Whos with me?
Halo 5. Do IT.
I would consider it more if Murder Miners had Halo 1 texture packs:
So simple. So clean. So efficient. If you were to plop Spartan IV's in those clean textures as-is I wouldn't mind ;]
Can't say I'm pleased with the abundance of rocks and "natural formations" in the multiplayer maps too. This game is in dire need of some simple, eye-candy maps like Haven ;\ - not realistic outdoor maps with detailed textures IMO. Also, what's up with
no Covenant maps.
Above all though, Halo 4 has an amazing art style, but look at the mulitplayer maps we get compared to some of the environments we see in the campaign. Sometimes it's really hard to push through my distastes for this franchise.. Then the player models not lighting properly (being lit up in shadows on Forge maps) is hard to look at.
Couple that with the unsurprising truth in that we probably won't even see any of these changes that'll bring out the great, underlying gameplay. I would really love to be at 343 or even Bungie to see how some of these design choices
really came to fruition. It wouldn't be shocking to hear years from now, after Halo 5 comes out, 343 saying how they went into Halo 4 with such high expectations and hopes but due to X constraints their vision had to drastically be cut, leaving them neck high in quick sand.
The darkest before this dawn has only begun fellas. I guess that's why Halo Wars means so much to me <3