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Halo |OT 21| Battle is the Great Redeemer | LIVE. DIE. RESPAWN.

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Once matchmaking is fixed, im gonna spend most of my time in the esports playlist, i do t think i can handle anymore smg start or ar start games. They really should get rid of those.


I know this is probably nigh on heresy to say but...

I don't like Lockdown/Lockout. When playing Slayer at least.

It just tends to devolve into taking potshots at the other team from base to base, it's not particularly fun. It's very difficult to flank anyone because any route is very easy to monitor and then there's also radar. Therefore map movement is massively reduced and you essentially get stuck in the bases. No one can move because as soon as they pop their head out they'll get a bunch of shots at them. And the under pass area is a giant cluster fuck if you meet the enemy there.

It just kinda sucks.
It is because the only way to get from base to base is through top middle or bottom middle. It is like a funnel. There is really no flanking route like on Guardian with the man cannons. Take out the man cannons on guardian, and boom, you essentially get Lockout.


Only 75% of those posts are pure salt ;)



Great looking OT.
Should be able to start playing on friday. Hopefully the server issues are resolved by then.


I got this achievement last night:
"Kill a 343 developer in matchmaking or someone who has this achievement."

I have no idea who I played.

Probably a rando. Bolded is the important part.

It's one of these viral achievements. Bunch of games have had them. Devs start with them. Anyone that kills a dev gets it. Anyone that kills them has it and so on.

Devs will have a 343 nameplate. Unless they want to change it I guess.

Shadowrun had a funny version of this. I think it only unlocked if you teabagged or stepped over the body of someone who had it


Great looking OT.
Should be able to start playing on friday. Hopefully the server issues are resolved by then.

Lord i hope so. I feel sorry for all those people who wasted vacation days to play yesterday. I was thinking about taki g a vaca on friday but i dont wanna risk it.


Lord i hope so. I feel sorry for all those people who wasted vacation days to play yesterday. I was thinking about taki g a vaca on friday but i dont wanna risk it.

Yeah, I decided to stop doing that. I might take off monday because they said there should be more fixes going live this weekend.
Played Halo 3 on LAN a few months ago. Felt great. Excited to try it out on MCC in a few weeks (holiday/black friday sales).

Are all the playlists / maps the most updated versions? By that I mean do they have equipment like flare, etc., removed? Weapon locations in the updated spots?


For those still on the fence. Walmart.com will have a sale all day on Thanksgiving (Nov 27)
$379 Xbox One + Halo MCC + Game of Choice + 12 Month Xbox Live

What's the second game I should get?

Sunset Overdrive is the most I've enjoyed a game all year, still messing around with it after finishing the story. Forza Horizon 2 is also a fantastic game.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Probably a rando. Bolded is the important part.

It's one of these viral achievements. Bunch of games have had them. Devs start with them. Anyone that kills a dev gets it. Anyone that kills them has it and so on.

Devs will have a 343 nameplate. Unless they want to change it I guess.

Shadowrun had a funny version of this. I think it only unlocked if you teabagged or stepped over the body of someone who had it

Yeah I get that, I'm just surprised I got it day 1.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
FIRST PAGE (glorious 150pp master race)

That "Crystal" thread on the Gaming Side is a new low even for this hellhole.


Haha! I got my first rage message. Played TS on Guardian and we won, he sent me:

Poor kid. You beating up little kids on Halo again, Jem?

FIRST PAGE (glorious 150pp master race)

That "Crystal" thread on the Gaming Side is a new low even for this hellhole.

I clicked on it out to see what all the fuss was about. Didn't stay long. In fact, I don't visit gaming much at all these days.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Probably a rando. Bolded is the important part.

It's one of these viral achievements. Bunch of games have had them. Devs start with them. Anyone that kills a dev gets it. Anyone that kills them has it and so on.

Devs will have a 343 nameplate. Unless they want to change it I guess.

Shadowrun had a funny version of this. I think it only unlocked if you teabagged or stepped over the body of someone who had it

I died for your shines.


I died for your shines.

Reposting from that 720/60 thread since I'm sure you're done over there (rightfully so):

"Hey Stinkles, honest question, are the models we saw at Halofest's reveal placeholder armor models (from Halo 4 perhaps)?

There seems to be a massive difference between what we saw from IGN (which were absolutely incredible and amazing) and what we saw from Halofest.

Like night and day, H2 --> H4."



Hire me, 343.

def numeral(num):
    suff = ["th","st","nd","rd"]
    return str(num) + (suff[0] if (11 <= num and num <= 13) or num%10 > 3 else suff[num%10])]

assert(numeral(1) != "1th")

Your code doesn't fix the issue. The issue stems from the fact that the player is finishing negative "oneth," thus forcing the code into the else case. You can avoid this by using absolute value for comparisons:

def numeral(num):
    suff = ["th","st","nd","rd"]
    return str(num) + (suff[0] if (11 <= abs(num) and abs(num) <= 13) or abs(num)%10 > 3 else suff[num%10])]

assert(numeral(1) != "1th")

Alternatively, just catch for negative values in the beginning and return an error string since this shouldn't be happening anyway.
I actually used to think Halo 2 had one of the better Halo campaigns. Rose tinting was at full effect there.
I've only replayed the entire Halo 2 campaign 3, maybe 4 times. I really like how much story was crammed in to all that gameplay, but as a whole it's my least favorite of Bungie's efforts. There are certain missions that I've replayed over and over again, but the majority of it I haven't touched in years. To be honest, a lot of it has to do with the weird ghosting effect on the 360.

Excited to replay the remastered version, but I'll have to wait to see if I'm on Santa's Nice List.


FIRST PAGE (glorious 150pp master race)

That "Crystal" thread on the Gaming Side is a new low even for this hellhole.

Yeah. I know I'm salty as fuck but I feel like people just argue over numbers instead of the actual product.

Halo 2 Anniversary looks amazing.
Your code doesn't fix the issue. The issue stems from the fact that the player is finishing negative "oneth," thus forcing the code into the else case. You can avoid this by using absolute value for comparisons:

Alternatively, just catch for negative values in the beginning and return an error string since this shouldn't be happening anyway.

Good catch. Didn't notice the negative. Yeah the latter is more appropriate, rather than failing silently. There was some sarcasm in my post if that wasn't obvious.


Stinkles, despite all the issues with the game, my friends and i played hours of hce customs last night. We had not played halo together since 2006. Plus we all live thousands of miles from one another, so playing halo ce would have been impossible had this not come to xbox live with the mcc.

Thank you for the many, many memories we will now get to enjoy for years to come thru hce in mcc.


Good catch. Didn't notice the negative. Yeah the latter is more appropriate, rather than failing silently. There was some sarcasm in my post if that wasn't obvious.

Oh, I know you were just being sarcastic by putting up the code - thus why I returned the favor. :)

I agree with not failing silently - my pre-production code tends to fail loud and fail hard when something goes wrong to make sure it doesn't get missed. Also tends to make me more apt to fix low-priority issues quicker if I've written the failure cases in a manner that makes them extremely annoying.
FIRST PAGE (glorious 150pp master race)

That "Crystal" thread on the Gaming Side is a new low even for this hellhole.
I make stupid, sometimes funny jokes at the expense of devs sometimes, but too many people are getting so vitriolic now over something that's supposed to be fun for everyone involved. I'm continually amazed that you still come here and talk with us on a semi-regular basis.
Stinkles, despite all the issues with the game, my friends and i played hours of hce customs last night. We had not played halo together since 2006. Plus we all live thousands of miles from one another, so playing halo ce would have been impossible had this not come to xbox live with the mcc.

Thank you for the many, many memories we will now get to enjoy for years to come thru hce in mcc.

How did it CE performed, netcode-wise?


How did it CE performed, netcode-wise?

Customs its amazing. My friends were saying once in a while there was nade lag, but we were all three shotting, its still tough to three shot tho, cause we suck, but damn it was so fun timing the os and camo on chillout, god i miss the classic halo formula, why did it ever go away?


I've only replayed the entire Halo 2 campaign 3, maybe 4 times. I really like how much story was crammed in to all that gameplay, but as a whole it's my least favorite of Bungie's efforts. There are certain missions that I've replayed over and over again, but the majority of it I haven't touched in years. To be honest, a lot of it has to do with the weird ghosting effect on the 360.

Excited to replay the remastered version, but I'll have to wait to see if I'm on Santa's Nice List.

This was DEVASTATING to me. Wouldn't say it prevented me from playing but GOT DAMN would it be annoying as hell. You'd have like artifact's from cutscenes appear as silhouettes while you play.

Still, I could probably almost recite the dialogue from all Halo 2 cutscenes from memory. Played way too much of Halo 2's campaign. I think most of Halo CE's level design is superior, and its story is captivating in its own right, but unlike most I talked to at the time it came out, I was truly enthralled by Thel's/Arbiter's story.

I got this achievement last night:
"Kill a 343 developer in matchmaking or someone who has this achievement."

I have no idea who I played.

Of course you know this means we need to make a Custom Game just so we can all line up and kill you right?



I really feel ashamed for this thread on gaming side (also see my response here). The way people are treating contributing developers here lately is just an evidence of incapacity.

How can this thread stay open even after 7 pages? This is just unacceptable, I'm sorry. The only benefit this community has as a whole are contributing people from the business - and some people really try everything they can to hunt them away. Frankie and Co. even post here in their free time. I would totally understand if - at some point - they would just stop coming here at all.

Keep in mind, I say this independently from all the issues with TMCC. These are really terrible, too - but that doesn't matter in this case.


I got this achievement last night:
"Kill a 343 developer in matchmaking or someone who has this achievement."

I have no idea who I played.

I actually got this in my first match yesterday. I thought that achievement was going to be unobtainable, but I guess it spreads like a virus
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