I really, really wish a couple of posters in here who should know better would stop calling us liars.
It makes having discussions almost impossible. We PLAINLY stated this at E3 in several interviews, and if the 117 characters in Josh's tweet aren't detailed enough then say that. The idea that we are deliberately withholding that information is ludicrous. PR 101 would tell you that will blow up in your face.
There is NO reason to lie about it and we (once the final production decision was made) planned to discuss the fact and the reasons.
So instead of this being disappointment about a beloved feature going away, it's back to the usual repetitive cycle of hatred and rage.
I've personally done AT LEAST a half dozen interviews discussing this and the whys. I've also responded to a ton of Twitter threads on the topic. I don't decide what mags and websites print.
But for the love of god, just say you don't like the decision, instead of creating a sinister narrative. I can't even imagine the purpose of "hiding" that fact. We find out which features are included and which aren't as the constantly evolving production schedule and technology shift even as we work on the game.
We have to be careful what we do and don't commit to in speech and in writing, because things change. But this isn't one of those. This was something we stated plainly and apologetically. We knew going into the commitment to the entire engine moving to a 60fps backbone, that there would be compromises, and like any project, we had to weigh the benefits against the negatives.
Of course we'd rather we could include split screen, but the collection of factors we've talked about ad-nauseum means we couldn't.
It's not a plot. It's logistics and performance and technology and schedules and a hundred other factors, but one thing it is not, is a lie or a conspiracy.
As the game gets closer to final, we'll show off more, and continue to improve it, and share everything we can, and that sometimes means not having all the detail we'd like, because things are always in progress, but please just forget this bizarre notion that this is carefully orchestrated deception. That is a nonsense.