Captain Friendo
Neo Member
Nah he'll wear what he's wearing on the cover.Does anyone know if those Halo 5 armor chief pics represent how he will look even in the campaign? I really hope it does since it is so much better than the Halo 4 look.
Nah he'll wear what he's wearing on the cover.Does anyone know if those Halo 5 armor chief pics represent how he will look even in the campaign? I really hope it does since it is so much better than the Halo 4 look.
I can see somebody hasn't played much of the last 3 Halo multiplayer games.
Does anyone know if those Halo 5 armor chief pics represent how he will look even in the campaign? I really hope it does since it is so much better than the Halo 4 look.
Actually I've played them all quite a bit.
My gt is xCliQuEx I've been on Xbox live for over 11 years. Feel free to check my stats on any halo game that had stat tracking.
I've said there numerous times about halo but I'll say it again if need be.
No one Halo is the same. There will always be things you don't like about any of the Halos. The key is to understand that you will never truely have the Halo you dream of having because not everyone thinks Halo should be the same way YOU think it should be.
As I said a few pages back, why don't we all say the things that we really like about Halo so that the developers will have things to focus on.
Maybe just maybe it will get us closer to the Halo we all want.
I can see somebody hasn't played much of the last 3 Halo multiplayer games.
Then with all your years of illustrious experience, you will surely have noticed how every MP achievement that comes to mind (2 kills with spartan laser only in Ranked FFA, Camp in a corner for a minute, etc) ruins matches because people are going for them instead of playing the game like you're supposed to. Everyone (including devs) complains about rank boosting, losing on purpose by shooting your team, people who will remain unnamed who only go for mongoose kills, but somehow this bullshit is different? It's literally encouraging your teammates to play poorly/incorrectly or for people to quit FFAs when there's not a laser on the map or only vote for maps with lasers or to sit in a corner AFK instead of helping their team.
Come the fuck on with the excuses.
Oh ok
I totally agree that MP achievements can be quite frustrating (especially some of the later ones that required you to play in DLC playlists). Not only to achieve them but the impact they have on the game. However, have you looked at the MCC achievements? I know there is a lot and I only have skimmed through them but from what I saw the majority of the MP achievements are just winning MP games.
Quick Trigger Finger
Win 450 multiplayer games.
I know that's a lot of wins but that shouldn't affect the gameplay in a negative way. If anything it should encourage everyone to play better, right?
If there are any oddball MP achievements that require specific criteria to be met then yes i will agree that will probably a problem on some scale in MP. But reading through them I don't see any like that. It looks to me like 343 has realized this and made more generic Mp achievements.
None of your points are valid. People try to get achievements in matchmaking regularly, and matchmaking will put terrible people on your team in an attempt to balance it if you are any good. They actually impact multiplayer a significant amount, and for nothing. Do achievement hunters even enjoy multiplayer achievements? Why not have more campaign achievements instead?
There is no reason to offer an incentive for players to basically troll their teammates in matchmaking.
Perhaps you should read what I highlighted and underlined. I care about this issue as much as you do.It's actually a huge problem for 2v2 Online and LANs where split screen is the ideal way to play because of the excellent FoV. I would have no problem playing Classic Halo CE in 4:3 with whatever artwork on the side of the screen if the FoV is preserved for 2v2 play. If it can't be done in 16:9 or some other resolution, then I would take that compromise, keep the 60 FPS of course.
I know a lot of people don't care about Halo CE in the first place, and especially don't see this as an issue, but it is a major gripe for the core competitive community of the game. We all preferred 2v2 on splitscreen rather than individual boxes and screens, the FoV and teamwork with screenwatching made it worth it.
Typical though, every supposed "minor" detail that gets criticized is just irrational salt. When really there is a ton of experience and logic behind the criticism. The Devil is in to details, and this is now the second instance where 343 does not get those details right for Halo CE.
Then with all your years of illustrious experience, you will surely have noticed how every MP achievement that comes to mind (2 kills with spartan laser only in Ranked FFA, Camp in a corner for a minute, etc) ruins matches because people are going for them instead of playing the game like you're supposed to. Everyone (including devs) complains about rank boosting, losing on purpose by shooting your team, people who will remain unnamed who only go for mongoose kills, but somehow this bullshit is different? It's literally encouraging your teammates to play poorly/incorrectly or for people to quit FFAs when there's not a laser on the map or only vote for maps with lasers or to sit in a corner AFK instead of helping their team.
Come the fuck on with the excuses.
None of your points are valid. People try to get achievements in matchmaking regularly, and matchmaking will put terrible people on your team in an attempt to balance it if you are any good. They actually impact multiplayer a significant amount, and for nothing. Do achievement hunters even enjoy multiplayer achievements? Why not have more campaign achievements instead?
Oh come on now.You're right, multiplayer achievements ruin Halo, I'm not buying MCC now every game is going to be riddled with people not trying to win. How did I not see this before.
Keep up the conversation before you start calling people out then, smart guy.
any reason to not buy?XB1 with Kinect $327.77, says its like new
Prob the best deal y'all can get outside of maybe black friday
any reason to not buy?
I don't know why I made this but I did....there's something wrong with me
any reason to not buy?
sold out, thanks anyway but I didn't have time to update my address quickly enough.If you want an XB1, get on that shit
It's shipped and sold by amazon, so any issues are handled by regular amazon customer service
edit: it just got posted on cag so if you want it, grab it now and make a decision later
sold out, thanks anyway but I didn't have time to update my address quickly enough.
im never on my computer anymore. so I probably wont catch themWell damn. They come in stock pretty regularly and I'd imagine there'll be a few more before the mcc hits
sold out, thanks anyway but I didn't have time to update my address quickly enough.
How is stating that most of this will be happening at lower skill levels not a valid point? People do ridiculous stuff all the time in low level matches. Those who are driven to win will win and will get to higher ranks where people playing stupidly doesn't happen. I'm not saying multiplayer achievements are equivalent to campaign achievements, I'm just saying that people in here are blowing this out of proportion.
Fucking lol
how much can i sell an xbone kinect for
just bought an xbox one
how much can i sell an xbone kinect for
Why did you get one with Kinect, used Promo?
yeah i rechecked and it let me buy a 327 xbone w kinectSo you were you able to add it to cart then?
yeah i rechecked and it let me buy a 327 xbone w kinect
does the kinect have any value?
yeah i rechecked and it let me buy a 327 xbone w kinect
does the kinect have any value?
I don't think you read my post. Matchmaking will, on purpose, put low-skilled people on your team if you have a high skill rank to try and balance your team. Pretending that ranking up means you don't really have to deal with players like that doesn't make it true.
Needs the Gangam man screaming at dat ass now.
Rip SIV's. We know it was really b'cuz of Flinch that was the cause of their demise.
Spartan IV's vs Promethean Knights, place your bets right now!