I'll just repost this that I wrote today in the OT:
For me I've played so many FPS and TPS shooters since the start of this generation that it's easy to find faults with so many of them, and the majority I bail on after a month's time. The exceptions? Metal Gear Online, Gears of War 1, and Call of Duty 4. These games, with definite faults of their own, still held my interest day in day out for months at a time to keep having fun with them.
Too often when I put in a shooter this gen I start to get pissed off and bitch into my headset or in my mind if I'm playing alone. So for me to find a game where I'm just having fun and can laugh with friends the whole time I play, is a REAL treat. Even my buddies noticed..."hey you aren't complaining about anything when we play this...wtf?" Well yeah wtf is there that's really destroying the flow of the game for me? There's no armor lock bull crap or real inconsistencies with bloom like in Reach. Plus, the map selection here takes a giant shit on what Reach had pre map packs.
The game of course will get, and needs to get, a few updates in its time line, but even if 343 said, "We aren't changing shit except adding more maps," then I'd still be A okay with it. Why? Because as I sit here at work day in day out, all I keep thinking about is wanting to be home to get in a little more time with the game.
I've dabbled with all the modes, and I have fun in the majority of them. CTF and SWAT are my two favorites at the moment. That bad ass feeling when your team has to play defense the whole game because the other guys are really good at pushing your flag, only for you to find that brief moment in time to slip away while your 3 play D, and you get to the flag, melee 3 guys with it, shoot another, and make it back to cap it with red flashing health...fuck that feels soooooo good! Or in SWAT when the other team is 5 kills away to win, and you guys are down 10, and all of the sudden you turn on God Mode and get an over kill, into a triple kill to bring your team back...fuck yes!
If you can't find moments of fun in the game, then it isn't for you. I get abilities, perks, and guns need tweaking/balancing, but to start up a stink storm to say the game is unbalanced on the levels of like MW2 where you can rain death and drop a nuke on people to win, compared to some guy getting a needler to drop down after he got 3 kills, is a ridiculous notion. It's 2 free kills at best.
<3 this game.