Samurai G0SU
Lotta ppl gonna play today.n?
I wrote that for Kotaku. Happy to answer any questions or whatevs.
This couldn't be further from my experience. The vast majority of my time in 5 was far more up close and personal than the previous games. Sprint, thrusters and the level design meant that I could jump into the middle of a group of enemies, take a few of them out and get out of there. It was more fast paced and dynamic than any other Halo. I was constantly strafing and dodging around enemies, climbing up high and ground pounding a group of grunts, gettingI up close and taking elites out with melee. I very rarely felt the need to go and hide behind cover and it never felt like I was playing CoD or BF.In Bungies Halo games running around punching aliens in the face made me feel like a champion. I dont feel like that in 343s games. I feel like Im supposed to play it like Battlefield or Call of Duty, relying on cover and standing still
is straight up bullshit. On heroic a soldier is a 5 shot with the BR.The same is true of Halo 5 on Heroic. I once unloaded half a clip from a BR, a shotgun round or two, and a punch into a Forerunner Soldiers face.
Lotta ppl gonna play today.n?
Not sure if my thing is bugged or what. Whenever I open up a bronze pack I don't get any new common unlocks at all. All I get is random weapons and vehicles.
I'm still missing a bunch of common unlocks like helmets, armor, stance, visor but I don't get squat.
Did they changed matchmaking and aim assist?
Seems like 80% of the servers has been on USA side of the pond, last week was a better experience where the opposite happened.
Is the aim assist stronger and is there a option to disable it.
I found it working against me in situation like aiming a an explosive barrel, but instead goes to the player.
Edit: Might have a shitty halo performance week :'(
Not sure if my thing is bugged or what. Whenever I open up a bronze pack I don't get any new common unlocks at all. All I get is random weapons and vehicles.
I'm still missing a bunch of common unlocks like helmets, armor, stance, visor but I don't get squat.
Was thinking it might be the case of just being unlucky. I've probably unlocked 10 in a row and got nothing new.I had quite a long stint of getting nothing out of them besides boosts, and then I'd have a few in a row that gave me permanents. It's apparently 50% ish but its super fluctuaty (totally a word).
So I went back to playing this today and have a few questions I need answered once and for all, if someone would be so kind (please only answer if you are %100 sure).
1) When do you show up on Radar? Only when shooting? Or also while running? I'm pretty sure you don't show up just walking.
2) Again, radar. Dots or Diamonds. Diamonds means the enemy is below you? And dots mean they are on your plane (or ground level). I can never seem to truly get a grasp on this. What about when they are above you? I'd really appreciate if someone would break this down for me.
3) So JIP is disabled now, right? Because today I've played several Slayer matches where either half of my team left, or my entire team did (beside myself) and no one else ever joined. I don't want to quit matches, but 4 against 1 is some god damn bullshit and there needs to be a way to fix this. Like if %50 of one team leaves it goes back to Lobby, or something, with more exp for the team who didn't have anyone who left.
I feel like the game would play a million times better on just about any Halo 2 or 3 map. I was really surprised at how well the Headlong remake plays and it makes me believe that tried and true classics are a sure bet rather than what feels like a lot of experimental ideas with this new sandbox. As it is these new maps feel either very dense and narrow or gapingly open. I'd also really like to not respawn in the line of power weapons, as in both across from the weapon location and players holding them or get tagged by grenades.
Fathom is a great map. Totally agree.I love Fathom, there should be more maps like it
The fact you got the name of Colliseum wrong is proof that you havent played much. After a half-dozen matches you'll know the inches like the back of your hand. Their flow is definitely purposeful and recognizable with reps (you know, like EVERY game. You can't expect to learn it in a few sessions.The maps contribute to me being terrible at this game. They make no fuckin sense esxcept for the midship remake and maybe colossus.
While I've always been of the belief that remakes are a great idea for future titles, the maps in Halo 5 all play extremely well in my opinion. I don't think any of the developer-made maps are bad.
Guillotine is sooo fucking good in halo 5. If you shit talk that map you are on my shit list of shitty playing halo 5 players with shit opinions.
I think most of the maps are good, but a bit too small for 8 players.While I've always been of the belief that remakes are a great idea for future titles, the maps in Halo 5 all play extremely well in my opinion. I don't think any of the developer-made maps are bad.
I think most of the maps are good, but a bit too small for 8 players.
Guillotine is sooo fucking good in halo 5. If you shit talk that map you are on my shit list of shitty playing halo 5 players with shit opinions.
The fact you got the name of Colliseum wrong is proof that you havent played much. After a half-dozen matches you'll know the inches like the back of your hand. Their flow is definitely purposeful and recognizable with reps (you know, like EVERY game. You can't expect to learn it in a few sessions.
SWAT - 10 games - 9 wins - 1 loss (went +1 that loss, against onyx 1600-1700's)
8.3 KDA, 157 kills, 78 deaths, 14 assists.
Did better than the onyx ~1650 teamates I played all 10 games with a majority of the time (<5 games). Every game we played at minimum 1 onyx player (usually 2+), 6 of the 10 games were steaktaculars.
Ranked PLATINUM, i used to defend the ranking system. 343 your system is FUCKED. Now I have onyx, onyx, diamond 3 (btb), onyx, onyx and platinum, disgusting.
So, you played with a team full of Onyx and the other team wasnt getting allways Onyx and you expect to get Onyx? Without mention you dont know the trueskill of those Onyx you played against.
Been listening to the Hunt The Truth podcast while at work and I swore that the voice actor for the main character (journalist Ben Giraud) sounded familiar.
Lo and behold it turns out Keegan-Michael Key is the voice actor. WOW.
Did you miss where only 1 game had 1 onyx every game had 2-3. Did you also miss 60% of the games were steaktaculars, the worst I did was +1. The final game I went 16-9 against 4 onyx 1600's best on my team?? I only had 2 teammates. TLDR played with 2 onyx teamates, matched mostly onyx players, shit on everyone, got ranked platinum.
Get champion in Team Arena yet platinum in SWAT lmao lmao lmao
Did they changed matchmaking and aim assist?
Seems like 80% of the servers has been on USA side of the pond, last week was a better experience where the opposite happened.
Is the aim assist stronger and is there a option to disable it.
I found it working against me in situation like aiming a an explosive barrel, but instead goes to the player.
Edit: Might have a shitty halo performance week :'(
Sounds like we need a 1v1 between you and speedy blue dude. Lets see who tha real mvp of gaf is!!!!!
Sorry bout the double post. Cant play as im watching the kids as the inlaws n fam go shopping -_-
Nothing changed on the game side, but aim assist does change depending on your connection. This has been a Halo thing for as long as I can remember. As someone with bottom of the barrel DSL (1Mb/s down), my aiming changes on a game to game basis. Sometimes I feel like I really suck at aiming, then I'll play with some local friends and it's like I can't miss.
The way it goes is more latency = more aim assist. That's why in previous Halo's if you were host, it would feel like your sensitivity increased. An actual Halo 3 protip is to decrease your sensitivity by 1 if you pull host.
Who is this SpeedyBlueDude? I want to be the MVP GAF. 1v1 lets go!
Guys, guys, guys.... I'm Spartan Charging in!
I'll see you all soon![]()