Splatters in halo 4 are a much riskier proposition than in previous games. The slog to unlock the green visor is going to be rough
Splatters in halo 4 are a much riskier proposition than in previous games. The slog to unlock the green visor is going to be rough
This only proves that you only looked at the grades and did not even read the text. GG by the way, most of the missing features where discussed in reviews. Heck Edge destroyed the multiplayer. Also, glitches happen in every game. There is no way to avoid them with such a big game. Whatever though, rage will always win regardless of reason.
343 deserves all the shit they are getting, but fuck I hate it when people get irrational, illogical and outright dumb and grasp at straws.
Who was it saying that they get betrayed by vehicles all the time? I ask, because that has been happening in almost every single BTB game i've been in. It may just be bad luck, but good grief it's annoying.Vehicles are a much riskier proposition. They feel like deathtraps to me now.
I woke up at 10am and read you talking crap about the game. Went out for the day came back and you are still here.Congratulations, you've proved that I've proved that I can have an informed opinion on Halo 4 without relying on game journalism by playing the game myself.
I'm having fun with Halo 4. But it's not polished or well balanced.
Why the hell did you rant about that journalist should have highlighted those flaws then? You didn’t debunk my post at all. Now you revert back to “It’s my opinion and I should not rely on journalist to form it”, that contradicts everything you said.Congratulations, you've proved that I've proved that I can have an informed opinion on Halo 4 without relying on game journalism by playing the game myself.
I'm having fun with Halo 4. But it's not polished or well balanced.
Understandably so, considering it has to match your preference by four factors including region. As I said before, CoD games have a much bigger pool of players to search from and still has trouble attracting them to its "lone wolves" team playlists. It's never as simple as adding another hopper, they have to consider what it will do to the amount of players in the other playlists.
The comparison to Halo 3's more extensive matchmaking options doesn't really work. That game came out in a time where Halo was the biggest console FPS and CoD4 was only a very popular beta with a release date in November.
Whatever.The article I linked to was a prerelease interview thing and I was commenting on comments made by the developers, not comments made by the journalists. You see, the developers said one thing, but then the game turnout out to not reflect what they were talking about. Follow me?
View pls.oddone pls
Yeah, my bad. I'm having a terrible day.
Yeah, my bad. I'm having a terrible day.
The bolded have nothing to do with a game being polished regardless of how nice those features were to have in previous games. Also, I'm not convinced that the grenade throwing is a bug. It makes sense that you can throw a grenade much harder while sprinting. The boltshot glitch is so minor it's not even worth bringing up.Campaign/Spartan Ops theater missing. Campaign scoring gone. Spartan Ops reusing campaign spaces with redundant mission objectives and poor difficulty scaling. Broken file share searching. No file share/web integration. Inexplicably lost custom game options. Downgraded Forge functionality and build space. Uneven/lackluster sound design. Multiplayer maps with geometry exploits. Large mutiplayer maps with poor framerates. Frequent networking issues in matches with more than eight players. Symmetrical maps with asymmetrical spawning and weapon placement. Poor UI design and functionality in-game and menus. Grenade throwing and Boltshot button glitches. Unpolished.
In matchmaking: Promethean Vision, Jetpack, Active Camoflage, random ordnance, personal ordnance, Scorpion tanks, Mantis, Banshees, Regicide, Multiflag on asymmetrical maps. Unbalanced.
Or were you talking about graphics and BRs? Yeah, those are awesome.
Man, you don't want to open that can of worms.Is the zwarte pieten discussion so hard on you?
melee is even more broken than in reach. I TAPPED IT!
It's fun going back and rereading all the bullshit said in interviews after having played the game.
customs was strong for aleast a month in Reach... what time are they not make it though have my grandpaws funeral at 5 today...Question: did it take less time for the honeymoon period to wear off in Halo 4, than in Reach? I just moved to University when Reach came out so my time here was limited, and thus I didn't get to see the mass reaction. Obviously I knew the reaction between me and the group I played Halo with, but I was wondering if the reaction was this vociferous, so soon after release?
lol most un-polished halo game ever... maybe besides halo 2... but most of the glitches in that game made it funner.
Safe to say I disagree with the bolded.
That stuff was shit anyway. Took forever to find a game.
lol most un-polished halo game ever... maybe besides halo 2... but most of the glitches in that game made it funner.
Is the zwarte pieten discussion so hard on you?
Didn't anyone feel like the combat was uninteresting in campaign and you essentially go from pressing one yellow button to the next? At one point I remember walking through blue hallways for 3 minutes not seeing anyone. What the hell was that? Who designed this garbage? Just make the building smaller and less you can get to the point you want to go right away...
I want to take my profile with me when I go and play some LAN at a friends house tonight. Will I get my loadouts and weapons when I just take the profile, or do I need another savefile as well?
It depends if loadouts are saved server side or if the hosts unlocks affect what's available to you. I don't know for sure, but it can't hurt to bring your Halo data along. It's only several megabytes, IIRC.
Modders have already made a Normal Infection mode and are working on 1 Flag CTF right now....sure would be awesome to have these tools that only devs and modders can use -_-
It's just hex editing. I'm going to make a predator gametype with prom vision and maybe binary rifle.
It's stupid how you can't even change the load outs of the zombies in the options. Dat damn "super kewl" flood skin >.>
I want to know, Robbert.
I want to know, Robbert.
Modders have already made a Normal Infection mode and are working on 1 Flag CTF right now....sure would be awesome to have these tools that only devs and modders can use -_-
I think I burnt myself out on Halo 4 for the time being.
Meanwhile people who hate the game keep playing nonstop. :_P
Didn't anyone feel like the combat was uninteresting in campaign and you essentially go from pressing one yellow button to the next? At one point I remember walking through blue hallways for 3 minutes not seeing anyone. What the hell was that? Who designed this garbage? Just make the building smaller and less you can get to the point you want to go right away...
I think I burnt myself out on Halo 4 for the time being.
Meanwhile people who hate the game keep playing nonstop. :_P round 1 about to start. Come cheer Lars and I in the stream
so proud
You are not allowed to post shots of my stats.