Definitely not true, but you didn't answer my question.
Way to deflect.
People are saying that's it's heavily scripted for E3. The problem with that is they are basing gameplay elements around the scripts. Can you give me one moment in Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, or Halo: Reach where player control is taken away for a moment when it isn't a cutscene? I can think of just 1 and that is Cortana moments in Halo 3 (which almost everyone can agree became awful after the first few replays). How many times in those games is the environment being stripped away for no purpose other than the shock value?
As for Warzone, it just looks like there's too much going on to be able to manage the battlefield. Halo 4's problems were more than just surface issues. Halo 4's global ordnance issues weren't just "it's too random", it was because players weren't able to predict what the opponent had or
could have. From the E3 conference, plus the IGN stream, Warzone looks to have the "I don't know what my opponent could be doing" which is problematic. In addition to that, the way the numbers work out for kill times and such means that if a team of 12 goes up against randoms(which I can almost guarantee will happen), it will be even more of an uncontrollable situation than BTB already is.
What hooked a lot of people into Halo (at least for campaign) was it's simple story telling. There was the overarching story that the developers tell, which is given to the player through cutscenes and vignettes, and there's the story that the player tells which is done through the gameplay. Every time a developer strips away gameplay in favor of some arbitrary ledge grab, it takes away from the player story. I want to tell my stories of how I ramped a Chopper off a building onto a Scarab, not how Locke almost fell off the edge of a crumbling building.
You guys are both really fucking annoying, you realise that right?
This pointless "oh of course you like it, huehuehuehue" is seriously tiring and really rather sad.
And you're not annoying? I can say that I've never read a post from daedalius or yourself that made me think "what an interesting position". Nowadays I don't have the time, nor do I want to put in the effort for a post that is going to be ignored in favor of arguing with some drive by post.
But they have 2 employees who spend 90% of their time with MLG wannabes. They go out of their way to pay for tournaments for the wannabes (even MLG doesn't want Halo these days). They get a lead developer to court these people in the Beyond forums, despite the torrent of direct and personal abuse thrown at 343 employees by folks there.
Obviously 99% of the entire Halo audience are MLG babies, why else would they spend a disproportionate amount of time and money on them?
Instead of using a beta to test the brand new online experience with untested networked AI and new modes and scale, they instead focus on the Arena mode for the MLG babies. Obvious the baby's mode is more important to test.
MLG babies love the shit out of COD. COD single player is almost entirely scripted with cinematic moments. Now Halo has all that too.
Trust them. Etc.
I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not, and that says a lot about the Halo community.