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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Internet Batman


No, in fact specifically not that. What I am saying is that we will support CSR ranking throughout Arena. Players can then decide whether or not it matters to them. But we'll track for all Arena playlists, even the more "casual" ones.

Oh man... I suck at ignoring ranks, now I'm gunna take everything far too seriously.

So... any hints as to what the "larger" portion of mulitplayer is gunna be like :p


Unconfirmed Member
Two things I really want from the Halo 5 UI:

1. For the kill feed to highlight teammate names in blue and enemy names in red, and to show what weapon was used to get each kill.

2. For the voting screen to make some sort of sound when it comes up. A quiet, subtle one is fine. I often times find myself not paying attention and I don't even know the vote is up until I hear the three second countdown beeps.

Uhm ive never experienced it so many times on 360... it feels like this new generation of consoles is the generation of kids with no thumbs.

It shouldnt be impossible to play alone and still having competent team mates.
*shrug* You've been lucky, then. Bad matchmaking karma is catching up to you, lol.

Edit : Just had a match of CTF in Halo 4 where I could hear someone talking on the enemy team the whole match. Edit 2: It's happening again. Halo 4 KOTH.
This is not always the case to me. Halo 3 objective is occasionally BR starts, occasionally AR starts. In last 3 H3 objective, 2/3 were BR starts.

Was that in Team Objective? That was the only playlist that had even seen H3 BR starts in obj. As of today that playlist was replaced by Team Doubles.

If it was in the H3 playlist then the gametypes aren't labelled as BR starts (like they were in Team Objective). All the times an obj game was voted for, it had AR starts (and half the players quit in the first two minutes) when I played earlier.


No, in fact specifically not that. What I am saying is that we will support CSR ranking throughout Arena. Players can then decide whether or not it matters to them. But we'll track for all Arena playlists, even the more "casual" ones.

Has there been any changes as to how you're ranked? Ie. Beyond just the initial ten matches win/loss for placement? Don't like how a few bad games early puts you in Bronze and then it's almost near impossible to get up to semi-pro or onyx or gold etc.

If that's the case, I'd rather play whatever is unranked early, learn the maps and mechanics and then try and get a solid team for the first ten ranked matches, try and game the early placement and then hope to maintain the rank.
Im really getting pissed with that Matchmaking in general. Why the fuck do i always get the kids in my team that dont fucking know how to use a controller? Oh and on top of that a guest that cant distinguish between enemy and his own team. So i have to deal with a kid that betrays...

I really dont care about this quit penalties when i always get matched witch such kids. Thats fucking annoying anf not fun.

My teammates are so good.


I shouldn't have reinstalled!
No, in fact specifically not that. What I am saying is that we will support CSR ranking throughout Arena. Players can then decide whether or not it matters to them. But we'll track for all Arena playlists, even the more "casual" ones.

Ah thanks for clarification :)

But will there be social playlists?

My teammates are so good.

I shouldn't have reinstalled!

Dr green thumb was the best #Kappa


Two things I really want from the Halo 5 UI:

1. For the kill feed to highlight teammate names in blue and enemy names in red, and to show what weapon was used to get each kill.
I'm still for the Reach era verbiage in the kill feed. "x killed y" is different from "x was killed by y", while not giving you 100% of the details. There's other stuff like "x was sniped by y" that does give you important details, but imo the difference between getting an AR kill and a BR kill in the feed is pretty unimportant.

2. For the voting screen to make some sort of sound when it comes up. A quiet, subtle one is fine. I often times find myself not paying attention and I don't even know the vote is up until I hear the three second countdown beeps.

Yeah. There has to be some kind of middle ground if you are in a menu. iirc, Reach would kick you out of the menu you were in to tell you to vote, while MCC doesn't do anything until the 3 second countdown. A little popup from the top with a "Press RT to go to voting screen" dialogue would be cool.


God I love ODST's campaign. It's my favourite Halo single player. I've just started it up about 15 minutes ago but I'm so excited to play again, and shooters never excite me now.

I see they removed the Destiny teasers, for obvious reasons.
I posted this in the MCC thread but I figured I might get help here quicker.

So I bought the MCC at launch and yet it is telling me that I have to pay $4.99 for ODST. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I am so annoyed right now.


I posted this in the MCC thread but I figured I might get help here quicker.

So I bought the MCC at launch and yet it is telling me that I have to pay $4.99 for ODST. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I am so annoyed right now.

First off have you checked you XBL messages? It's possible they just haven't sent you your code yet.

Also, did you play it at launch whilst connected to the Internet?


It also has a surprisingly bitching magnum, I'm rediscovering. Pops jackals and grunts all day long, mmm.

ODST secretly has the most satisfying headshot weapon in the Halo series.

That little snip sound it makes is so good

All of the sound design in ODST is amazing actually, your footsteps slapping in the rain, the incredible soundtrack, the ambient noise of the city. It's all fantastic.

The footstep one is actually something I remember hearing about, apparently they couldn't have actual rain in the game due to engine limitations so they had to find ways of making it feel like it was raining. The footsteps was was one of them.

That's another thing, have we ever had a Halo game with weather? I can't think of a single level with actual rain...


I think you mean the shite rifle.

I mean Binary Rifle.
That too, I guess, although the shite rifle doesn't quite have the ludicrous bullet magnetism that the beam rifle does. Lets throw the Incineration Canon in while we're at it.

That's another thing, have we ever had a Halo game with weather? I can't think of a single level with actual rain...
Lots of snow, and I think Halo 3 had rain in The Storm.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Anyone else have audio crackles on ODST? Maybe it was intended for the opening cinematic, can't remember.


That's another thing, have we ever had a Halo game with weather? I can't think of a single level with actual rain...
Define "actual rain." ODST has raindrop particles falling from the sky.

...Reach's rain is amazing. Huge particle counts to produce some local streaking through actual raindrop motion blur, and the particles turn into splashes when they collide with on-screen geometry.


Define "actual rain." ODST has raindrop particles falling from the sky.

...Reach's rain is amazing. Huge particle counts to produce some local streaking through actual raindrop motion blur, and the particles turn into splashes when they collide with on-screen geometry.
ODST's was just a screen filter I thought?

I was thinking more along the lines of actual raindrops for example like this:


I had completely forgotten about Reach though. Which levels were rainy again?


ODST's was just a screen filter I thought?
I haven't checked ODST in particular, but Halo 3's rain has correct parallaxing in theatre. It's definitely not just an animated image over the screen, the drops angle and stuff depending on your view angle.

I had completely forgotten about Reach though. Which levels were rainy again?
Winter Contingency, Nightfall, New Alexandria, and Pillar of Autumn.
Looking for a 4th to do a dejavu run. Message "VivaciousJazzy" "The Little Moa" or "Cyren CE" for an invite if anyone is interested.

Edit: We're good now
so i bought HMCC at launch and sold immediately due to all the issues. i got my odst code in my inbox this morning and reminded me to see what condition the game is in now?

how is matchmaking, etc?
so i bought HMCC at launch and sold immediately due to all the issues. i got my odst code in my inbox this morning and reminded me to see what condition the game is in now?

how is matchmaking, etc?

It's leaps and bounds better than it was back at launch, but it still has its problems.
so i bought HMCC at launch and sold immediately due to all the issues. i got my odst code in my inbox this morning and reminded me to see what condition the game is in now?

how is matchmaking, etc?

It's been a long process, but everything is working as it should. There's the occasional crash or bug, but it's playable now. Team balancing is a little off though.


so i bought HMCC at launch and sold immediately due to all the issues. i got my odst code in my inbox this morning and reminded me to see what condition the game is in now?

how is matchmaking, etc?

No question about it, it still faces issues, but I have no problem finding fun matches. Game is in a state that's acceptable, just not perfect.
so its worth buying back for $28 after GCU tomorrow at best buy? whats the best price been?

I'd say it's worth picking up again. Yeah sure I bitch a lot about it, however I still enjoy it. Campaigns are fine and the mp is functional.

The price seems about right, it's $27 on Amazon if you have Prime.
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