Man oh man, I think the MCC is even more broken now then it was for me earlier in the week. Just did a perfect run of Uprising up until the part where you perform the Fuel Rod glitch to exit the level early and it forced me into an 88mb update. Ok, fine. Then when I come back in I lost all my game progress and proceeded to do one of the shittiest Legendary runs of that level in my life and rage like a fiend.
Then I complete the game on Legendary, and go to check my 'ID' unlocks only for the game to hang for 15 minutes. Now if this was Xbox 360 I'd just dashboard out and reenter the game, or power it off and on again. Whatever, right? But no, this is Xbone, with it's super 'convenient' "your game is always playing no matter what!!!". Fuck the Xbone dashboard. It is an absolute abortion. Everything they have added to make it 'simpler' and more 'user friendly' (ie snapping, this PC-style alt-tab system) have made it absolutely godawful and inconvenient to use in every respect.
Not only that, but they make it so you can alt-tab out of your game, which could have been a great feature if you could actually reset your game when it crashes, but your friends list is now a new window which you have to wait for it to load and then go into, same with messages, which makes it an inconvenient mess to set up games, join parties, basically do anything, since the load times break everything up and make it all take much longer than it used to on the 360. Give us back the old dash, and allow for us to have a 'shut down game' option, since even taking out the disc doesn't work anymore (is this PS1 where I have to open the lid and spin the disc to make my game run?)
So anyway it turns out I didn't unlock the nameplate for completing campaign on Legendary, despite me completing it and the levels all stating that I have done so, and the ID screen now consistently takes 15 minutes to load. Game is completely and utterly broken.
Honestly the only way I can see this stuff being curbed is if it turns out Sony DDOSed all of their servers or some shit and they can dump the blame on them, because at the moment the entire thing seems like a giant mess of failed communication between the 90 companies involved in the release.
I love the potential this game has, but it's been a week and I have seen literally zero change in my ability to play the game. This isn't a 'I'm the consumer blah blah blah' rant, it's just a considerable amount of disappointment in what I was hoping would be (and was promised to be) the perfect Halo experience, and a resurgence for competitive Halo.
I guess this has all been said before, but I'm just reaching a boiling point with this broken game, and becoming concerned it was half-arsed from day one. Either that or it is Microsoft's shitty Xbone that is causing all the problems (since the dash etc. has been borked since the game released) and 343 are just being told to suck it up and take the blame for the company or some shit.)