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Halo 5: Guardians |OT2| All Hail The Conquering Hero

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Got the War Master helm, looks pretty derp honestly lol. All I want is Linda and Vale helm/armor. QQ

the argus helmet really grew on me


this needs to be a stance btw. 343 please
Most of these are fine, but Ranger and Raider (to a lesser extent) are pretty wack.

Ranger looks like a true soldier helmet, that's why I like it. And Raider looks like a samurai - how can you dislike that?

Also, I hope 343 makes the stances appear in game somehow. What I would do is create short transition-from-standing animations for each stance and add them to the end of game cutscene that shows the winning team.


Most of the Halo 4/Halo 5 helmets are wack. Ever since I saw that Fred concept art I've wanted that for him than Centurion, which is one of the better armors.

I hate the weirdness in them. Random dots, weird lines, weird shapes in the faces. Can't wait for the day Mark V comes and I actually unlock it.
Hellcat is far and away my favorite armor right now.

Helmet wise, I bounce between Hunter and the skull-face visor one.

Edit: War-Master, thats it
all i get are commons and uncommon from the war zone packs

even after weeks of opening bronze packs
You can ONLY get Commons and Uncommons from bronze packs.

I'm so sick of Breakout and all these awful randoms not understanding how to use your one life a round. Or understanding how to properly play a tactical game type.


You can ONLY get Commons and Uncommons from bronze packs.

He's saying that he was eliminating as many Common and Uncommon options as possibly by purchasing Bronze packs, thus making it more likely to get Rare/Ultra/Legendary items from better packs.

I think Gold should be a little more generous in handing out items. I think it should have at least one guaranteed Rare.

Eric WK

You can ONLY get Commons and Uncommons from bronze packs.

I'm so sick of Breakout and all these awful randoms not understanding how to use your one life a round. Or understanding how to properly play a tactical game type.

You can't get Uncommons from bronze packs.

I've made it through silvers and onto golds. It's nice hearing the grunt birthday party noise with every pack opening now. Expecting big things from the Warzone Req packs tomorrow.

He's saying that he was eliminating as many Common and Uncommon options as possibly by purchasing Bronze packs, thus making it more likely to get Rare/Ultra/Legendary items from better packs.

I think Gold should be a little more generous in handing out items. I think it should have at least one guaranteed Rare.

It does guarantee Rare or better.

Work your way through the packs sequentially and when you get to gold you will only get Ultra Rare/Legendary/Mythic permanents.


Elite controller worth it for a slightly above casual?

I couldn't play without one.

I have always had difficulty aiming, or more specifically, properly realigning my thumb back on the stick to aim after returning from a button push. Being able to keep my thumb in place while jumping, melee, switching weapons, and reloading helps immensely.

It will also help with Forge but i can't get into that yet.

Have any pros weighed in on button configurations for the elite controller? I remember that being a big deal but haven't seen any profiles like that.
Not a pro but this is what i use. It's similar to Helljumper but with a few improvements.

Starting on the left hand from top to bottom.
Thumb click = Crouch
Bumper = Jumper
LT = Grenade
Top L Paddle = Thruster
Bottom L Paddle = Swap Weapons

Right side from top to bottom.
Thumb click = Sprint (clicking both Thumbsticks = Slide)
Bumper = Melee & GP
RT = Shoot
Top L Paddle = X (Weapon Pickup, Reload, enter vehicle etc.)
Bottom L Paddle = Zoom (I find this helps stabilize my aim like firmly holding a pistol)

A B X & Y are returned to A B X & Y to navigate menus

The bumpers & triggers are Jump Shoot Melee and Grenade, right where they should be.

The paddles are the supplemental zoom, thrust, reload & switch weapons, and swap weapons.

Also, try setting the paddles in the upright position. I find this to be more comfortable and i can keep my fingers on the paddles at all times for a much swifter response.

It's a pretty damn sweet lookin' thing. I've decided I need one. Definitely gonna pick one up when I can in the near future. It works with PC like normal ones too right?

Im gonna see how the controller settings 343i come out with then decide. .. But the elite will always be on my 8m radar.
Are you able to buy individual parts for the Elite controller? Say a thumbstick gets messed up, how would one go about replacing it?

accessory packs in December. They partnered with scuf to make packs and the halo pack will be out then.
Cool, thanks. I'll probably pick one up eventually.
Having complaints about the bloom on lighting is one thing, but claiming that it is seriously impacting your ability to play or see enemies is an exaggeration at best. The only issue I had in the beta was seeing certain team colors on Truth and Empire and that was definitely fixed with final release. I understand not liking the new aesthetic that has come with the new engine, but I personally think they've walked the line between simple design and attractive levels better than any other fps developer I can think of. Look at the new CoD for example, it is over complicated in its design and is a mess visually because of it.
Do you honestly not see the lights and fog in long distances? If that can't hinder visibility then I don't know what to.say to get you to understand. Especially with the fog color effect being the same color as the opponent


Do you honestly not see the lights and fog in long distances? If that can't hinder visibility then I don't know what to.say to get you to understand. Especially with the fog color effect being the same color as the opponent

Did you take all those photos you used for the examples? Because I'm going to use them going forward. I've been complaining about the fog, tint, haze, lighting for a long time. Ever notice how there is also an overuse of one color and then several shades of the same color?
What do you mean by bad sight lines?
And generally i think the maps play well.

Can't say I'm a fan of the lighting. And the geometry is wierd in truth and regret. Beyond that, I'm generally ok with that too.
It means where your able to see and shoot. Take pit for example. You have long paths in sniper, top snipe, sword to long hall. All decent sight lines to take shots or make call outs. On most halo 5 maps you have very narrow or short sight lines that make close encounters needed. And with that you have things that make it even worse with sprint melees, super scatter shots etc

Will do a sight lines comparison later but ghost town shows that as well in the previous pics.
Can someone tell me what req level the normal DMR is, i got a blue one but its req level 8
:'( You will rarely reach req level 8 in warzone assault.


If you could only buy the damn thing. Every store near me just flat out says check back around Christmas.

Halo pack? Will defo have to pick that up when the time comes.

All the Halo 5 branded stuff, the controller, the console.. Even some themed Astros all look amazing. Loving the silver/blue look going on atm.



It took me forever to find a date online from a Google on my phone but I found it. Wasn't sure if it was just dated for November generally I couldn't remember.

New Reqs and two Sprints and possibly BTB tomorrow. Halo hype!
So in a game of Warzone on Stormbreak, I, alone, go into Fortress to take it for my team. I kill the 7 marines in there, and stay alive for about one minute. I have 8 of the 12 enemy teams in Fortress distracted trying to kill me chilling at the back trying to distract them.

All in the mean time the other 11 team mates are stuck at our Armory, getting bodied by one REGULAR ghost and 3 other players. All while I'm handling 8 of the enemies.

10 minutes in, we're 200 to 700. I have 17 kills, all 11 other players seriously are between 0 kill and 3 kills.

I don't know how. at this point I'm just going to AFK at our spawn and wait for the game to be over to get my free REQ. I don't know how some people can be so bad at this game.

gAg CruSh3r

I finally beat Halo 5! Gee...
Fuck those 3 Worden eternals. Also what a twist with Cortana. All in all it was pretty good campaign. I wish the fight against Lock and Chief was much better.
If I buy the Weekly Premium Pack thingy, do I get all 3 weeks I missed out on with the purchase right now?

My friend is offering to sell me his code for $15, might be worth while.


Urban warthog, upgraded ghost and some special energy sword... FML. This is like Mass Effect 3 all over again. Never get what I really want. I just want a DMR to use. Base DMR.
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