Halo 3 was better than Halo 2.
No, maps in H2 are better.
You have to look at each aspect of the game.
Halo 3 felt like I was playing in molasses. Game was slow, framerate was shit. Ughh. Netcode stunk, BR was garbage randysauce, maps were the worst. Snowbound SHIELD DOORS.
Host booting. Circle boosting, achievement boosting, rank whore, deranker accounts.
Terrible playlist management.
AR starts on AVALANCHE.
Always forgetting when you need to push to talk and when yyou dont, and then it changed halfway through the game I believe.
Regen respawn time...what were they thinking.
Chain-nade explosions stunk compared to sticky launching in H2.
When you looked someones gamercard up it had like your icon in their colors or something like that. That was never fixed. Annoyed the shit outta me.
I could go on but you get the point. Halo 3 was unrefined as much as any other Halo game was and is.