Rosso, the problem is Bungie is a game studio and 343 Industries is now an in house entertainment studio that oversees ALL Halo related aspects.
Meaning Frankie, Kiki, Bonnie also decide what happens in the books, movies, comics etc.
Like I said, J.J. Abrams and Disney are now in charge of Episode VII, do you think they really care at all about some established canon by a bunch of writers who wrote stories years ago? They care about their movie and taking the franchise forward. Bungie tried to throw fans a bone by trying to incorporate some accepted Reach canon, but ultimately wanted to tell their own story. For them it was the definite Halo. It tied their series of games together and ended their attachment to the franchise. The delivery of Cortana, the Chief in cryosleep, the last playable level and then the cut scene of the pillar of autumn escaping tied into CE perfectly, which is what they wanted.
You didn't need to watch terminals on YouTube, you didn't need to read the books, the story was pretty explanatory. This is what 343 failed at with Halo 4. You shouldn't need outside sources to play or understand the game.
The games are always going to be the primary medium. And while you may not appreciate the multiplayer for being competitive enough, new introductions that changed how you played, or that you expected the story to be different, you can't say they didn't give it their all. They release Halo 3 in 2007, developed all their map packs, then released ODST, and by 2010 Reach was shipped. It was polished, it had great art direction, great sound, level design. Sure they couldn't hit the highs of Halo 3, but they were somewhat creatively exhausted and tired of Halo.
That's why I'm excited for Destiny. To see a game they haven't been this excited for since Halo:CE. I'm not expecting the second coming of halo, all in expecting is a veteran studio that has spent years to come out with a great new game and universe. I'd fully expect it to play like Gears/CoD than Halo. They didn't leave one of the most successful IP's in modern gaming and proven sales just to make more of the same.