours of Iron Man being in Guardians of the Galaxy. As to why it's in a Halo thread...er...no idea. Wild guess symbol of Chief leading blue teamYes I just want blue team back and will shoe horn it in anywhere.
CBOAT with a cryptic message about iron man and Frankie with a little tid bit to tell us. Is there going to be some news like this week or something?
Like GMT tomorrow or what ever time zone the place where they are tomorrow?
Steven Weintraub
if you're looking forward to GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY...you might want to check Collider at 9am PST tomorrow morning.
"Halo 5" gaspppp
Who thought Dominion Light was a good idea? Frankie? Tashi? Both?
So what just happened? I don't get it? Like Uncle Leo, I'm also an old man and confused now.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Star-Lord appears in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episode "Michael Korvac" as the lead of the Guardians, who arrive on Earth in pursuit of the titular villain.
Star-Lord is played by Steve Downes, best known as the voice of Master Chief in the Halo series.
There's a Guardians of the Galaxy event tomorrow morning, and some folks are suggesting there's either a Halo thing at the same time or that Halo is somehow tied into it. Maybe.
Gonna bet its a huge fuss over something small.
There's a Guardians of the Galaxy event tomorrow morning, and some folks are suggesting there's either a Halo thing at the same time or that Halo is somehow tied into it. Maybe.
Gonna bet its a huge fuss over something small.
There's a Guardians of the Galaxy event tomorrow morning, and some folks are suggesting there's either a Halo thing at the same time or that Halo is somehow tied into it. Maybe.
Gonna bet its a huge fuss over something small.
-- Is that the shaving the hair off people in cryosleep and burning it for heat story? He seemed a bit shaken when Beamish came up.Ask Kevin how Beamish survived outside of cryosleep with no food or heat. (canonical fact, Beamish was intended to be a recruit, and was at the start the same age as the kids, but his crypod failed. So when they got to Corbulo he was too old to enter the program and found a job more suited to his skills and level of sanity.)