Ozzy Onya A2Z
Dat top gun edit reason, well played madness.
You mean the pocket shotgun that everybody hated? Yeah it doesn't have that anymore.
I didn't mean to imply that I hated it as an idea. I enjoyed the concept of a dual purpose gun. As you said though it being in loadouts killed it for game balance. It also might as well have been a power weapon which made the shotgun redundant... I just realized H4 had 3 shotguns.Well that's stupid to me. It was an underwhelming and boring weapon when tap shooting. The only reason why the bolt shot was hated was not because of its design as a weapon, but it's implementation (loadouts and effective range).
What's the point of it anymore?
Effective range is design though.Well that's stupid to me. It was an underwhelming and boring weapon when tap shooting. The only reason why the bolt shot was hated was not because of its design as a weapon, but it's implementation (loadouts and effective range).
I didn't mean to imply that I hated it as an idea. I enjoyed the concept of a dual purpose gun. As you said though it being in loadouts killed it for game balance. It also might as well have been a power weapon which made the shotgun redundant... I just realized H4 had 3 shotguns.
Hopefully its new alt fire is interesting and feels good to use though.
Effective range is design though.
Laser, lidar, infra red, weird space shit like ultrabeige and infra-brown.
Guess i'm gonna have to go observe some RUL for the first time since who knowsSo RUL just posted a bunch of videos.
Forerunner enemies are back and have had a design change.
Trying not to let hypetrain take me.
Fuck it.
Notice that the shoulders are pretty much Mark V(A) from Reach? Pretty cool. Hoping regular Mark V makes a comeback too.OMG they brought back Commando armour
and not this piece of shit that I've been complaining about since day one.
I'm officially hyped.
So RUL just posted a bunch of videos.
Forerunner enemies are back and have had a design change.
Sanghelios concept art.
The new Promethean enemy is called a Promethean Soldier
After getting the run-down, we were shown a brief campaign teaser. It moved so fast it was hard to point anything out. That being said, what my eyes feasted upon was jaw dropping: massive enemies, space battles, and more. I saw Hunters forming from worms (Lekgolo) on the ground, Banshees flying past a space station, and a flying Forerunner vehicle shooting at a massive covenant station (it almost looked like a mining rig). The scale was unlike anything we’ve seen in Halo, specifically the giant vehicle scene. There were vehicles flying around, Covenant shooting plasma through the air, and explosions illuminating the landscape
OMG they brought back Commando armour
and not this piece of shit that I've been complaining about since day one.
I'm officially hyped.
Halo 4, 343 Industries first major entry into the Halo franchise was met with mixed opinions. Critically the game was well received, but the fanbase quickly stopped playing after mere months. The game was safe. It was relatively similar to previous titles while incorporating the mechanics that were introduced in Halo: Reach.
Trying not to watch campaign vids... HALP
Multiplayer changes sound awesome but I hope there's still a nice shockwave effect for the ground pound.
Only a few more days to go. Hope you enjoy the info we've given to help with the wait.
This is why I'm not a fan of Greenskull. He shilled the fuck out of Halo 4 championing it's changes saying he was tired of Halo 1-3 etc. Now in his writeup for Halo 5, he's saying the reason it wasn't played so much was because it was too safe a title, was too similar to the previous games and incorporated Reach mechanics. Aside from armor abilities, there was nothing else that was a Reach mechanic. Changed loadouts, Sprint as a standalone, instant respawn, personal ordnance, global ordnance, no red X on death, etc. These were all 343 designed changes and unique to Halo 4.
This Helmet is ugly...
Only a few more days to go. Hope you enjoy the info we've given to help with the wait.
This Helmet is ugly...
Here's a link to all the screenshots and concept art etc.
The compression in the GI images really made them far worse than they actually are. The detail in the environments and lighting looks amazing.
Is Staten voicing the grunts in this game? I must know
Hmmmmm....Campaign vid is more or less the Game Informer article with a few more images.
More than helpful dude. Thanks to all you guys and gals at 343! So hyped for E3!!!Only a few more days to go. Hope you enjoy the info we've given to help with the wait.
This Helmet is ugly...
Honestly, I hope the leaks are done now as well. I think we've gotten enough info and I can't wait to see what they've got in store. Let the jaw dropping prevail!!!Hopefully, no one fucks up and leaks stuff early circa 2012.
Shaping up to be the best E3 since 07