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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO

Glad to see the definitive confirmation. Frank's post was worded kind of weird, so I wasn't sure what exactly he was saying, it definitely implied they weren't coming back but it's good to hear that.


Frank, please, I have a request.

You guys talked about how cool it is to have all the games under one UI.
I think it's cool too, but...
I just realized that, theres a charm and a nostalgia when you are sitting in each individual game menu and listening to the background soundtrack, while the camera pans over the view/city/halo. Is there a chance you can somehow implement this ?

I was thinking, maybe changing the boring background, from this here:

To a kind of fades between all 4 Halo games ? So the Halo CE comes first, then it fades into Halo 2, then to Halo 3 and finally Halo 4... And then back again:

I hope someone maybe can help me illustrate this, editing those pictures into the MCC menu and making a gif out of it ?
Not the text or selecting method, just the background videos of all Halo games menu's.


re: abilities/AA's from above: It's good, but it doesn't help if those (or some of those) are just transferred to abilities for all players (i.e. everyone has thrusters, everyone can HULK-SMASH, everyone can cartwheel away from danger [though, lbh, this would b p kewl]).

I'm looking forward to H5 almost entirely to see what they've learned from H4. I know they're going to use data from MCC to see what the player base actually wants to play, not just what the loudest voices say they want to play... which does make me a little nervous b/c the kiddos out there do love jetpacks and magic and there's only so many of us old farts from back in the day still interested in Halo. It seems they're taking multiple steps in the right direction with the MCC alone though so I am hopeful.

They're looking to integrate more interactive maps which I like (w/ the new ascension; though I'm more interested in gates, doors, lifts, etc... vs massive shields or shield popping buttons). I'm hoping the launch map count is significant with H5 and there are enough options out there for the cream of the crop to be able to sustain a playlist alone as the less-than-superior maps kind of fall by the wayside. Didn't really have that option with Reach/H4 as there were so few "good" competitive maps.

I know they spent a ton of time and resources on SpOps, but I hope they can swallow their pride and accept Firefight is just a better mode all around than what they achieved with SpOps. Yes, it improved in Season 2, but at least for me, FF on a bad day was so much better than SpOps on a good one. They could change the formula quite a bit and improve it significantly (quit reusing so many assets, make it less linear, add some serious customization options like FF has to encourage replay) but then it essentially does become FF at that point.

I would love some Forge-like options with either FF or SpOps, but I have no idea how difficult creating custom spaces where AA is interacting with things you created would work... would need someone like Fyre to respond. Basically, creating 'mini-campaign' like missions is what I'm talking about where you can set up waypoints, objectives, etc... to complete in a given space like you'd see with a FF or SpOps 'map' but be able to create the space you're playing in using Forge/terrain options.

Back on topic; they're dumping AA's, talking about bringing ranks back, bringing 1080p/60fps/dedis to Halo, and CE/2 online.. seems like they're going in the right direction and I'm in. Like I said, getting an Xbone just for the MCC.


Frank, please, I have a request.

You guys talked about how cool it is to have all the games under one UI.
I think it's cool too, but...
I just realized that, theres a charm and a nostalgia when you are sitting in each individual game menu and listening to the background soundtrack, while the camera pans over the view/city/halo. Is there a chance you can somehow implement this ?

I was thinking, maybe changing the boring background, from this here:

To a kind of fades between all 4 Halo games ? So the Halo CE comes first, then it fades into Halo 2, then to Halo 3 and finally Halo 4... And then back again:

I hope someone maybe can help me illustrate this, editing those pictures into the MCC menu and making a gif out of it ?
Not the text or selecting method, just the background videos of all Halo games menu's.

Or just play the relevant music and background when you're waiting in a game lobby. That'd be awesome.
Ordnance Drops
Armor Abilities
XP Unlocks

1 down, 5 to go!
Ordnance Drops (the animation of dropping in from orbit or materializing in indoor areas) are really cool and I hope they return. The randomness of how they were implemented at launch is what needs to go IMO (and hopefully this is what people mean when they simply say "Ordnance Drops").


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Just remember, no AAs and no loadouts would us just bring back to the old standard. We now also need a good weapon sandbox and good maps

The old standard is still THE standard

Sprinting ruined map control, loadouts gave people too much power from the start, AAs screwed up CQC, map verticality, engagement

Infinity and ordnance was a big mistake... makes multiplayer a confusing mess...perks just did the same shit.

Predictability went down the tube. You couldn't effectively plan and execute.

Oh and elaborate animated executions just hurt stealth, trying to just "tap" someone didnt work unless you were super careful with your button presses

Basically H4 was designed to be unfriendly to everyone.

Halo 2/3 is like chess. You slowly move out, deploy power and maintain control.

Halo 4 is like chess except you could only see the king and everyone else looks like pawns and all their starting positions were scrambled. That might be a pawn but it might be a queen, or a bishop or a rook. Who knows?


Such a heroic speach. I am very inspired.

Hopefully the biggest lesson they learned is that adding more abilities and direct counters to them is not balance. No more band aids. Cohesive MP day 1 please. The beta is a good step in this direction.

And yea, weapons disappearing quickly, not ammo on the map, and weapon indicators all have to go.

Weapons disappearing was a hardware issue I believe but I agree it needs to be fixed as does the lack of ammo on maps. However I don't agree about the weapon indicators.

In the competitive modes I can agree that removing them would be a good thing, however in the social/casual playlists I think it's a good thing. I genuinely don't have the time to play enough Halo where I can learn when and where weapons are going to spawn. Maybe make it so the indicator appears 30 seconds after the weapon spawns.


Ordnance Drops
Armor Abilities
XP Unlocks

1 down, 5 to go!

That would be too good to be true. Removing sprint and giving players a quick, response strafe while still having good movement speed to be able to traverse the map quickly. One can dream, right?
That would be too good to be true. Removing sprint and giving players a quick, response strafe while still having good movement speed to be able to traverse the map quickly. One can dream, right?

Sadly, I doubt that sprint's going anywhere. it's too standard of a feature these days
Ordnance Drops (the animation of dropping in from orbit or materializing in indoor areas) are really cool and I hope they return. The randomness of how they were implemented at launch is what needs to go IMO (and hopefully this is what people mean when they simply say "Ordnance Drops").
Keep them for customs, I could see them working okay in a invasion type game in conjunction with the tiers.
Aside from that I don't want them anywhere else.


Sadly, I doubt that sprint's going anywhere. it's too standard of a feature these days

Yes, it's a standard feature these days. The same can be argued for ADS. But, let us look at Wolfenstien that just came out.

The ADS in that game doesn't do anything special. You can hipfire with perfect accuracy throughout the entire game. Quite frankley it was such a breath of fresh air after playing all these "modern shooter" these past years.

I'm positive the removal of sprint would be celebrated rather than argued by fans. It would be another "breath of fresh air" just like Wolfenstien's shooting mechanics. 343i just needs to take a leap of faith.

Halo's identity crisis has gone on long enough. Halo used to set industry standards; instead of following them like they do now.
The old standard is still THE standard

Sprinting ruined map control
The subpar weapons (increased kill times, deliberately inconsistent weapons, etc.) and overall sluggish gameplay (kept getting slower and longer to kill as time progressed) did more harm to map control than sprint did.

Halo 2/3 is like chess. You slowly move out, deploy power and maintain control.
Like chess you say, eh? I read a very interesting post regarding just that.

It was in response to this post regarding competitive Smash Bros.

Keep them for customs, I could see them working okay in a invasion type game in conjunction with the tiers.
Aside from that I don't want them anywhere else.
Why not? It functions no different than past games except that it actually looks cool instead of appearing out of thin air without any cool effects.
I know they spent a ton of time and resources on SpOps, but I hope they can swallow their pride and accept Firefight is just a better mode all around than what they achieved with SpOps. Yes, it improved in Season 2, but at least for me, FF on a bad day was so much better than SpOps on a good one. They could change the formula quite a bit and improve it significantly (quit reusing so many assets, make it less linear, add some serious customization options like FF has to encourage replay) but then it essentially does become FF at that point.
I feel the same way. I'd like to see Firefight back again, but with some definite improvements over Reach. No more shooting galleries with infinite ammo and super shields, just straight up get dropped into a fucked up situation with whatever you have on you and get basic supply drops at the end of each round. Maybe each death decreases initial ammo by a certain percentage to add to the overall feel of urgency.

I also really wouldn't mind an ODST-style central hub that you could mess around in with persistent Covenant invasions to keep thing Firefight-y.
I feel the same way. I'd like to see Firefight back again, but with some definite improvements over Reach. No more shooting galleries with infinite ammo and super shields, just straight up get dropped into a fucked up situation with whatever you have on you and get basic supply drops at the end of each round. Maybe each death decreases initial ammo by a certain percentage to add to the overall feel of urgency.

I also really wouldn't mind an ODST-style central hub that you could mess around in with persistent Covenant invasions to keep thing Firefight-y.

I feel like I'm the only person who ever mentions this, but Firefight Versus has CRAZY potential to be the next huge mode in Halo if they combine it with Invasion. Imagine controlling different species (Grunts, Jackals, Hunters if you earn enough points doing whatever, etc.). Look at OverRun mode from Gears; easily the best part of that game.

So much potential and there won't be the same BS that was hurting FF in the past, like input delay and lag. For real, Firefight plus that PvP mode would keep me in those playlists far longer than shitting solely on computers.. FF is a fun mode to just chill back and play, but if they want it to have some serious legs they need to expand upon the PvP aspects, especially when it won't negatively impact the quality of ODST Firefight (4 people against computers, fighting to stay alive, etc.). Throw in some new Objectives for both gametypes and bam, legit playlist.


I feel like I'm the only person who ever mentions this, but Firefight Versus has CRAZY potential to be the next huge mode in Halo if they combine it with Invasion. Imagine controlling different species (Grunts, Jackals, Hunters if you earn enough points doing whatever, etc.). Look at OverRun mode from Gears; easily the best part of that game.

So much potential and there won't be the same BS that was hurting FF in the past, like input delay and lag. For real, Firefight plus that PvP mode would keep me in those playlists far longer than shitting solely on computers.. FF is a fun mode to just chill back and play, but if they want it to have some serious legs they need to expand upon the PvP aspects, especially when it won't negatively impact the quality of ODST Firefight (4 people against computers, fighting to stay alive, etc.). Throw in some new Objectives for both gametypes and bam, legit playlist.

The Vidmaster achievement for ODST firefight was one of my favourite Halo moments. It really was a difficult challenge, and incredibly fun and satisfying to play through. I personally wouldn't want to be controlling enemy units and sending them in to fight, because that really is nothing like Halo.

I think if they added in some tower defense style things, like Gears had with Horde it might make it more interesting, but I really enjoyed ODST firefight just the way it was. Reach was fun occasionally, but there was really nothing to strive for as far as achievements went; I really only spammed gruntocalypse for easy exp. They almost need some sort of ranking system for it, a leaderboard, or something you can earn while doing it that doesn't promote using the easiest possible mode and farming it.

Daily challenges are problematic, because a lot of people don't have a ton of time to play, so they feel obliged to get the most out of their time; which I don't think firefight does for a lot of people. Just give us some brutal Vidmasters to do again, or some great armour to unlock, or simply a rank to achieve, combine that with ODST's map design and I think it will work really well.
Frank, please, I have a request.

You guys talked about how cool it is to have all the games under one UI.
I think it's cool too, but...
I just realized that, theres a charm and a nostalgia when you are sitting in each individual game menu and listening to the background soundtrack, while the camera pans over the view/city/halo. Is there a chance you can somehow implement this ?

I was thinking, maybe changing the boring background, from this here:

To a kind of fades between all 4 Halo games ? So the Halo CE comes first, then it fades into Halo 2, then to Halo 3 and finally Halo 4... And then back again:

I hope someone maybe can help me illustrate this, editing those pictures into the MCC menu and making a gif out of it ?
Not the text or selecting method, just the background videos of all Halo games menu's.
This is a really good point. I love the individual game's menu screens. Something will be lost if they're not kept.


The halo 4 menu screen excited me the first time only. Once I played the campaign and Spops and saw how stupid of a direction they were taking the story I stopped caring. I had no feels anymore.
The Vidmaster achievement for ODST firefight was one of my favourite Halo moments. It really was a difficult challenge, and incredibly fun and satisfying to play through. I personally wouldn't want to be controlling enemy units and sending them in to fight, because that really is nothing like Halo.

Nah, you literally control the units themselves lol. As in, you play as a Grunt. For example, you ever played Firefight Versus and played as an Elite against human Spartans in Reach? Just like that, and just like OverRun mode from Gears of War Judgment. Insanely fun, such potential, much wow.

Imagine controlling a Suicide Grunt and blowing yourself up to clear out an area, then respawning as a Skirmisher to gain control of said area quickly. Maybe even Skirmishers can function like Wretches in that they can access hard-to-reach areas. Gain enough points and you can earn a Gold Hunter that walks slow, has strong melee attacks and a special beam that's on a recharge timer or something, while fighting 4 enemy Spartans trying to do their objectives/survove.

gAg CruSh3r

Nah, you literally control the units themselves lol. As in, you play as a Grunt. For example, you ever played Firefight Versus and played as an Elite against human Spartans in Reach? Just like that, and just like OverRun mode from Gears of War Judgment. Insanely fun, such potential, much wow.

Imagine controlling a Suicide Grunt and blowing yourself up to clear out an area, then respawning as a Skirmisher to gain control of said area quickly. Maybe even Skirmishers can function like Wretches in that they can access hard-to-reach areas. Gain enough points and you can earn a Gold Hunter that walks slow, has strong melee attacks and a special beam that's on a recharge timer or something, while fighting 4 enemy Spartans trying to do their objectives/survove.

I would enjoy this a lot. That was the only thing I enjoyed with GOWJ (only played the demo lol). It would be really fun to create this gametype/map in forge.



"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" - Enfinit 2012


Ordnance Drops
Armor Abilities
XP Unlocks

1 down, 5 to go!
Considering the Spartans were sprinting in the Halo 5 multiplayer trailer, I'd assume it was in. Which isn't too bad.

Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.
They shouldn't be in the game, or at least patched when discovered, but in Halo 2's case it helped make the game it was. I'm indifferent to the button glitches still being in Halo 2, I feel like the majority of players aren't going to know about them/won't use them constantly.

Also, random unrelated side note, Is it still possible to get a 50 in Halo 3 in Team Slayer? Me and a few buddies were contemplating going back and trying to get up to a 50 (starting in the 35-40 level range), but I didn't know if the population was consistent enough to be able to (or if the only people in the ranked playlists in Halo 3 are all ex-Halo pros who live out their nostalgia).


Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

Just mention how he doesn't like to cap the last flag in a CTF match to hoard more kills ;]
dat stat padding is realllll
-- EXP ranks were always more problematic than 1-50 ranks IMO

As someone who never played H2 multi, do I have a chance at learning these combos?
Honestly, if you've played Halo games after Halo 2, you should be able to quickly dominate in that game because of how much hand-holding the aim assist provides for the player. Unless you're only[/i talking about the combos, which in that it still shouldn't take too long, aside from maybe landing consistent double/quad shots ;b

gAg CruSh3r

Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

I don't mind button combos because it always felt sooo good doing a BXR on a opponent. As long they have some type of tutorial of how to do them for the rookies. I'm okay about it.


Why not? It functions no different than past games except that it actually looks cool instead of appearing out of thin air without any cool effects.

I think this could be a nice way to kind of indicate to new players where the important weapon and powerup spawns are without really taking anything away.

But then again, everything on the map in Halo 4 is labeled anyway...


Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

I definitely support them. They add an additional layer of depth to the game (though quad-shotting got kind of silly in Halo 2).

It's amazing to me that all the cool glitches in Halo CE were unintentional. Hell, that entire multiplayer suite was one of the most serendipitous things in gaming.


Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

I'm cool with them as long as they're not glitches and actual well-explained mechanics of the game.


Halo isn't a fighting game. Button combos are ridiculous.

Hated it in H2 and I still hate the idea now. And how is implementing something that only a few people can do, fair? Isn't that what we're all going for here? A Halo that puts every player on equal ground?



Halo isn't a fighting game. Button combos are ridiculous.

Hated it in H2 and I still hate the idea now. And how is implementing something that only a few people can do, fair? Isn't that what we're all going for here? A Halo that puts every player on equal ground?


What if they explain how to do it in the game?
Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.
I didn't like button combos in Halo 2 because not only did I have trouble pulling them off, but because I thought they messed up the fantastic rhythm of Halo's combat.

So, yeah, I'd probably be against them in any situation. Plus Halo isn't a fighting game.


Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

Everyone in the Guardians trailer is already playing Vanquish, so I wouldn't be opposed.

Seriously, I'd play the fuck out of first person Vanquish.
Why not? It functions no different than past games except that it actually looks cool instead of appearing out of thin air without any cool effects.
Are we talking about gaining points towards ordnance or just how weapons appear on the map in general?
The only way I could see 4s ordnance system working is in firefight or a invasion game type (get better weapons as tiers progress)
If it's just for looks hell yeah, doesn't really bother me.
Frank, please, I have a request.

You guys talked about how cool it is to have all the games under one UI.
I think it's cool too, but...
I just realized that, theres a charm and a nostalgia when you are sitting in each individual game menu and listening to the background soundtrack, while the camera pans over the view/city/halo. Is there a chance you can somehow implement this ?

I was thinking, maybe changing the boring background, from this here:

To a kind of fades between all 4 Halo games ? So the Halo CE comes first, then it fades into Halo 2, then to Halo 3 and finally Halo 4... And then back again:

I hope someone maybe can help me illustrate this, editing those pictures into the MCC menu and making a gif out of it ?
Not the text or selecting method, just the background videos of all Halo games menu's.
This would be such a cool idea.

Most of the UI & backgrounds obviously is an early build.

I don't see these:






staying at all for the Universal Menu UI & Background.

The UI leaves a lot of room to the right for some reason. Imo, the background should have a cool 3D live wallpaper like H4 for example.

Rocks and Debri are orbiting around Requiem and then if you switch to MP the camera shifts towards Infinity's Exterior and into the bridge or some other part of the ships interior.

It doesn't look or feel like they appeal enough when trying to fit with this glorious Halo collection. Based on what we've seen so far. It's way too early to be judging when so much can and will be changed later on.


Hard light shield, ehhh. There are a couple of guys in my game who pop it every time they're one shot. Fuck me it's annoying


Whats everyones stance on button combos by design?

They were glitches in Halo 2, sure, but I liked what they added to the game. If you had the skill to pull them off the reward was great.

With talk of these new spartan abilities I hope there are combos to do a faster melee, BXB.

Maybe they could shoot some rifle faster due to some trickery.

But speaking of Melee, bring back the Halo 2 melee dodge. You could side strafe the sword, and the best part, if the enemy was aiming for your head and went in for the melee, you could crouch and dodge it.

I'm really not a fan of button combo's that directly impact combat. In Halo 2 they were a necessary evil because there was absolutely no shooting skill-gap other than button combos. I like combos that allow a player to speed up their own actions-per-minute but don't determine the outcome of a face-to-face battle. I would much rather have skillful shooting be the focus, not memorizing button combos.


Nah, you literally control the units themselves lol. As in, you play as a Grunt. For example, you ever played Firefight Versus and played as an Elite against human Spartans in Reach? Just like that, and just like OverRun mode from Gears of War Judgment. Insanely fun, such potential, much wow.

Imagine controlling a Suicide Grunt and blowing yourself up to clear out an area, then respawning as a Skirmisher to gain control of said area quickly. Maybe even Skirmishers can function like Wretches in that they can access hard-to-reach areas. Gain enough points and you can earn a Gold Hunter that walks slow, has strong melee attacks and a special beam that's on a recharge timer or something, while fighting 4 enemy Spartans trying to do their objectives/survove.

Yeah I played the mode and thought it was gimmicky, got incredibly boring once we got the achievements for it, whereas the horde mode didn't.

As someone who never played H2 multi, do I have a chance at learning these combos?

Yes. They aren't particularly difficult to learn, but they are hard to master and use in high pressure situations - BXR and BXB can get you killed pretty easily if the other guy just double melees you when you fuck it up and double/quad shotting is improperly is a pretty easy way to lose a BR battle. You most likely wont see them crop up too much, as it's generally safer to just go for a 4 shot instead.

Halo isn't a fighting game. Button combos are ridiculous.

Hated it in H2 and I still hate the idea now. And how is implementing something that only a few people can do, fair? Isn't that what we're all going for here? A Halo that puts every player on equal ground?


Anyone can learn how to do them, although I suppose the information is perhaps limited to older players. Just add tips in the loading screens that give a tutorial or some shit for the newbies. The game is technically equal ground, since you can always expect them to be brought out, it's not the same as someone randomly getting a SAW from a drop and wasting you because a second ago they only had a DMR.


I wouldn't mind combos returning as an intended feature, but I'd much rather have some other "unintended" mechanics return (nade launching weapons and power-ups, sharing power-ups, quick camo, etc.).
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