I'm tempted to play this seconds from launch when i wait in the store just to get pumped
If I can only get a refund of one Xbox One game, that means I can get a refund for the Digital Guardian Edition!? I'm done with Destiny.
I'm tempted to play this seconds from launch when i wait in the store just to get pumped
I think I might do the same. I have zero interest in going back to that game.If I can only get a refund of one Xbox One game, that means I can get a refund for the Digital Guardian Edition!? I'm done with Destiny.
I'm clearly outclassed by the pros, but I will say that I can at least perform respectably against them. Of course, my definition of respectable might not be the same as yours. As long as my k/d is at least 1, I'm usually pretty happy.
Oh, thanks to everyone else who mentioned my engagement. It's a very exciting time.
I think I might do the same. I have zero interest in going back to that game.
I think I might do the same. I have zero interest in going back to that game.
I think I might do the same. I have zero interest in going back to that game.
I honestly never found the halo 3 announcement trailer to be that great.
I honestly never found the halo 3 announcement trailer to be that great.
Broken Circle is out in Google Play, but I just get errors when trying to read it. C'mon google it's the 4th already.
I honestly never found the halo 3 announcement trailer to be that great.
I honestly never found the halo 3 announcement trailer to be that great.
I honestly just hate Halo.
You're getting on my nerves. If this is a troll, bravo, you should earn yourself a tag.I don't think HaloFollower ever stole Lord Zedd's video and posted it as their own Cyren. Did you make enough off that stolen video to start an esports team?
Have you no soul?
I get goosebumps every time I watch that thing. When Marty's music starts swelling in the background.
Can we get this troll out here and trade him for Kittens' alt, heckfu
I get goosebumps every time I watch that thing. When Marty's music starts swelling in the background.
This actually worked! ThanksYou might be. Message support and see what happens. I bought it on ps4 then my console bricked lol. Sony support refunded me
Slowly installing CoD:AW. This should keep me going for a week or so. Can't wait for Halo.
Slowly installing CoD:AW. This should keep me going for a week or so. Can't wait for Halo.
Sunset Overdrive is my waiting game. Goddamn, it's amazing.
I'm tempted to play this seconds from launch when i wait in the store just to get pumped
Soon the Great Journey will begin. But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind.
I get goosebumps every time I watch that thing. When Marty's music starts swelling in the background.
@franklez: BTW FOV thing in split screen is a known issue. Given scale of rest of game the fix had to be deprioritized. It will be updated shortly....
@franklez ...but not in the CU at launch. Apologies for inconvenience but the fix is already done. Just needs to be updated.
Apparently IGN is ranking all 110 multiplayer maps leading up to MCC now that IGN First is over.
110-86 posted today.
Did Blur do the Halo 3 Starry Night trailer?
Based Stinkles. At least they're acknowledging the issue and telling us they'll fix it. That's more than we've gotten with Destiny post-release.
Yeah.Is he referring to the CE FoV issue? It's already fixed and will be updated shortly, but not part of the CU?
Breaking News:
On Tuesday, 4th November at 10am PST, reviewers can stream 4 more campaign levels and start streaming multiplayer.
Content update will be out at this time or maybe earlier.
My guess is about the same as single screen.How does 4 player look now I wonder?
It should. Everybody would have a 960x540 16:9 window.My guess is about the same as single screen.
Aaight, now where's Halo 3 campaign theater?
Bungie took the re-using assets for other modes thing way too far with Destiny too. It's pretty terrible. Destiny's PvP looks like it's ripped straight from campaign (and perhaps it was) just like Reach.
Vile practice.
In other BTWs, Halo 3 Campaign Saved films ARE in the game, they just aren't mentioned in the (currently) incomplete help file.
And of course I should say "theater." I always mash it up in my head.
Are you criticizing the artist for doing their job correctly, and making Multiplayer environments look similar to the planets they correspond too?