Shut yo mouth boi
That's without counting the hundreds of MLG custom games I've played. Would've played it more often but most people I played with didn't like MLG and the only playlists that I frequently played solo in were SWAT and Snipers.
Edit: I also noticed that they changed some of the pictures for playlists on waypoint for whatever reason. Why would you bother when you're just about to release Halo 4?
Maybe there are still things in motion that they want to fix before they say anything? Be a little reasonable and dont overreact instantly. Heck, I've been in that position before. I could not say anything because of factors that were completely reasonable and understandable but if I said anything about it people would not get the context. Creating a shitstorm for nothing helps nobody and only breeds more confusion.
Elzar u need to get an avatar of a woman with giant cans.
Halzey with giant cans if possible
I thought you liked the trash Elzar played like 2forts- I was always up for MLG but that dictator kept making us play mini games.
Something as big as server issues are bound to be stuff that they are working on. Not trying to say that you should cut them some slack, but be a little reasonable. It's shitty, they know it, we know it but I rather they spend time fixing it then have a potential PR disaster where words are taken out of context and misinformation starts being spread around.Im not creating a "shitstorm". I'm just upset that I can't play a game that I bought with my hard earned money for the second day in a row and I don't even know if they are aware of the problem. Simple "we are on it" would be nice.
Being addicted to this awesome game isn't helping either lol.
halo 5 will have red dot sights, and two of the reticle designs will be a dorito and a can of mountain dew.
Than The Cage? HaloGAF is constantly showing me that opinions are indeed wrong.^Complex is worse IMO
Stealth wouldn't work with the trolls in matchmaking. See the Wapoint post of the asshole who just wants to splatter teammates. I am fully on the side of making things more interesting, because this week's offerings are the exact same shit from last week, but with less fun. I will say, for the sake of adding something positive, that Complex works far better as a Spartan Ops map than it does a multiplayer map. Those are some fun missions to play solo.What the hell are you smoking? They would perfectly fit into Halo's sandbox.
A stealth optional mission would force players to try to stealth it beginning to end, but having the alternative route of blasting their way through reinforcements. There would be some re-playability here two, at once per style, stealth and non-stealth.
A chase mission would be interesting. Do you jump in the hog and make a bee line for the character? That way the character knows your coming so he makes a beeline for his target. Makes it a straight up race. Or, how about letting the target get a little ahead of you as you mop up all the hostile forces. The target proceeds at a more leisurely pace instead, giving you a chance to catch him on foot or maybe even nab an enemy vehicle or two and catch him unaware?
The last once, maybe it would play out the same each time, but hell every damm mission in Spops right now has you seeming press buttons for no real reason any. At least being forced to push buttons in a certain order is changing it up a little. ;P
You could loosely tie any of your examples into a story, and it would be far better gameplay than what we've been offered so far. I really want to like this mode, but 343 seems to be fighting me every step of the way. The netcode is especially infuriating.Thinking more about Firefight. I honestly think that 3 missions a week would have been the sweet spot, there has been some really standout missions, the one on Complex today was like Firefight extreme and was pretty great - doing Sniper Alley again for what seemed like the 4th time was not so great. I hope they take lessons from this and learn Quality over Quantity. Valhalla with the hogs was really fun as well - so I think they know how to use the sandbox.
I really think a unique focus on each mission would help:
- A Mantis Mission
- A Stealth Sniping mission
- A Tank mission
- A Banshee mission
- A Hog Mission similar to the last level of Halo CE.
- A VR Mission on board the Infinity - maybe a timed obstacle trick jump course
- A Outer Space Mission.
- A Firefight mission on some of the multiplayer maps
- Generator Defence on the other multiplayer maps.
- Having to capture some objective, i.e. there is a strange ball which we need to extract.
- Survive a three way fight between Covies, Prometheans and Humans.
Im sure there are other one off specific scenarios that can be thought up - on Waypoint itself they have covered historic Halo moments, so im shocked they didnt dip into those to draw inspiration for one off missions.
Scrap the story, its basically external to what is happening in game anyway. Is it worth wrapping everything in the fiction if that story stifles the gameplay? CoD had it right by just having weird one off missions which where unique and fun.
It's funny, just came across a Rev3 review last night where one of the guys were moaning about the lack of iron sights, that it felt like Halo was stuck in the past because of it.
Made me grimace.
Every other major and minor gameplay decision they made was aped directly from Call of Duty (except Promethean vision), including the terrible selection of maps. (Toggle crouch, standard sprint, press X to instant respawn, sleight of hand, extreme conditioning, overkill, hardline, dead silence, care packages, rerolling care packages, hit markers, riot shield, stopping power, killcams). I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
yeah I don't know what is going on with the maps. they're probably the clearest indicator to me that nobody at 343 has any idea what makes Halo great and never played the previous games. they're a ragtag assembly of broken ideas, empty concepts and poor realization. I swear the 5 maps I came up with in 10 minutes are better than any of these turds. How do you sit there and go "Yep, Complex is as good as it gets, ship it!". Who comes up with that? Who builds it? Who are the people all along the process that think it's great? Is it the SOCOM PSP guy in charge of multiplayer? The Turok remake guy in charge of the game? The maps are a disaster. You've got Microsoft funding the bills - paying for one of the most expensive games ever made - and this is honestly the best they can do? Adrift is the best you can do? Abdandon is the best you can do? Solace? Broken instant respawns? No options in customs? No campaign theater? Destroying one of the best and most iconic UIs in console gaming history? How come there's no Left 4 Dead style Director system in campaign to increase tension and make the encounters more unique every time you play them? The campaign still plays like old Halo in a bad way. Without the ability to follow in the footsteps of Call of Duty for the campaign, it just ends up as this limp swipe at the best moments of past games. It's not revolutionary or evolutionary, it's painfully stagnant. 343, if you need people to watch official videos on your website in order to understand your game's story; your story is a mess.
All this is exacerbated by the fact that there's some iPad Doritos game out for co-marketing purposes, the $400 limited edition Halo 4 console doesn't come with the LE of the game, there's an amateur movie made for direct to Youtube purposes that 8 people watched, and meanwhile the actual game is languishing in mediocrity. I'm not saying one takes away from the other, I'm saying you better be damn confident that your game is outstanding if you're willing to build all this stuff around it, and the game isn't.
I just don't understand how all of this slipped through the cracks. There must've been 15 people here - "Team Downer" - who called out the faults in the maps, faults with mechanics, and faults with the UI just by seeing slivers of the game in 10 second off-screen bursts recorded at trade shows. It's not about being negative and it's not about wanting old Halo and saying fuck everyone else, it's about pointing out the cracks so the experience is better for everyone. If people here saw the issues, why did nobody at 343?
Microsoft needs to go through and gut the entire studio if this was everybody's best effort. Certain Affinity has proven to be the definition of mediocre based on everything they build, don't let them touch Halo again. All the marketing efforts were and continue to be pathetic - you guys know there's a map pack out in two weeks right? It's like my favorite Onion headline "Special Olympics T-Ball Stand Pitches Perfect Game". They got the budget, they got one of the biggest franchises in gaming, they got the time, and they released a jack of all trades and master of none.
I guess that's the biggest frustration with the game. If you're going to take a dump on traditional Halo and build this bastardized COD that nobody wants, at least pull it off better. This game walks further down the path towards COD than Reach ever did, but all that did is leave it further from an audience.
It's annoying, halo has always been about the scope/noscopes, who needs iron sights in a halo game?
yeah I don't know what is going on with the maps. they're probably the clearest indicator to me that nobody at 343 has any idea what makes Halo great and never played the previous games. they're a ragtag assembly of broken ideas, empty concepts and poor realization. I swear the 5 maps I came up with in 10 minutes are better than any of these turds. How do you sit there and go "Yep, Complex is as good as it gets, ship it!". Who comes up with that? Who builds it? Who are the people all along the process that think it's great? Is it the SOCOM PSP guy in charge of multiplayer? The Turok remake guy in charge of the game? The maps are a disaster. You've got Microsoft funding the bills - paying for one of the most expensive games ever made - and this is honestly the best they can do? Adrift is the best you can do? Abdandon is the best you can do? Solace? Broken instant respawns? No options in customs? No campaign theater? Destroying one of the best and most iconic UIs in console gaming history? How come there's no Left 4 Dead style Director system in campaign to increase tension and make the encounters more unique every time you play them? The campaign still plays like old Halo in a bad way. Without the ability to follow in the footsteps of Call of Duty for the campaign, it just ends up as this limp swipe at the best moments of past games. It's not revolutionary or evolutionary, it's painfully stagnant. 343, if you need people to watch official videos on your website in order to understand your game's story; your story is a mess.
All this is exacerbated by the fact that there's some iPad Doritos game out for co-marketing purposes, the $400 limited edition Halo 4 console doesn't come with the LE of the game, there's an amateur movie made for direct to Youtube purposes that 8 people watched, and meanwhile the actual game is languishing in mediocrity. I'm not saying one takes away from the other, I'm saying you better be damn confident that your game is outstanding if you're willing to build all this stuff around it, and the game isn't.
I just don't understand how all of this slipped through the cracks. There must've been 15 people here - "Team Downer" - who called out the faults in the maps, faults with mechanics, and faults with the UI just by seeing slivers of the game in 10 second off-screen bursts recorded at trade shows. It's not about being negative and it's not about wanting old Halo and saying fuck everyone else, it's about pointing out the cracks so the experience is better for everyone. If people here saw the issues, why did nobody at 343?
Microsoft needs to go through and gut the entire studio if this was everybody's best effort. Certain Affinity has proven to be the definition of mediocre based on everything they build, don't let them touch Halo again. All the marketing efforts were and continue to be pathetic - you guys know there's a map pack out in two weeks right? It's like my favorite Onion headline "Special Olympics T-Ball Stand Pitches Perfect Game". They got the budget, they got one of the biggest franchises in gaming, they got the time, and they released a jack of all trades and master of none.
I guess that's the biggest frustration with the game. If you're going to take a dump on traditional Halo and build this bastardized COD that nobody wants, at least pull it off better. This game walks further down the path towards COD than Reach ever did, but all that did is leave it further from an audience.
Also I was amused by the fact that theValhalla mancannon now have a canon function..
man canon
Im not so sure. New console launch means new hurdles have to be overcome, it could either go really good or really bad, I see no in between.I'd hate to say "wait till Halo 5" considering that was my logic with Reach->Halo 4, but Halo 5 will be 343's ultimate test to see if they can make a really polished halo game. They have their studio built, they have experience shipping a full game... If they port half the game to be done to Certain Affinity then whats the point.
If they want my faith in them restored they need to show they can support Halo 4 well.
yeah I don't know what is going on with the maps. they're probably the clearest indicator to me that nobody at 343 has any idea what makes Halo great and never played the previous games. they're a ragtag assembly of broken ideas, empty concepts and poor realization. I swear the 5 maps I came up with in 10 minutes are better than any of these turds. How do you sit there and go "Yep, Complex is as good as it gets, ship it!". Who comes up with that? Who builds it? Who are the people all along the process that think it's great? Is it the SOCOM PSP guy in charge of multiplayer? The Turok remake guy in charge of the game? The maps are a disaster. You've got Microsoft funding the bills - paying for one of the most expensive games ever made - and this is honestly the best they can do? Adrift is the best you can do? Abdandon is the best you can do? Solace? Broken instant respawns? No options in customs? No campaign theater? Destroying one of the best and most iconic UIs in console gaming history? How come there's no Left 4 Dead style Director system in campaign to increase tension and make the encounters more unique every time you play them? The campaign still plays like old Halo in a bad way. Without the ability to follow in the footsteps of Call of Duty for the campaign, it just ends up as this limp swipe at the best moments of past games. It's not revolutionary or evolutionary, it's painfully stagnant. 343, if you need people to watch official videos on your website in order to understand your game's story; your story is a mess.
All this is exacerbated by the fact that there's some iPad Doritos game out for co-marketing purposes, the $400 limited edition Halo 4 console doesn't come with the LE of the game, there's an amateur movie made for direct to Youtube purposes that 8 people watched, and meanwhile the actual game is languishing in mediocrity. I'm not saying one takes away from the other, I'm saying you better be damn confident that your game is outstanding if you're willing to build all this stuff around it, and the game isn't.
I just don't understand how all of this slipped through the cracks. There must've been 15 people here - "Team Downer" - who called out the faults in the maps, faults with mechanics, and faults with the UI just by seeing slivers of the game in 10 second off-screen bursts recorded at trade shows. It's not about being negative and it's not about wanting old Halo and saying fuck everyone else, it's about pointing out the cracks so the experience is better for everyone. If people here saw the issues, why did nobody at 343?
Microsoft needs to go through and gut the entire studio if this was everybody's best effort. Certain Affinity has proven to be the definition of mediocre based on everything they build, don't let them touch Halo again. All the marketing efforts were and continue to be pathetic - you guys know there's a map pack out in two weeks right? It's like my favorite Onion headline "Special Olympics T-Ball Stand Pitches Perfect Game". They got the budget, they got one of the biggest franchises in gaming, they got the time, and they released a jack of all trades and master of none.
I guess that's the biggest frustration with the game. If you're going to take a dump on traditional Halo and build this bastardized COD that nobody wants, at least pull it off better. This game walks further down the path towards COD than Reach ever did, but all that did is leave it further from an audience.
It's struck me as odd every week how little the Infinity itself seems to be doing.Another thing that REALLY bugs me about SpOps is that you go through these environments, clearing out hostiles so Infinity Science can study the area, and not only do these hostiles just set up camp right after, BUT INFINITY SCIENCE MISSES THESE HUGE FUCKING BUTTONS IN THE PLACE THEY'RE STUDYING.
I’m not so sure. New console launch means new hurdles have to be overcome, it could either go really good or really bad, I see no in between.
And MS will be cracking the whip for them to get a Halo game out as soon as possible too.
I'm sure Halo 6 will be just great.
Im not so sure. New console launch means new hurdles have to be overcome, it could either go really good or really bad, I see no in between.
I don't know what to say about Halo 4 any more.
I've almost completely stopped playing a mainline Halo game after 3 weeks. That's fucking soul crushing.
It's struck me as odd every week how little the Infinity itself seems to be doing.
How the hell are the Covies getting around so easily? How come the Infinity hasn't knocked every Storm ship out of the sky the way it blew through them in Glasslands and in the opening cinematic?
I don't have a clear picture of the area around Requiem at all right now.
I'm pretty sure they can dish out non-main Halo games to fill the void.
I'd expect at least one new Halo game every holiday season.![]()
I'd hate to say "wait till Halo 5" considering that was my logic with Reach->Halo 4, but Halo 5 will be 343's ultimate test to see if they can make a really polished halo game. They have their studio built, they have experience shipping a full game... If they port half the game to be done to Certain Affinity then whats the point.
If they want my faith in them restored they need to show they can support Halo 4 well.
Something as big as server issues are bound to be stuff that they are working on. Not trying to say that you should cut them some slack, but be a little reasonable. It's shitty, they know it, we know it but I rather they spend time fixing it then have a potential PR disaster where words are taken out of context and misinformation starts being spread around.
Ive seen this happened before with other games and utterly hate how some users went overboard with it.
Im never said he shouldnt, but there fine line between irrational and complaining. I just hate when it goes into the deep, it benefits nobody and just makes things more confusing.If I was in his place I would be furious - being stuck on backup servers is pretty shitty! I say let him make as much noise as he wants and hope it draws attention - after all if it happened to you what would you do?
I want to know who writes the dialog for Palmer, so can slap the shit out of him for creating the worst character lines in the series (my god, it can't be written by a woman, please). Did she just learn the term "egghead" and "hingehead" and wants to bandy them about like a third grader? How 343 can create a compelling story and yet have a main character that I just cringe at every time she speaks is actually kind of amazing. I seriously feel bad for the voice actor that has to utter that meathead garbage and hope she got paid well.
What's really impressive is despite all that, the voice acting itself is on a tier so high above what Reach gave us that I almost want to give 343 a pass. I just can't though; Palmer had a shot at being a really great character, but so far she's just another angry, one-dimensional asshole in the Spartan IV program.
That's what I'm asking myself constantly. You could say there aren't any Covenant ships on/in requiem anymore, but then where do these drop pods come from? The only logical conclusion is that there are Covenant ships flying in/around Requiem, but the Infinity isn't doing anything about it. Maybe they're happy with people dying all the time?
She is the worst character in the series. I genuinely hope she's killed off as I don't think there's a way to make her likeable at this point. I don't think there's a way back from this level of irritation.
Im never said he shouldnt, but there fine line between irrational and complaining. I just hate when it goes into the deep, it benefits nobody and just makes things more confusing.
Apparently I’m not being clear enough and making me out like I’m saying he should not complaint at all. Is it really that hard to see my point of view? I also think it’s a disgrace, but I can also see where 343 is coming from. It helps nobody by going berserk, discussion on the other hand helps way more.He is getting a sub par multiplayer experience this close to launch and missing out on a whole bunch of features of the game. He can't rank up - use load outs, play with friends and I assume try out the weekly playlists.
I would say that this is a disgrace and I would be so pissed if it happened to me - how can you possibly call it irrational to complain about that?
I don't think they've really specified. I dunno why wouldnt want all your game features up before a bunch of people get the game as a gift, though.So are fileshares actually going to be working by next week, or did December actually mean late December/Early2013
I was literally talking at my TV last night, saying, "why can't you make Palmer interesting like this guy?!"Yup. I agree. I actually liked the fellow that was guarding Halsey. I want to know more about him. That's sad too when a pretty much unknown Spartan 4 is more interesting then her.
Rumor is they patched the "game breaking" super throw glitch.
Thank god.
She is the worst character in the series. I genuinely hope she's killed off as I don't think there's a way to make her likeable at this point. I don't think there's a way back from this level of irritation.
I was surprised to learn Thorne was only in te service for a year before joining the Spartans. Would have thought you'd want more veteran ODSTs are something. (on the other hand Thorne is the most likeable S-IV we've seen.)I'm kind of disappointed with what they're doing with the Spartan IVs. The SII's are basically mythical soldiers and the SIII's became an extension of ODSTs (basically suicide missions) in addition to the savage aspects added in the later batches.
The SIVs we've seen so far are basically generic space marines.
The way they handled this bullshit pisses me off just as much as shit in the game! Every other gamefuel promotion has been widely circulated and well done. Now, I have to go to A DIFFERENT STATE if I want some.Game Fuel promotion
i loved that trick.Rumor is they patched the "game breaking" super throw glitch.
Thank god.
I'm loving Spartan Ops
I think I just threw up in my mouth. If you honestly enjoy spartan ops your either mentally retarded or in denial.
Glad to see kylej showcasing how I and many people feel about Halo 4.
Game is disgusting. 343i should be ashamed.
I think I just threw up in my mouth. If you honestly enjoy spartan ops your either mentally retarded or in denial.
Glad to see kylej showcasing how I and many people feel about Halo 4.
Game is disgusting. 343i should be ashamed.