I totally understand your thinking, and you make a very good point. However, the "3 BR options" doesn't lead to anything random, does it? It leads to uncertainty, and as you said, a lack of clarity, but nothing is random - someone picked a BR loadout, you just dont know which. I'm not saying this ideal, just not random.
But, I agree that it may need to be addressed.
Wouldn't a game with less predictability consequently be a more random game? Anyway, that's not important.
What is important is that a player -- no matter how skilled -- can never be sure what AA an opposing player has. This leads to a dumbing down on the player's decision-making process because it reduces the reliability of many tactics.
For example, just say Player A knows that he can stick Player B. He runs up to Player B and quickly throws a stick. To his surprise, Player B quickly whips out the Hardlight shield, bouncing the nade off and following up with a kill on Player A. How was Player A supposed to know that Player B had a Hardlight shield? Was he stupid for trying to get the stick? Does this mean that the best way to play is to completely avoid going for head-on sticks due to the chance that players might have the Hardlight shield?
All of the above also applies to support upgrades and tactical packages. If I see that the rocket guy is no shields and is reloading, I'm probably going to rush him. Oh wait, he had Dexterity and just blew me up. With only one of the four loadouts having the Dexterity perk within the Deluxe settings, I would say that I had a pretty good chance of taking out the rocket guy. Am I dumb for taking that risk? Should we all just stop taking risks altogether just like the sticky situation mentioned earlier? Imagine this is a 49-49 game in an MLG event. Are we truly confident in these settings?
Knowing whether or not someone has a perk is the difference between life and death. Therefore they, too, should not have a place in competitive settings unless everyone has the exact same configuration.
And thanks for listening.
Dude. It's ok! They took out the powerup-tier AAs. No ProVis, Invis, Jetpack. Also no AutoSentry. Deluxe mode even tries to balance it out by not giving the DMR class an AA. For regular BR modes, the AAs are only unlocked when you get your Personal Ordnance, and so it gets dropped when you die.
I wonder if ProVis/Invis/Jetpack were ever tested as being powerup-tier AAs as map pick ups instead of in the loadouts, or Ordnance-tier for Deluxe.
Powerup-tier AAs are only a small part of the bigger picture. My problem is that there is no clarity with AAs. Read above.