Dude, people speedrun every game. Halo included. Some of those are GAF members. Whether people choose to spend their time doing that or matchmaking shouldn't matter, should it?I didn't find the Halo one a good comparison because no two games are the same, and I'm sure for most people, the social aspect of it is just as big as the game itself. Now, if we were playing the same map,gametype, and same people every day for hours on end trying to recreate the same scenario, but shave seconds off, then ok, you got me.
I never said it was bad or anything, chill out brah. Saying it's "his hobby", well no shit.
I think full stopping on the power for the sword would render it almost useless. Maybe 25%, but not the full 100%.
Dude, people speedrun every game. Halo included. Some of those are GAF members. Whether people choose to spend their time doing that or matchmaking shouldn't matter, should it?
I just didn't see the point of the reply at all really. I'm plenty chill at the moment, thanks.
Compared display TV to his uncle's electric wheelchair, doesn't see what's wrong with people doing what makes them happy.
kidding...I think.
Are you getting...defensive about this?It's his hobby. So what?
FTFY...I think![]()
I'm tempted to possibly pick up Halo: Anniversary in the future as I'd really love to play the game's single player again and possibly the online (if it's still populated, this would be amazing) Is it worth even touching Reach's online or should I go to 3 instead? I've only played Reach twice at my friend's house so I have no clue how the game is these days.
Don't say such stuff, Ryan. No fun allowed.The Railgun is the most satisfying weapon to ever exist in a Halo game.
Here's to hoping it sticks around for the next games.
RIP Nade Launcher
Have you got one? I ordered ages ago and it still hasn't dispatched..
Judging by heckfu's recent logic, this would be a shitty post.
You remind me of a girl I once knew in high school. We hooked up once but then she wanted to get all serious and attention seek-y, so I called it quits. She is now the single mother of two children at the age of 21 and collecting unemployment.
You remind me of a girl I once knew in high school. We hooked up once but then she wanted to get all serious and attention seek-y, so I called it quits. She is now the single mother of two children at the age of 21 and collecting unemployment.
Way to leave a woman after you made her prego twice. Be a family man.You remind me of a girl I once knew in high school. We hooked up once but then she wanted to get all serious and attention seek-y, so I called it quits. She is now the single mother of two children at the age of 21 and collecting unemployment.
Camo is bullshit. Boltshot is bullshit. Jetpack is bullshit. UI is bullshit. Random ordnance is bullshit. Binary Rifle is bullshit. Lack of precision Forge controls is bullshit. Lack of zoom in Forge is bullshit. Flinch is bullshit. Perk design is bullshit. DMR is bullshit. Promethean Vision is bullshit. Sniper aim assist is bullshit. Beam Rifle aim assist is bullshit. Boltshot trigger latency is bullshit. Lack of online File Share is bullshit. Unlocking emblems is bullshit. Scattershot inconsistency is bullshit. Incineration Cannon is bullshit. SAW is bullshit. Grenades in ordnance drops is bullshit. Suppressor is bullshit. Pistol is bullshit. Storm Rifle is bullshit. Vehicle set on Exile is bullshit. Banshee is bullshit. Scorpion is bullshit. Gauss Hog is bullshit. Regicide is bullshit. Calling in overshield when you need it is bullshit. Excluding Extraction is bullshit. Forcing zombie skin is bullshit. Lack of Zombie options is bullshit. Forced sprint is bullshit. Lack of Race is bullshit. Lack of campaign theatre is bullshit. Locking all but two Specializations is bullshit. Lack of visible skill is bullshit. Forcing you to sign in to view stats is bullshit. Magnets on edges instead of corners is bullshit. Prometheans looking the same is bullshit. Lack of feedback on enemies is bullshit. Sword not slowing when shot is bullshit. Reusing the same challenge is bullshit. Giving enemies one shot kill weapons is bullshit. No death count in Spartan Ops is bullshit. Promethean spawning is bullshit. Sword not having slowdown on AI is bullshit. Marketing is bullshit. Human structures on dirt is bullshit. Lack of distinguishing sides on Adrift is bullshit. 2 Flag on Complex is bullshit. Hill on Ragnarok is bullshit. The Mantis is bullshit. Join in Progress with the enemy team nearing victory is bullshit. No flat space to Forge on is bullshit. Warthog sound being louder than anything else is bullshit. Captain Del Rio is bullshit. The ending is bullshit. Battlewagons taking 3 Railgun shots is bullshit. Spartan Ops netcode is bullshit. Black screen frequency is bullshit. Bro spawn weight is bullshit. Lack of pickup weapons is bullshit. Crawler headshot window is bullshit. Removal of Grenade Launcher is bullshit. Spartan Laser is still bullshit. Sarah Palmer is bullshit. Dudebro Spartans running out with shotguns is bullshit. Spartan Ops dialogue is bullshit. Audio mixing is bullshit. Lack of flag dropping is bullshit. Waypoint over flag carrier is bullshit. Not having Specialization perks for custom games is bullshit. Not giving Europeans Specializations is bullshit. Forcing one code per account is bullshit. Locking away armors to certain preorders is bullshit. Spawning asymmetrically on Haven is bullshit. Spawning asymmetrically on Abandon is bullshit. Deciding on three pieces of DLC before the game is out is bullshit. Double XP is bullshit. Framerate during split screen is bullshit. Framerate during Dominion is bullshit. Forge having only white pieces is bullshit. Player inertia is bullshit. Power weapons in personal ordnance is bullshit. No medal for Perfections is bullshit. Instant respawn always on is bullshit. Lack of skulls in Spartan Ops is bullshit. Lack of Campaign scoring is bullshit. Lack of Firefight is bullshit. Always checking for downloadable content is bullshit. Lack of any Forge maps in Matchmaking is bullshit. Lobby design is bullshit. The light beam on Solace is bullshit. Friendly fire disabled in Infinity Slayer is bullshit. Kill cams being incredibly buggy is bullshit. Starting matches with uneven teams is bullshit. Clipping into corners is bullshit. Removal of weapon specific sprees is bullshit. Information overload is bullshit. Waypoint over every enemy is Spartan Ops is bullshit. Scrolling arrows UI in the menu is bullshit. UI for Specializations is bullshit. Waypoint app not updating to Halo 4 is bullshit. Armor Abilities looking the same when on the ground is bullshit. Gravity volumes forced to 5x5 and 10x10 is bullshit. Limiting certain Forge items to one palette is bullshit. Forge items being .2 units longer than an even .0 or .5 is bullshit. Forge items not being even with the world coordinates is bullshit. Active roster not being organized by name is bullshit.
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complains. But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You reall dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shied gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner complaind, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan adn players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complains. But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You reall dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shied gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner complaind, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan adn players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
Oh dear.I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complains. But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You reall dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shied gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner complaind, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan adn players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complains. But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You reall dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shied gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner complaind, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan adn players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
you'll find a match on anniversary just as quick as you can find one in halo 4. I still play it every couple of days. there's still a very decent population on it and in reach too.
3sk magnum, higher movement and strafe speed, no AAs. good fun.
not many maps though, just prisoner, beaver creek, headlong, hang em high and damnation. rotation of slayer, snipers and objective.
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complains. But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You reall dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shied gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner complaind, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan adn players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complaints . But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You really dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shield gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner Complaint, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan and players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complaints . But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You really dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shield gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner Complaint, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan and players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complaints . But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You really dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shield gos down, I can just activated and walk sidewise like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. nevner Complaint, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan and players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
You remind me of a girl I once knew in high school. We hooked up once but then she wanted to get all serious and attention seek-y, so I called it quits. She is now the single mother of two children at the age of 21 and collecting unemployment.
I threw up.
Oh dear.
New Spartan Ops tonight, right? Hoping for something a little different.
Camo is bullshit. Boltshot is bullshit. Jetpack is bullshit. UI is bullshit. Random ordnance is bullshit. Binary Rifle is bullshit. Lack of precision Forge controls is bullshit. Lack of zoom in Forge is bullshit. Flinch is bullshit. Perk design is bullshit. DMR is bullshit. Promethean Vision is bullshit. Sniper aim assist is bullshit. Beam Rifle aim assist is bullshit. Boltshot trigger latency is bullshit. Lack of online File Share is bullshit. Unlocking emblems is bullshit. Scattershot inconsistency is bullshit. Incineration Cannon is bullshit. SAW is bullshit. Grenades in ordnance drops is bullshit. Suppressor is bullshit. Pistol is bullshit. Storm Rifle is bullshit. Vehicle set on Exile is bullshit. Banshee is bullshit. Scorpion is bullshit. Gauss Hog is bullshit. Regicide is bullshit. Calling in overshield when you need it is bullshit. Excluding Extraction is bullshit. Forcing zombie skin is bullshit. Lack of Zombie options is bullshit. Forced sprint is bullshit. Lack of Race is bullshit. Lack of campaign theatre is bullshit. Locking all but two Specializations is bullshit. Lack of visible skill is bullshit. Forcing you to sign in to view stats is bullshit. Magnets on edges instead of corners is bullshit. Prometheans looking the same is bullshit. Lack of feedback on enemies is bullshit. Sword not slowing when shot is bullshit. Reusing the same challenge is bullshit. Giving enemies one shot kill weapons is bullshit. No death count in Spartan Ops is bullshit. Promethean spawning is bullshit. Sword not having slowdown on AI is bullshit. Marketing is bullshit. Human structures on dirt is bullshit. Lack of distinguishing sides on Adrift is bullshit. 2 Flag on Complex is bullshit. Hill on Ragnarok is bullshit. The Mantis is bullshit. Join in Progress with the enemy team nearing victory is bullshit. No flat space to Forge on is bullshit. Warthog sound being louder than anything else is bullshit. Captain Del Rio is bullshit. The ending is bullshit. Battlewagons taking 3 Railgun shots is bullshit. Spartan Ops netcode is bullshit. Black screen frequency is bullshit. Bro spawn weight is bullshit. Lack of pickup weapons is bullshit. Crawler headshot window is bullshit. Removal of Grenade Launcher is bullshit. Spartan Laser is still bullshit. Sarah Palmer is bullshit. Dudebro Spartans running out with shotguns is bullshit. Spartan Ops dialogue is bullshit. Audio mixing is bullshit. Lack of flag dropping is bullshit. Waypoint over flag carrier is bullshit. Not having Specialization perks for custom games is bullshit. Not giving Europeans Specializations is bullshit. Forcing one code per account is bullshit. Locking away armors to certain preorders is bullshit. Spawning asymmetrically on Haven is bullshit. Spawning asymmetrically on Abandon is bullshit. Deciding on three pieces of DLC before the game is out is bullshit. Double XP is bullshit. Framerate during split screen is bullshit. Framerate during Dominion is bullshit. Forge having only white pieces is bullshit. Player inertia is bullshit. Power weapons in personal ordnance is bullshit. No medal for Perfections is bullshit. Instant respawn always on is bullshit. Lack of skulls in Spartan Ops is bullshit. Lack of Campaign scoring is bullshit. Lack of Firefight is bullshit. Always checking for downloadable content is bullshit. Lack of any Forge maps in Matchmaking is bullshit. Lobby design is bullshit. The light beam on Solace is bullshit. Friendly fire disabled in Infinity Slayer is bullshit. Kill cams being incredibly buggy is bullshit. Starting matches with uneven teams is bullshit. Clipping into corners is bullshit. Removal of weapon specific sprees is bullshit. Information overload is bullshit. Waypoint over every enemy is Spartan Ops is bullshit. Scrolling arrows UI in the menu is bullshit. UI for Specializations is bullshit. Waypoint app not updating to Halo 4 is bullshit. Armor Abilities looking the same when on the ground is bullshit. Gravity volumes forced to 5x5 and 10x10 is bullshit. Limiting certain Forge items to one palette is bullshit. Forge items being .2 units longer than an even .0 or .5 is bullshit. Forge items not being even with the world coordinates is bullshit. Active roster not being organized by name is bullshit.
Sorry, Am so frustrated and angry
Please tell me english isn't your first language?
Responding to someone who says I am one of the reasons 343 isn't listening to feedback makes me "attention seek-y"? What a joke.
Please tell me english isn't your first language?
Is this real?
I could'nt agree more. And Am a man who never complaints . But having spend much time on this game, And realising each minutt passing that this is not Halo. You really dropped the ball on severel things. join in progress when the other team nearing victory is BS. Spartans never die no matter what you hit them with. Hard shield is total BS. Whats so different about it from Reach Armor lock? When I ampty the whole DMR clip on someones face and they dont die cuz of ur so old server. ( here is s tip, Dedicated servers) so I have to use the sec. weapon to kill them but I cant., u know why?1- Latency and shitty servers with full of lag. 2- Cus some smart *** in 343 thought of Hard shield so when their shield gos down, I can just activated and walk sideways like some sea crab(crap) and hid behind cover. Where dos that leave me with no more bullets? instatnt response? WOW.
Am 30 y old and have been Halo fan since CE. never Complaint, Always loved the games and still got every copy. I really thought you were some savers after What shitty game bungie released with HR. But now, U really are the same all of ya. Trying going after COD. Well here is something for ya. I will break uit down the easy way so you can understand it smart ****. HALO 3 had more players and increasing fans. Halo reach dicreased the series fan and players. Halo 4 same as reach adn decreasing everyday. 1+1=2. so for that, KMA ( If you are smart enough to figure this out)
Here we go again with grammatical errors and mistakes.
Dude, This is soooooo old.
I really hope you are a teacher or you have some serious issues.
And to answer your question, No English is not my First language. more like the fifth.
The question is, how many languages can you speak?
Here we go again with grammatical errors and mistakes.
Dude, This is soooooo old.
I really hope you are a teacher or you have some serious issues.
And to answer your question, No English is not my First language. more like the fifth.
The question is, how many languages can you speak?
It's okay. It seems like if one person decides to make fun of someone else in halogaf, everywhere else has to join in. They don't want to be left outHere we go again with grammatical errors and mistakes.
Dude, This is soooooo old.
I really hope you are a teacher or you have some serious issues.
And to answer your question, No English is not my First language. more like the fifth.
The question is, how many languages can you speak?
Pretty much...If you mess up on HalogAF, you will hear about it for pagesssss
Is this real?
Female Spartan model.