Not to be disrespectful at all. But how after Halo: Reach and Halo 4 can they go in this direction? I just don't get it. Who are they talking to? What users are giving them feedback? HaloGAF is but a small blip of the community, but show me one major community for Halo that advocates sprint/ADS etc. Even on Waypoint, where you have a lot of Halo 4 fans and newer, younger posters, it's always been evenly split.
Even out of the hundreds of posters here, I can count on one hand those in favor of sprint and ADS here versus the overwhelming majority against. Why give us H2A, see how the fanbase has gone crazy for it, and then have this ADS/Sprint in Halo 5 gameplay?
I regret buying my console. Seriously. I hardly game, I come here just to talk Halo, I've long left my other Nintendo franchises behind and so this is the only real series left that I care about. I thought they'd at least get some perspective, but they seem to have doubled down on their approach. This isn't the Halo 4 days where they have 100 million Xbox 360 sales. This is Xbox One where they still haven't even broken 6/6.5 million Xbox One sales. They'll got strong initial Halo 5 sales, but nowhere close to the copies they sold of H4, and I'm confident in saying now, it'll basically be a repeat of Halo 4 again.
I'd rather play the new Call of Duty, Star Wars: Battlefront next November than Halo 5 with these changes.