Play a Custom Game on 10 sensitivity, spin in circles a few times, shoot around, etc. then lower back to what you want. Might help.
Somewhat the same with me as well, won 3 games and lost 3 games. Some of my aiming felt off (mainly with Sniper and a few questionable plays) but I attribute that to being tired. I knew I shouldn't have gotten on, but I did. The last match did it for me, only 3 captures in Strongholds... that never happens with me. That is when I said "Okay, I'm done." Too tired to go on.
Only sad part is this update probably wont happen until right before being a impatient liklbrat.
I'm having same issue.So I'm having an issue: I can't get past the initial title screen. I press start and it says loading but never loads.
I tried a hard reset and no luck. I can't even play campaign.
That's a good idea, I might give that a try.
Maybe it is that too, it is pretty late, just feels more eratic than usual. I really need to start playing more consistantly instead of hopping on every other day for a bit. Need to hit gud, go pro and win HCS ;D
Oooooh let's have a read.
I'm having same issue.
Guys thank you so much for typing this long ass post, I've said this so much over the past few days and it's so damn true, Bungie was afraid to embrace the lore that they had in the games and 343 gets hell for finally doing what the all in fans want of them.
We're looking into the long initial load issue. Should let you in after a couple minutes, experience from therein should be normal.
A guy just went 0/16 on my team into another quitter the next game
So guess I'm done with this bullshit matchmaking. Unbalanced every game is WORTHLESS
Would be nice if you could buy for 10¢ and then use it on One.
Good read. I agree with a fair amount of it. For me, it comes down to one core thought: In Bungie's Halo games, I felt like I had an impact on the outcome, whereas in 343i's Halo games, I feel like the story is happening even if I wasn't playing.Kotaku shits on 343 for their campaigns and story telling and they're totally right.
Question #2: Why does the protagonist have to be Chief? There was nothing wrong with being Locke, but everything wrong with being a secondary character in Chief's story. Like, if Chief had been a major player in ODST or Reach, they would have sucked, but he wasn't, so, y'know, they were awesome.
I don't know what I've done if I had the power at 343.
For all the good & enjoyable EU stuff that exists around Halo (there's crud too) they've never been good at executing it in game.
There is so much to say on this topic..
I just noticed voting for the weekend playlist ends tonight. Does that mean the playlist begins early?
This week, you voted on which playlist you want to see in matchmaking, and Rumble Rockets won the poll, with 54% of the total votes. Being that weve got a long weekend ahead, the playlist will be available a day early, starting tomorrow (Thursday) morning Pacific time, and available for your enjoyment through the late night hours on Sunday evening.
Also, for players who log into Halo 5 from Thursday through Sunday, weve also got a little Thanksgiving surprise waiting for you. After youve stuffed yourself, be sure to jump into the game to grab it.
Just completed a Warzone match that was intense and ended up losing, only for the game stats to not load and did not get any REQ points for it.
There is something off with the servers as this has been happening occasionally since launch.
Oh fuck, it's FFA Rockets? I thought it would be like Rock N Rail which was team based. 8 man FFA blows in this game due to the fast mobility and small maps, easy to guess spawns. Coupled with rockets, I don't know.
I'm still holding out hope they can bring some of the legendary weapons into regular arena.
Legendary Slayer should be a social playlist. Replace all weapons on the map with upgraded variants. Would play for a long time.
Me too. Damn, just imagine SPNKr and CE Magnum and Nornfang and Pool of Radiance type spawns.
I'd love to play something that was all legendary, the vehicles even. The upgraded banshees and ghosts, etc. Would be a cluster, but that's the point, just to break up the monotony.
You know what, that's what Heavies would have to be. Biggest clusterfuck ever in a Halo game.
Anyone care to join me in slayer? We have a diamond 3 playing at a plat 3 level due to things. Hey, better than a quitter.
Me too. Damn, just imagine SPNKr and CE Magnum and Nornfang and Pool of Radiance type spawns.
I'd love to play something that was all legendary, the vehicles even. The upgraded banshees and ghosts, etc. Would be a cluster, but that's the point, just to break up the monotony.
Heads up for those who don't see the thread...
Halo 5 LCE is half price at the Microsoft Store.
Xbox One controllers are also on offer with $30 off.
Snipedown is doing a pistol challange for 50 dollars, 30 kills with pistol in one game.
Very entretaining to watch.