Yeap. Do yourself a favour and stop watching the epilogue half way through howver
Seriously though. WHY!?!?
Yeap. Do yourself a favour and stop watching the epilogue half way through howver
Seriously though. WHY!?!?
Clip from customs last night:
Wouldn't a game with less predictability consequently be a more random game? Anyway, that's not important.
What is important is that a player -- no matter how skilled -- can never be sure what AA an opposing player has. This leads to a dumbing down on the player's decision-making process because it reduces the reliability of many tactics.
For example, just say Player A knows that he can stick Player B. He runs up to Player B and quickly throws a stick. To his surprise, Player B quickly whips out the Hardlight shield, bouncing the nade off and following up with a kill on Player A. How was Player A supposed to know that Player B had a Hardlight shield? Was he stupid for trying to get the stick? Does this mean that the best way to play is to completely avoid going for head-on sticks due to the chance that players might have the Hardlight shield?
All of the above also applies to support upgrades and tactical packages. If I see that the rocket guy is no shields and is reloading, I'm probably going to rush him. Oh wait, he had Dexterity and just blew me up. With only one of the four loadouts having the Dexterity perk within the Deluxe settings, I would say that I had a pretty good chance of taking out the rocket guy. Am I dumb for taking that risk? Should we all just stop taking risks altogether just like the sticky situation mentioned earlier? Imagine this is a 49-49 game in an MLG event. Are we truly confident in these settings?
Knowing whether or not someone has a perk is the difference between life and death. Therefore they, too, should not have a place in competitive settings unless everyone has the exact same configuration.
Everyone knows that website ranks won't work except 343. The playlist would be so much more popular with in game ranks in the service record. At this point who gives a shit about cheaters and derankers in Halo. Most have moved on to COD or are DDOS'ing kids in Halo 3. Which is sad but its such a small percentage of the overall ranked population.
What do they have to lose at this point? Why not go all out and make ranks visible in game?
Soooo... initial impressions of Team Throwdown after playing the first hour of its existence:
- Played BRs on Simplex
This map flows really well for slayer and CTF, but we already know that from prior playlists and such. Playing the BRs only variant felt very solid, though, with more battling over positioning and weapons than gametypes with AAs enabled by default.
- Played KOTH deluxe on Shutout
Lightrifle loadouts really aren't worth getting unless you plan on switching out your lightrifle right away in most cases. The regen is quite useful, especially in King, but the lack of offensive capability with the LR in its current form is too limiting in my view. DMR loadout is still deadly as hell, most notably if you know the map inside and out from Halo 2. Having the non-random hills that function properly is so nice and I can't imagine ever wanting to play KOTH any other way. This map played really great for KOTH. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the forced hill moving. It enforces more movement and different setups. You can't just get a lead and keep the other team out of the same hill the rest of the game, since it will move whether or not all of its time is used up. Team-only radar is still something I'll need to get used to.
- Played BRs on Shutout
This was just blissful. This slayer mode just feels really right.
- Played BRs on Abandon
Got screwed by two randoms. Don't feel qualified to make any criticisms.
- Played Extraction BRs on Haven
This gametype feels sooooooo perfect. The objective actually feels like you've earned it when you score, the power weapons work well on the map, no one's trying to boltshot you 24/7, etc. And, best of all, as mastrbiggy put it, there's finally a really effective use for the pulse grenade!
That's all I've played so far, but it felt very good, and was, except one game, quite enjoyable.
Reposting for new page:
If you pre-order Destiny at GameStop now, you get one of 2 posters. You can choose, which one you want. Both posters, are 2 sided, so that's a total of 4 posters.
Here are 3 of 4 covers:
Thanks for the impressions! I'll try and play some tomorrow and would've stayed on longer tonight for the launch but I'm so hooked on House of Cards right now...two episodes to go!
Well guys if you wanted to see it the Epilogue is up.
Well guys if you wanted to see it the Epilogue is up.
Well guys if you wanted to see it the Epilogue is up.
Well that was not that bad
Yeap. Do yourself a favour and stop watching the epilogue half way through howver
Well guys if you wanted to see it the Epilogue is up.
Also in the epilogueThat was pointless.the bullet hole is above the arm yet they cut it off below the bullet entry point?
I just really don't want to play Halo for a long long time now. After that I just can't care anymore.
Might seem extreme but they just ruined something I liked a lot about Halo.
Regarding Dr. Halsey:Don't know why they had to amputate her arm below the bullet entry, but do you think, she will get a robot arm like Cat? Maybe even a Forerunner arm?
Which was?
I just really don't want to play Halo for a long long time now. After that I just can't care anymore.
Might seem extreme but they just ruined something I liked a lot about Halo.
Good characters. Something about the ending just REALLY rubbed me the wrong way.
We playin' the same franchise bro?
Fuck, I'm at my parent's home for the entire week, and my brother just broke the only xbox in the house yesterday. I guess I'll just watch the cutscenes now and play the missions when I get home again.
I thought you didn't play Halo 4 anymore? You pretty much call everyone that plays it stupid. Are you stupid too?
Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. Clever way to hide sections too.That final mission is pretty damn fun. And interesting. We need more 'weird' stuff like that during actual campaigns, IMO.
Soooo... initial impressions of Team Throwdown after playing the first hour of its existence:
- Played BRs on Simplex
This map flows really well for slayer and CTF, but we already know that from prior playlists and such. Playing the BRs only variant felt very solid, though, with more battling over positioning and weapons than gametypes with AAs enabled by default.
- Played KOTH deluxe on Shutout
Lightrifle loadouts really aren't worth getting unless you plan on switching out your lightrifle right away in most cases. The regen is quite useful, especially in King, but the lack of offensive capability with the LR in its current form is too limiting in my view. DMR loadout is still deadly as hell, most notably if you know the map inside and out from Halo 2. Having the non-random hills that function properly is so nice and I can't imagine ever wanting to play KOTH any other way. This map played really great for KOTH. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the forced hill moving. It enforces more movement and different setups. You can't just get a lead and keep the other team out of the same hill the rest of the game, since it will move whether or not all of its time is used up. Team-only radar is still something I'll need to get used to.
- Played BRs on Shutout
This was just blissful. This slayer mode just feels really right.
- Played BRs on Abandon
Got screwed by two randoms. Don't feel qualified to make any criticisms.
- Played Extraction BRs on Haven
This gametype feels sooooooo perfect. The objective actually feels like you've earned it when you score, the power weapons work well on the map, no one's trying to boltshot you 24/7, etc. And, best of all, as mastrbiggy put it, there's finally a really effective use for the pulse grenade!
That's all I've played so far, but it felt very good, and was, except one game, quite enjoyable.
I havent played a single chapter of Spops since episode 6 chapter 1. The weekly cgi cinematically are great i the only one that's watched just the cinematic and skipped the gameplay portion?
Any Halo GAFers getting Metal Gear Rising tomorrow?
Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. Clever way to hide sections too.
IMO the best is mission 3. So good.
I'm going to guess they killed the old chick at the end of Spartan ops.
Just got my first Extermination in Halo 4 in Throwdown.
Felt so good