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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights


343i Lead Esports Producer
I couldn't find a better picture but it is totally you.

The movie is pretty good. Close to casino royale good; maybe better. I need some time for the new movie smell to wear off.

Ehhhh maybe in this photo a little.

I wanna know though, how weird was it to see this guy in the movie and immediately think of me, a guy who posts on the same message board you do?

Lol :p


Christ the UI is so bad. These dumb ass "cards" that hide behind each other now are pathetic. It was so perfect before...


Got my first killtacular without vehicles, less than a week after release. I think it took me a few months for reach. heh

vids on my file share if anyone cares to go through the effort to see it. theres also a sick binary triple kill with a 2 for 1.
wish it were as easy as bungie.net was.


So I think I'm on the last level. And I'm stuck.

In the Didact's ship. Just dropped off Cortana, did a defense sequence with turrets firing everywhere. There's a long narrow path that goes left. I pick Cortana back up, and the long path is flooded with Crawlers. I've fallen back into the dead end perpendicular to the path. And I'm pretty sure I've killed around 100 Crawlers straight over the past 10 minutes or so. They keep coming. Is this an infinite stream? What am I supposed to do?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
So I think I'm on the last level. And I'm stuck.

In the Didact's ship. Just dropped off Cortana, did a defense sequence with turrets firing everywhere. There's a long narrow path that goes left. I pick Cortana back up, and the long path is flooded with Crawlers. I've fallen back into the dead end perpendicular to the path. And I'm pretty sure I've killed around 100 Crawlers straight over the past 10 minutes or so. They keep coming. Is this an infinite stream? What am I supposed to do?

Run for it
to the other end of the walkway
So I think I'm on the last level. And I'm stuck.

In the Didact's ship. Just dropped off Cortana, did a defense sequence with turrets firing everywhere. There's a long narrow path that goes left. I pick Cortana back up, and the long path is flooded with Crawlers. I've fallen back into the dead end perpendicular to the path. And I'm pretty sure I've killed around 100 Crawlers straight over the past 10 minutes or so. They keep coming. Is this an infinite stream? What am I supposed to do?
You're supposed to book it for the portal despite the crawlers, there are some turrets that spring up when you get closer and you can set your own auto-sentry, but it's pretty dumb. Infinite enemy spawning has no place here.


Christ the UI is so bad. These dumb ass "cards" that hide behind each other now are pathetic. It was so perfect before...

I totally agree, but just something we all have to get used to going forward. Bungie is the kings of nice UI in video games and internet stats. 343 gave us DMR/BR starts in MM for Halo 4 though....can't have both I guess.


You're supposed to book it for the portal despite the crawlers, there are some turrets that spring up when you get closer and you can set your own auto-sentry, but it's pretty dumb. Infinite enemy spawning has no place here.

Ack. Now I feel pretty dumb. Every time I round the corner there are more, so I fall back...yeah. This has no place in the game. Thanks.

I'll make a break for it.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I think you guys blow through OTs faster than any other OTs on GAF.

I am in awe.
Ack. Now I feel pretty dumb. Every time I round the corner there are more, so I fall back...yeah. This has no place in the game. Thanks.

I'll make a break for it.
What difficulty are you playing on?

I think you guys blow through OTs faster than any other OTs on GAF.

I am in awe.
All because of my excellent posts.
Running around maps learning and discovering new jumps. Damn this makes me happy.
Too cool to join our party.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Did you guys know there's a fuckin air lift on Abandon inside of a tree? lol just discovered this running around it


Did you guys know there's a fuckin air lift on Abandon inside of a tree? lol just discovered this running around it

I remember seeing that once, thinking 'woah' ... and then never using it again. I had already forgotten about it haha.

I don't see how anyone is hitting the XP cap. I have played several hours each day and I have not had any issues. How long are you playing??


I remember seeing that once, thinking 'woah' ... and then never using it again. I had already forgotten about it haha.

I don't see how anyone is hitting the XP cap. I have played several hours each day and I have not had any issues. How long are you playing??


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I remember seeing that once, thinking 'woah' ... and then never using it again. I had already forgotten about it haha.

I don't see how anyone is hitting the XP cap. I have played several hours each day and I have not had any issues. How long are you playing??

Started around 8pm tonight. Now 2am. Double XP.
Just wanted to pop in and express my appreciation for the fine job that 343 has done with Halo 4. Both the Campaign and MP are amazing. Sure it's a bit rough around the edges at this point (as has been the case with every Halo title upon launch) but you absolutely nailed the core gameplay along with the map design being a considerable step up from Reach IMO. Hoping to see some robust updates to both the game and Waypoint functionality soon so the noticeable kinks can be ironed out.

Plasma pistols + sticky grenades in your loadout. Problem solved. I love destroying vehicles in this game. The gauss hog is the only thing that I think should not be in matchmaking. The Scorpion on Exile is not that bad and the Mantis is not as powerful as I'd thought it would be.

Agreed. The Gauss Hog has no business being in MP for obvious reasons. Other than that, as far as BT IS goes, I have no issues with any of the other vehicles in Halo 4 as there are plenty of ways to take them down especially with the proper loadout.

Not sure what all the fuss is about in regards to the Mantis. It's slow, a big target, it's rockets are fairly easy to avoid and the machine gun is very inaccurate outside of close to mid-range. A somewhat decently coordinated offensive can neutralize it with no problem as long as you manage to keep your distance.

My small list of concerns as of now:

- CTF should be symmetrical maps only. Not quite sure what the rational was for trying to incorporate asymmetrical maps into such a playlist. To my surprise though I really do like the new changes to CTF.

- Increase the score requirement for both Oddball and Dominion by at least 100 points. Games just end way too quickly for my liking.

- KOTH on Ragnarok was a very very bad idea.

- I do like Complex (especially for Flood) but it just isn't any fun in IS. With that said I wouldn't mind seeing it make an appearance in BT IS and/or Dominion.

Aside from that I've been having a blast with this game and cannot wait to see what you guys have in store for us down the road.


Why do the Marines look so stupid in this game? Green and orange trackpants? ew.

Plus I just heard them talking about the pro-pipe and the sticky detonator, haha.


Unconfirmed Member
So I think I'm on the last level. And I'm stuck.

In the Didact's ship. Just dropped off Cortana, did a defense sequence with turrets firing everywhere. There's a long narrow path that goes left. I pick Cortana back up, and the long path is flooded with Crawlers. I've fallen back into the dead end perpendicular to the path. And I'm pretty sure I've killed around 100 Crawlers straight over the past 10 minutes or so. They keep coming. Is this an infinite stream? What am I supposed to do?
Yeah, I got stuck in that exact spot until I finally decided to just run for it. Luckily I like fighting crawlers.


When does the cap reset? I think I hit it.

I'm pretty positive it's 12am. I've hit it twice now and every time after 12am the next match I get xp again.

Now as for hitting the cap limit after 2 hrs of play, seems off. Maybe the game is taking in the fact you started the night before and isn't resetting at 12am like it should. It has happened to me before.


Dammit, I need to play some spartan ops with you people. Is there a halogaf friends list for me to jump aboard?

I think someone made a Halo4GAF tag in the game's OT but I'm not sure how many Halogaffers are on it.


Campaign complete, on Heroic. Waypoint stats:

Playtime: 8 hours, 50 minutes.

Deaths: 72

Flawless missions: 3

Kills: 2,028

Terminals: 6/7

Far and away the most ambitious and diverse Halo Campaign to date. And by the same margin, the least fun. I really didn't enjoy most of that, at all; the entire last mission was a chore.

Going to sleep on it before saying more.
Infinity big team slayer in general needs to be updated. It is just way too chaotic on Exile at least. On the other maps it isn't so bad but that is because it isn't vehicle dominated imo. Also what I don't like about Ragnarok is the Mantis. It forces teams to stay back. I rarely venture out to top middle anymore.

Also a game shouldn't start unless there is a full team first. JIP should be used to help teams that lose players not hinder teams from the start. The high kill times makes having less players a disadvantage.

Also while I don't feel the DMR is op I should want to use the BR over it at times and I just don't. It is a crime that I have to wait so long to unlock my Light Rifle. Best precision weapon in the game. You find yourself zoomed in most of the time anyway so it is best to use.

However the biggest sin to this game is its randomness. The idea is fun, but the ordnance system should be used for power ups not weapons. Also 343 said they would alert you when a weapon is coming down. That does not happen unless there is so much going on on the screen that it is not noticeable.

Slayer Pro is awesome. Since it is so good I'm convinced that 343 made a quality Halo multiplayer. Even Infinity slayer is fine, the Infinity Big team slayer is just heavies and that was never fun.


Far and away the most ambitious and diverse Halo Campaign to date. And by the same margin, the least fun. I really didn't enjoy most of that, at all; the entire last mission was a chore.

Going to sleep on it before saying more.

The fish has spoken.


Ghaleon, I'm six missions in the campaign and it is EASILY my favorite. I feel the encounters are the best of the series and graphically it's unmatched.

I hate that you aren't enjoying it :(
Ack. Now I feel pretty dumb. Every time I round the corner there are more, so I fall back...yeah. This has no place in the game. Thanks.

I'll make a break for it.
When I played it two-player co-op on heroic there were a lot of crawlers, but not endless. Pretty sure we were able to clear them all out before making our way through the portal.

Ghaleon, I'm six missions in the campaign and it is EASILY my favorite. I feel the encounters are the best of the series and graphically it's unmatched.

I hate that you aren't enjoying it :(
I'd say give it a second playthrough - expectations and all that. I found it really easy to get into the groove of the missions and play around a bit more with them when replaying in co-op. I'm still not sure how I'd rank it overall though.


Ghaleon, I'm six missions in the campaign and it is EASILY my favorite. I feel the encounters are the best of the series and graphically it's unmatched.

I hate that you aren't enjoying it :(

I hate that I didn't enjoy it, too.

I though the encounter set ups were a highlight in the game; far and away better than Reach. But that didn't matter, because I didn't find the combat fun. 343 got the notes to the combat right, but not the music; it feels like a pantomime of a Halo game. Combat alternated between boring and frustrating, with a few standout fights in the mix, mostly early on.

I'm still mulling over why I disliked the combat so much, but I have some ideas to put down over the weekend. Right now I'm so incredibly disappointed, I think I'd be too harsh. But in terms of rankings....I'd put Halo 4 last. By a large margin. :(

I'm also severely confused about the story, but that's for another time.

(And it also feels weird since it got such a great reaction and most here love it. I don't understand why.)
Ghaleon, I'm six missions in the campaign and it is EASILY my favorite. I feel the encounters are the best of the series and graphically it's unmatched.

I hate that you aren't enjoying it :(
It's definitely a weird feeling when you enjoy something and others have a completely different experience. I'm really liking the campaign. Not ready to say it's the best in the series, but easily 2nd best or maybe as good as CE for me.

Anyway, I'm online and up for grouping up with people if anyone is bored. But I prefer pro slayer over infinity slayer if possible.


343i Lead Esports Producer
LOL just discovered the coolest jump on Solace. Extremely useful for competitive play too. Laughing my ass off as I'm doing it.

edit: Wow, Solace has some serious symmetry issues


Unconfirmed Member
Do the number of enemies scale to the number of players in Spartan Ops? If not, consider me annoyed. The netcode makes me not want to play co-op, but the sometimes absurd enemy count makes playing solo really tedious.

edit: Wow, Solace has some serious symmetry issues
Yeah, I didn't realize until today that the bases are designed differently. I was starting to think I was crazy.
I'm also severely confused about the story, but that's for another time.
On this we're in 100% agreement.

I'm really interested in your impressions of Spartan Ops, especially legendary co-op. The combat really clicked for me at that point and has changed the way I play campaign and versus. But then again, legendary will do that.

(And it also feels weird since it got such a great reaction and most here love it. I don't understand why.)
At the very least, the technical achievements go a long way, whether that's a sense of scale, the lack of jaggies that have plagued the series, feeling like each shot from your weapon is powerful, new fully automatic weapons to play with, a better sense of feel for the strength and mobility of the suit, and the drop-dead gorgeous cinematics. That's all "extra" on top of the core mechanics, but it can make a huge difference. It makes me want to spend more time in the game's spaces, explore more, and try to pull off cooler moves.


Well I'm on my second play through of campaign and aside from the stupid Mammoth bit, I'm really enjoying it. At first the Prometheans were a bit dull to fight, but chucking up the difficulty helps a lot with that, IMO. Probably could've used a bit more variety, but whatever.


LOL just discovered the coolest jump on Solace. Extremely useful for competitive play too. Laughing my ass off as I'm doing it.

edit: Wow, Solace has some serious symmetry issues
Yep. I feel like at some point it'll start to be a more serious issue than it is currently. It just seems strange that a map that by all means should be symmetrical has serious structural differences between the two bases. I'm pretty sure the central lift is closer to the jungle side than the sunny side, too.
Do the number of enemies scale to the number of players in Spartan Ops? If not, consider me annoyed. The netcode makes me not want to play co-op, but the sometimes absurd enemy count makes playing solo really tedious.
Doesn't look like it. I only had issues playing solo on the third chapter Legendary, which was pretty easily the low point for me. In a way I like it offering dramatically larger battles than we got in the campaign, I do enjoy a challenge as long as it's not like that third chapter. As soon as I added a second player, it felt too easy. Maybe I got used to handling 20 elites dropping in at once on Land Grab (which I think is awesome).


the campaign fucking

Complex, however, does not.

I feel like just when I'm starting to get the hang of Complex I fall right back out of the loop. It has potential though...I have a feeling combat is going to start moving to the fringe of the map rather than on top of the building eventually.

Abandon, on the other hand, I just can't seem to grasp.
I concur that the gameplay in SP is more than a little lacking.. That said, I still had a lot of fun with it. It was just less rewarding and more boring at times, despite the diversity and interesting locales. Something about the AI + encounter spaces felt lacking most of the time.. that said, I do really want to play the game on co-op and some parts were a blast. I think I will replay it before I call how I feel one way or another.

The Story was fantastic stuff though, I only wish there was a little more to it.

I'm all in for Tashi's Jurassic Park call out. That's immediately what I thought when I saw that fence. :p


First time I saw the fence on Complex I thought of Jurassic Park.

I love you all.

Except you Demon, for tea bagging me in that CTF game. :p

Oh, you love me also.
For anyone that watches Invisible Walls on GameTrailers - Halo 4 discussion in this episode (around 20 something mins) and mention of Halo 4 fans vs Shane's obvious CoD fanboyism at the end of the next episode. My goodness.. Shane and that other dude who obviously wanted to talk more smack are full of crap.

For anyone who knows what I'm talking about, there's some serious bullshit with that site (Shane) and CoD. Either way, interesting watch because in that discussion is what many people seem to be complaining about which is nonsense IMO.


Unconfirmed Member
Doesn't look like it. I only had issues playing solo on the third chapter Legendary, which was pretty easily the low point for me. In a way I like it offering dramatically larger battles than we got in the campaign, I do enjoy a challenge as long as it's not like that third chapter. As soon as I added a second player, it felt too easy. Maybe I got used to handling 20 elites dropping in at once on Land Grab (which I think is awesome).
Yup, the third chapter is what made me make the complaint, haha. It was the first mission I tried on Legendary, and it wasn't difficult per se, just overkill. I'll probably enjoy it more on Heroic.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Assault Rifle is the total d-bag weapon. Way more powerful than it needs to be...

Nope! It actually fills the role it's supposed to. I think it's the best iteration of the gun in the series.

And I'm honestly surprised at the hate the campaign is getting. I loved it. I actually could follow the story, I actually really cared about what was going on and thought the gameplay was a lot of fun.
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