Midnight EST. 11pm CST, 9pm PST
Time stops for no blainMidnight EST. 11pm CST, 9pm PST
you got it a little backwards there bud lol
I don't think you can, but may as well go for itSo could I get the game early if I changed my timezone? Would be nice to play at 9PM
Time stops for no blain
I don't think you can, but may as well go for it
I am disappointYesterday: Nope.
Today:. Ahahahahahaha. Nope.
This is why I almost went digital, but I can't miss out on $10 back and that multiplayer map guide from best buy.11CST? Awesome. That's even better!
My predictions on this tournament keep yo-yo'ing. I still have a gut feeling BtH is gonna take it.
My predictions on this tournament keep yo-yo'ing. I still have a gut feeling BtH is gonna take it.
That jump off the map. Nightmare fuel.
Hell of a finish there.
Nice edit. Don't think we didn't see it.
The Salting Begins
- Halo 5 leaked footage shows sprint. The salt begins even though sprint was already pretty much confirmed. Average day at HaloGAF.
The Great Salt Of 2014 is upon us (AKA: shit hits the fan
- Another clip leaks, this one shows what appears to be a BR duel with ADS. Salt begins to flow from every orifice. Threats of Xbox destruction are made. Halo as a series is pronounced dead by many.
- Some claim that the footage isn't actually ADS and is only a visual redesign of zoom. They are ignored and the salt continues to flow.
- The great salt mines of HaloGAF are working overtime for about 2 hours. It quickly overflows into Gamingside.
- Chaos is upon us and the end is nigh.
The Reclamation of Halo
- 3 more clips leak showing ADSless gameplay. Thrusters are confirmed, grenade launchers assumed and denied. Some positivity returns yet is still hugely outweighed by salt.
- The new clips are followed by Josh Holmes' tweets confirming those who fought the salt were right. ADS has no effect on gameplay. It is only a visual redesign.
- Confusion follows, why change? What about descope? Is the mortal enemy flinch still alive?
- A second tweet from Josh confirms descope is actually back. Rejoices are made. #weback is returned from the grave.
HaloGAF Returns to Normality, yet there is one more surprise
- People continue to complain about sprint and detail their roller-coaster ride of emotions. Stragglers are informed of what just hit the high walls of HaloGAF.
- The surprise hits us and based Stinkles returns, quickly followed by questions of "Why sprint? Why?"
- Stinkles answers is typical cryptic form and Don't Believe His lies memes are spread.
- The salting and slrping return in typical HaloGAF fashion.
And so continues the day of the salt thus far.
We back! Nice end to the tournament.
Missed some large chunks of the tournament but overall it was fun. Good stuff.
Also I added a bunch of people from here on XBL. Same gamertag as my name on here. Anyone else feel free to add me.
How do you think it would be adjusted?I think sprint will or will not be default and adjusted for Thruster Pack features (Aka Spartan Abilities). If so, this is good. Imho.
Halo e-sports is the best console e-sports game ever and always will be.
goddamn i'm gonna blain all night tomorrow
where my poopsocks at
That jump off the map. Nightmare fuel.
Post from a few hours ago, forgive me.I'm not implying malicious intent, I'm implying misguided intent and incompetence. If one side is not interested in earnest dialogue, what's the point of wasting time attempting to engage in it?
I know it's online and inflection is impossible to detect, but personally almost all of my posts are made in a more lighthearted manner than they come off as. I'm never going to be angry when I'm posting, just disappointed and making facetious comments about it. If anyone is interested in an actual argument about game mechanics, I'm all over it, but the fact of the matter is that almost any subject has already been beaten to death, drug up, and then beaten again.
I'm here to fight boredom and for entertainment, and it delivers as long as everyone understands that they shouldn't be taking this seriously.
Man. Im gonna need y'all tomorrow night. MY FRIENDS ARE POOR.
Added (GT: BigSolar)
You need new friends.
basically nerfed to compensate for TP movement features.How do you think it would be adjusted?
You need new friends.
Those with MCC, you should have a new 97MB update. No idea what it fixes.
Followed by a classic Bregmann grenade. Str8 to the toilet.
basically nerfed to compensate for TP movement features.
If 343 can pull off a classic playlist at launch & toggle features that would be amazing.
Halo e-sports is the best console e-sports game ever and always will be.
I hope my friends don't think this way about me.
hyperbole? I don't like sprint. period. although it's okay to an extent that certain maps/gametypes can exist and play nice because of it.No... maps are already ruined.
Midship is enourmous (more like TITANIC ha..ha..)
The base movement speed should just be increased (maybe with acceleration after a period of time, long enough so it's not annoying and similar to plainswalking in WoW back in the day.
or somethnig, idk.. toggle sucks. Just remove sprint now, why wait till everybody shits on it during beta feedback and then look worse by not removing it?
I'll hold off till tomorrow, but I just see no scenario where it could work :/
hyperbole? I don't like sprint. period. although it's okay to an extent that certain maps/gametypes can exist and play nice because of it.
increase the movement speed and you'll just make it worse.
somebody said:Look at it in the most simplistic and moronic view as possible.
We're gonna be aiming down the sights a fuck ton. Seeing Iron Sights will, whether you choose to believe it or not, turn off a significant part of Halo fans. That distinction between Halo and every other FPS is gone, and now it serves as a constant reminder of how Halo is changing. If H5 continues to get a bad rep, then change is going to get a bad connotation and this ADS change will only serve as more evidence for whoever dislikes Halo 5.
It's not bad. It's just really controversial and not the best decision for a game that's already being suspected of being unfaithful and shitty.
You gonna be on tomorrow?
No... maps are already ruined.
Midship is enourmous (more like TITANIC ha..ha..)
The base movement speed should just be increased (maybe with acceleration after a period of time, long enough so it's not annoying and similar to plainswalking in WoW back in the day.
or somethnig, idk.. toggle sucks. Just remove sprint now, why wait till everybody shits on it during beta feedback and then look worse by not removing it?
I'll hold off till tomorrow, but I just see no scenario where it could work :/
in this day and age, 343 has to coddle the players that are bad.What's this whole "getting into the action faster" bullshit for Sprint. Part of dying and respawning is losing power weapon, powerup and map control. Die, instant respawn, then Sprint to where you just died nonsense is terrible Shooter gameplay.