jesus I've had enough of this game.
fuck flinch. fuck infinity. fuck the sniper. fuck halo 4
Its a lot better but still some issues. Some comments:
Ask away.
I have some questions as well.
1) Why are there swords on every map? Teams of camo all sprinting on Solace with swords.
2) Why are 50% of games on Forge maps? Its not that they are that bad but the framerate sucks. Is there a way to push Skyline etc in IS?
3) Since the auto's got a buff the Saw needs to go. I dont know how many times I run by a camper, camo with a Saw and I don't even turn around because of stopping power.
4) idk how the DMR got nerfed, seems fine to me. Is what it is I guess.
5) Fuck these needlers all over the place. Rockets/Snipers as static spawn. Needlers are instant kills for camo/jet packers. At least there doesnt need to be multiple static needlers on the maps.
6) The playlists are all over the place. Pro, IS, they are all mixed up. They need a BTB Pro. I hear people asking what the difference is in game.
On another note Throwdown is awesome I just can't play it because I get shit on. If the game was built around it I think the skill gap would be better but if you go in there solo you will get crushed.
Here is my basic shot at a Playlist cleanup:
Team Slayer Pro
Doubles Pro
Team Snipers
Rumble Pit (Infinity and Pro)
Multi Team
Team Objective (Regicide, Flood, Dominion)
Infinity Slayer
Infinity BTB
Infinity Objective
The basics reason here is the player count is so low you want to bump the population of the core playlists. This would even the skill gap a bit I think.