How would you guys feel about:
If we don't get a full 8v8, we can just even out the teams and then open up the lobby to the rest of the world.
i'd be down to play
How would you guys feel about:
If we don't get a full 8v8, we can just even out the teams and then open up the lobby to the rest of the world.
"So what I do is get an idea of your skills and whatnot, then I send the tape off to (spartan) companies where you can make between 3 and 5 thousand RP per day. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?"
Yo Frank, another day goes by with the Banshee and God is still randomly killing Scottish people. Save your people from the massacre of the Banshee and tell the sandbox team to cut the Banshee bomb.
it's missing the low-budget porn filter
omg im famous!!
24 bbyanswer the question, damn it. I ain't looking to cop a case.
yeah but how many marine kills huh!?!?!
Ho man, that was ridiculous.
I love when my entire team quits in team arena and a slayer match turns into a 1 vs 4. At least I did not do to badly in this match and tied for the most kills in the match.
How is hcs london?
Just checking in with the Kill Commendations:
2,724 Headshots
713 First Strikes
3,487 Reversals
266 Buckle Ups
1,322 Assassinations
1,400 Splatters
9,193 Ground Vehicle Kills
12,893 Marine Kills
3,315 Spartan Charges
Anyone know roughly how many we get a week? If not, we can just check in next week and run the numbers.
Just checking in with the Kill Commendations:
2,724 Headshots
713 First Strikes
3,487 Reversals
266 Buckle Ups
1,322 Assassinations
1,400 Splatters
9,193 Ground Vehicle Kills
12,893 Marine Kills
3,315 Spartan Charges
Anyone know roughly how many we get a week? If not, we can just check in next week and run the numbers.
Grenade Kills: 594
Melee Kills: 1,187
Headshot Kills: 31,726
First Strikes: 1,698
Reversal Medals: 5,337
Buckle Up Medals: 367
Splatter Medals: 1,827
Assassinations: 1,980
Marine Kills: 15,804
Road Trip (Ground Vehicle Kills): 12,399
Spartan Charge Kills: 4,496
July 11th we'll have Achilles. So, we've got to try and step that up.
It's doable, we just have to be a bit more particular about what we go for when playing. But I think we can get it done.
I've gotten back into this game this weekend, reapplied for the company of any spots open. War zone firefight is so fun, but I normally play warzone assault so I can help with the never-ending marine kills
Yeah, I feel like marine kills are easy if you just focus on it. It's boring, but if you grind warzone and just farm marines you could probably kill 100 per day per person.
Completing commendations. If you go to your commendations menu in-game you can get the details.Also in regards to firefight what am I doing in the match to get like gold firefight packs? I got like 6 one game
Unless it's changed, I don't recall there actually being that many marines in WZ Assault. At least compared to the 10-30 you can get depending on the match of WZ.
Really it just requires you to be the WZ player who goes for the enemy armory.
That's when I go Predator Mode. Helps if I'm on Eden or Plaza.
Anyone know who the GTs Lemons and Greedy are? I keep matching them in Assault and they take a dump on my team
Rant incoming
There is a ton of people that have now uploaded the ending of the game, the game movie and the whole game itself one day before the early access, I don't know if they breached their embargo, they are leaking the game etc my point is this is... sorry for the rant this is fucking bullshit! 2 years ago I tried to reach MS or 343i in order to get a review copy of H5 I was ignored (except by Stinkles he is awesome) so I worked on my own to get the game early only for one purpose and that is to do my job with anticipation it was a success and H5 is the #1 game on my YT channel and now with more than the double of subscribers and tons of content created I tried to get a Halo Wars 2 copy again just to work early and guess what? I got nothing but instead people that apparently got what I wanted are uploading the whole damn thing 1 day before everyone else...
This is totally unfair even some channels that are way smaller than mine are doing it I guess that since I'm living in the other side of the border and my Halo channel is on Spanish not English they simply don't care, I should have bought the game on the grey market like I did with Halo 5 but no I decided to follow the rules but it looks like NDA's and all that kind of stuff means nothing, my whole dedication not only to my channel but for this franchise means nothing only because my videos are not on English...
What were the last to commendations we got?