Then she comes back as Mecha Robo Egghead Palmer, the (even more) bionic woman.Was anyone else hoping that a promethean knight was going to decapitate Sarah Palmer or was it just me?
After another try and wasting double XP I just turned off my XBOX. Same thing, he's stuck literally in the door with his gun and sword sticking out (which are not part of his hitbox I'll note).
There are plenty of bugs only in the 1st chapter, but besides them, the chapter was beautiful and it was a very good mission.
And holy shit at the CGI.Halsey overriding the AI Roland. This was quite funny.
Bugs, I had:
- objectives not being displayed
- shield doors not opening, when destroying the "generator"
- shield doors opening, without destroying the "generator"
- Crawlers running against walls or against each other
- Jackal's running into walls
- Elite with Sword disapearing in front of me
A new Bioshock Infinite trailer.
Oh boy, that curiosity, can't wait till it's out!
Also looking forward to SPOPS7 today. Hopefully impressions line up with expectations.
Was anyone else hoping that a promethean knight was going to decapitate Sarah Palmer or was it just me?
It's embarrassing that pro is now synonymous with fair and equal gameplay
Has 343 or Bungie ever commented on framerate issue in Halo games? Be it on Forge maps, developer maps, in campaign, splitscreen, whatever. I don't recall any instance at which either company has acknowledged any of the issues. Maybe my memory is hazy.
No question on what they thought of the cheating accusations or rumours?I don't normally pimp my own stuff on here, but I've conducted interviews with some of the top players in the Infinity Challenge and got their views on the event. It's a pretty good read!
I don't normally pimp my own stuff on here, but I've conducted interviews with some of the top players in the Infinity Challenge and got their views on the event. It's a pretty good read!
From the Article said:Must Be A Noob: The first day it started I had to wake up at 5am GMT and I played a total of 16 hours that day then slept for 8 hours. When the leaderboards updated and I saw I was sitting in first place it gave me motivation to try and keep first place throughout the whole tournament. I also had two friends playing in tier 2 who were in the top 10, so every time I got on I would always have someone to talk to while playing Halo 4 because the longer you played the more boring and repetitive the game got.
From the Article said:ZXS: If this tournament was done again I would suggest to make it so the qualifier and finals would be shorter. I took two weeks off work for this. This was definitely a once in a life time thing for me. Shoutouts to my my awesome teammates Lethulspanish, cajunsuperjeff, aweelillad, tittledhalo, jerkstolemyname.
"With energy drinks and caffeine pills it can be done, but it really caused my body some damage. Im still recovering now. "I don't normally pimp my own stuff on here, but I've conducted interviews with some of the top players in the Infinity Challenge and got their views on the event. It's a pretty good read!
I can't imagine playing any game for 16 hours straight. Even at the most addictive peak of Halo 3 LAN parties I think the longest I ever played straight through was 8-10 hours. Maybe 12 hours tops. I can't imagine doing 16 hours back to back, day after day.
Wow. It's so weird none of that happened to me either. The only thing remotely happening to me was a delay when I cleared out a hallway. I was like well maybe I have to go the other way and half way down the hall finally a waypoint poped up where I was. So I turned around and headed back.
Do any of them go to school or have jobs?
This is ridiculous...
I don't normally pimp my own stuff on here, but I've conducted interviews with some of the top players in the Infinity Challenge and got their views on the event. It's a pretty good read!
A new Bioshock Infinite trailer.
Oh boy, that curiosity, can't wait till it's out!
Also looking forward to SPOPS7 today. Hopefully impressions line up with expectations.
Must Be A Noob said:I started to play Halo 4 a lot different than I used to play it so I could maximise my score every game. I would always rush the other team, making sure I get a lot of kills before I would die so I would get a higher score and faster game times.
As an added bonus, multiplayer experience points (XP) earned will carry over to the final game for players who purchase and play Judgment in the first week following its U.S. release, allowing them to get a jump on the competition and begin unlocking special rewards, like new weapon skins, medals and achievements.
So Gears of War Judgment Early Demo will be a preorder exclusive and ........
So Gears of War Judgment Early Demo will be a preorder exclusive and ........
So Gears of War Judgment Early Demo will be a preorder exclusive and ........
I wish I could just take off two weeks of work and school and just play Halo for 16 hours a day without bodily damages.
Not that I'm a GoW player, but at least it's purely cosmetic stuff, right? Or am I picking that up wrong?So Gears of War Judgment Early Demo will be a preorder exclusive and ........
Bro, you need to be enjoying the Tally-life to the fullest.
Shit. Does Auburn have a game today? I ask because three or four people have come up to me on campus so far talking about college football and asking for high-fives and shit while I'm wearing my Goku hoodie. I have no idea that the fuck is happening.
Also yeah this episode was probably the best one so far despite the Infinity being reused so much. The map is large enough and the missions diverse enough to where it didn't feel terribly too samey. Looking forward to playing through it again to grind for some Halo Funbucks.
my recent break-up
I swear to god, I was walking arround 15 minutes in the first room, which was block with the shield doors. Shooting at those generator things didn't help either.
When I restarted the mission, it worked. If only my capture card wasn't at my friends house.
I seem to e playing a completely different game half the time, especially since I don't have any of the slowdowns or frame rate dips GAFfers report on here.Oh I believe you guys. I just find it so weird how it can be so buggy for some and not others.
so does anyone here actually play match making?
and are any good?
OT: Just saw Looper for the first time. Ending was... unexpected. Enjoyed it though... even if I'm left questioning some aspects.
So Gears of War Judgment Early Demo will be a preorder exclusive and ........
Bros before toys. You should tell us how it played out after the last time you talked about it :B
EDIT: To be fair, the movie has self-referential slight comments about how it's nonsensical.
You did something right, if you get messages like this, over XBL:
That sounds like my kinda gametype.Just started the agl stream... No DMR, no aa till ordnance? Nice
You did something right, if you get messages like this, over XBL:
Like Spartan Ops![]()
45? Seriously? That's like nothing 3 months after a game drops.
People are so ridiculous. I work full time and am required to have continuing education for my job, play a few nights a week most of the time and am in the 120's. GET ON MY LEVEL!
Fuckin' A Croatia. You must be some special kind of douchebag.
EDIT: Top of page. And I just noticed the other guy's gamertag...
I am probably late to the party but I just read Shadders latest article:
Reading that is exactly why I don't like things like the virgin tournament, one guy took two weeks off work, another was made redundant anyway and they literally spent every waking moment in spartan ops. To the point were they complain about long term damage and crippling boredom.
Time based tournaments suck, skill based tournements would be better
Was it not a $ deal, where Virgin where willing to pay?I really don't get the reasoning behind this Virgin tornament.
Who ended up winning AGL?
Actually, this is a 45 in Halo 3. He is just mad, because he is a 37.I'm only 58 in Halo 4, btw.
Now, that he has nothing else to say, he is picking on my grammar and I think, I'm going to cry.