Don't worry guys, no matter what...
We've got Bungie and Destiny soon.
Next year...
Don't worry guys, no matter what...
We've got Bungie and Destiny soon.
Next year...
Where do you come up with all this, Wahrer Machine?
Wait, what's this?
Quick, somebody distract heckfu..
I'm not sure why this was pitched as a balance patch when almost everything on there is a bu fix. Not that fixing bugs is a bad thing, but it wasn't presented that way at all.
I cannot fathom why Random Transport is being given the spotlight in that Spartan Ops playlist when it's one of the worst missions in the season.
10 feet = 1 World Unit , .1 unit = 1 foot
People complain about Boltshot and that 343 isn't doing anything about it despite it being one of the largest problems in the entire sandbox.Halo 4 TU
The only achievement that appears on that map to my knowledge is on the mission Hacksaw, which is a much, much better mission than Random Transport.I think there's a potential Achievement on that mission.
I'm not sure why this was pitched as a balance patch when almost everything on there is a bu fix. Not that fixing bugs is a bad thing, but it wasn't really presented that way when they spoke about it.
I cannot fathom why Random Transport is being given the spotlight in that Spartan Ops playlist when it's one of the worst missions in the season.
Why is Team Objective getting snubbed with Majestic's release? Landfall could be a good King map but instead they put it in three Slayer-only situations?
Destiny sniper reload animation from the PS4 announcement
People complain about Boltshot and that 343 isn't doing anything about it despite it being one of the largest problems in the entire sandbox.
343 does something about it.
People still complain.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everybody.
People complain about Boltshot and that 343 isn't doing anything about it despite it being one of the largest problems in the entire sandbox.
343 does something about it.
People still complain.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everybody.
10 feet = 1 World Unit , .1 unit = 1 foot
It seems I never will.Its mind. I understand Le Wahrer Machine.
TU = Tiny Update
well at least we have Team Throwdown. Had some close games. gg Barrlow and Booties
Game Announcements (Multikills, Sprees, etc.) Are Not Made In Theatre Clips
-When you create a clip from a full film, the announcer no longer is audible.
LAN Profiles Don't Have Everything Unlocked
-This is key for events and competitions. Without the ability to create custom classes using all of the game elements, events are forced to use predetermined loadouts or force players to bring their own profiles.
Lack of Precision Forge Controls
-Reach's Forge controls allowed players to move objects slower and more precisely when holding in the Left Analog Stick. Additionally, players were able to zoom in on objects with the Right Stick to get a better handling of their precision movements. These controls have been removed without explanation.
Waypoints: X for Dead Teammates + More Distinguishable Colors For When Teammate is Shooting / Getting Shot
-Another feature that has been removed without explanation.
Grifball "Ball Arm Time" Is Bugged
-Setting the Arm Time to any other setting than Instant does not actually change the Arm Time.
Lack of Party Indicators In Matchmaking
-Another feature that has been removed without explanation.
Party Details Tell Significantly Less Details in Halo 4
-Another feature that has been removed without explanation.
Cannot Move While Having The Scoreboard Up
-Another feature that has been removed without explanation. Players in past Halo games could bring up the scoreboard and still move their player around. In Halo 4, pulling up the scoreboard negates any ability to move your character.
Setting Ammo Count for Battery-Based Weapons in Forge Does Nothing
-Changing Ammo Count for batter-based weapons hasn't had an effect every since Forge was introduced in Halo 3. Surprising to see this bug make its way into another game.
Weapons De-spawning Too Quickly If Not An Ordnance Weapon Or When Dropped After Death
-Players have noticed that weapons are despawning at a ridiculously quick rate after they have been dropped in comparison to past Halo games. This makes drop-spawning weapons (which creates static weapon spawns) a very inefficient method to spawning weapons.
Games Beginning With No Players On Opposing Team
-Games will sometimes begin with no players on one of the teams. This usually occurs when an entire team backs out after a game or the game after a game has ended because the entire team quit out. This bug is costing players Double XP games.
Alphabetical Order For Active Rosters
-Really confusing when you try to look for specific players through your Active Roster. Essentially forces you to just scroll through the entire Active Roster to find players.
Tactical and Support Packages Earned Through Specializations Are Not Options In Custom Games
-It seems very unneccesarry for these to not be included as options in custom games. Things like Rogue, Stealth, etc. are very desirable for Custom Games.
Cannot Change Max Player Count of Lobby Once a Player Joins
-Very annoying bug. Requires the leader to leave the party and make a new one to set a new Max Player Count.
Impact, Erosion, and Ravine Dynamic Lighting Bugs
-All of the Forge pallets lose the dynamic lighting feature when a certain amount of objects/budget is used.
Forge Pieces With Invisible Barriers, and Other Various Piece Glitches
-Some pieces, like the Tower, 3 Story and some of the Rock pieces have invisible barriers that block shots coming in and out. When walking on a Wall, Coliseum (especially on Erosion) players appear to be in a floating state where their legs are raise as if they are jumping, and glide across the floor.
Object Shifting in Forge
-Forge maps are sometimes subjected to massive shifting on nearly every piece when loaded up. This occurs regardless of whether or not pieces are "locked" or not.
Trait Zone Properties Aren't Set To Default Options
-When accessing the Trait Zone Properties in Forge, many of the options are already set on very random settings, which makes it very tedious to use and set up Trait Zones.
Bugged Assassinations
-Players have experienced very buggy assassinations, sometimes allowing their player to navigate out of the assassination animation and kill the player assassinating them.
Setting Respawn Time in Slayer, Infinity Slayer, KotH and Oddball Gametypes Does Not Negate Instant Respawn
-Instant Respawn is always an option to players during a game no matter what the Respawn Duration setting is set to.
Bugged Flag Physics
-The Flag in CTF will sometimes get caught in map geometry and players aren't able to pick up the Flag.
Inability To Set Ammo Amount on Initial or Random Ordnance
-In Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, you were always allowed to set the amount of ammo weapons would spawn with. When spawning weapons through Ordnance, you do not have this option any more. This is especially an issue with Initial Ordnance.
Ordnance UI Displaying Incorrect Weapon
-In some cases, Ordnance UI will display the incorrect weapon. The most common cases are Frag Grenades having a Spartan Laser indicator and Rocket Launchers having Needler indicators.
Camo Crouch Glitch + Boltshot/Camo
-A glitch exists where players using Camo will not have their blue dots show up on the Radar if they time their crouch properly. Additionally, charging up the Boltshot does not take a player out of Camo.
Starting Ammo + Weapon Despawn Rate Issues + No Ammo On Map
-The amount of ammo you start with, the fact that there are no weapons on the map, and the quick rate of weapon despawning leaves many players with low/no ammo. Maybe spawn players with one additional clip and/or allow weapons longer times before despawning.
Feel free to add any bugs or dire fixes needed.
BR - Remove/tighten the spread. Make the gun a four shot-kill (four bursts of three).
DMR - Shorten the Aim Assist ranges. Decrease bullet magnetism. Remove bloom (little to no effect).
Shotgun - Reduce range and/or tighten spread.
Scattershot - Remove random damage output element.
Railgun - Make more consistent. Either remove splash damage capabilities and make it a hit-or-miss type gun, or increase spash damage capabilities so that shooting at/near the feet or at surround areas produces more consistent damage outputs.
Carbine - Increase shots-to-kill by one or two bullets.
Beam Rifle - Reduce/remove the Aim Assist when unscoped.
Needler - Slightly decrease projectile speed.
Concussion Rifle - Remove the "stun".
Boltshot - Plenty of ideas in this thread.
Frag Grenades - Slightly increase the damage cone.
Pulse Grenades - Increase damage rate and damage output of the "pulse field". Increase time the grenade lasts.
Thruster Pack - Increase distance traveled and/or remove 3rd person animation.
Promethean Vision - Decrease scanning speed and/or recharge rate.
Jet Pack - Reduce max usage and/or decrease recharge rate. Increase acceleration to compensate.
Hardlight Shield - Reduce max usage. Increase walking speed when deployed to compensate.
Active Camoflauge - Increase usage rate when crouched significantly and/or decrease max usage. Increase recharge rate to compensate.
Auto Sentry - Increase rate of fire and/or increase damage output and/or increase Sentry health and/or increase recharge rate.
Regeneration Field - Remove visual distortion (players reporting headaches from using Regeneration Field).
-option to disable Sprint
-restriction lists (ability to dictate which Primaries, Secondaries, AAs, Support and Tactical Packages can't be used)
-option that is Bottomless Clip that doesn't also give you infinite ammo
-ability to dictate Traits for each loadout
-Race. Pretty please?
-option to turn off auto-pickup
-option for flag-juggling
-1 Flag, 3 Flag, and Neutral Flag support
-Stockpile support/sub-gametype
-Ball Throwing toggle
-Allow alternate weapons for the Flood
-Ability to change loadouts
-Safe Haven support
-Juggernaut support/sub-gametype
People complain about Boltshot and that 343 isn't doing anything about it despite it being one of the largest problems in the entire sandbox.
343 does something about it.
People still complain.
Oh well, I guess you can't please everybody.
Eh, I picked that mission cause I love the beginning where you are launched out of the portal right into the middle of the enemies. Also, it would've been rude to stack it with only my missions.
That's the biggest reason I don't like it, really. You get launched onto that structure and are immediately pinged by the three jackal snipers there and even if you survive you're at the mercy of that Elite General who is standing right next to you. I know you have that invulnerability for a second when you land, but they hit you so quickly that I died almost immediately my first time playing. I play solo so that probably colors my perception of it, but I really didn't enjoy my time with it. Later on when a bunch of enemies got dropped onto my head from a drop pod because I was standing on the center structure like a sane person instead of wandering around on the ground floor, that didn't help.Eh, I picked that mission cause I love the beginning where you are launched out of the portal right into the middle of the enemies. Also, it would've been rude to stack it with only my missions.
Does Grifball still have Instant Respawn? I'm shocked that that hasn't been fixed yet.
Why is the Majestic Map Pack Preview Twitch offline. That should be up 24/7.
Create a channel of fans. What are you doing 343?!
Well, spawning with a OHKO weapon isn't a problem as long as it's situational and restrictive enough that it does not dominate or overlap ranges with other weapons.Can it still kill in one shot from a decent range?
Is it still a Shotgun you can spawn with?
Oh it's been fixed? That's good.
Regarding TU concerns about sandbox balancing, dun worry. We'll have more info in the coming weeks. Unfortunately I really can't say more than that right now.
Eh, I picked that mission cause I love the beginning where you are launched out of the portal right into the middle of the enemies. Also, it would've been rude to stack it with only my missions.
Regarding TU concerns about sandbox balancing, dun worry. We'll have more info in the coming weeks. Unfortunately I really can't say more than that right now.
That's the biggest reason I don't like it, really. You get launched onto that structure and are immediately pinged by the three jackal snipers there and even if you survive you're at the mercy of that Elite General who is standing right next to you. I know you have that invulnerability for a second when you land, but they hit you so quickly that I died almost immediately my first time playing. I play solo so that probably colors my perception of it, but I really didn't enjoy my time with it. Later on when a bunch of enemies got dropped onto my head from a drop pod because I was standing on the center structure like a sane person instead of wandering around on the ground floor, that didn't help.
Regarding TU concerns about sandbox balancing, dun worry. We'll have more info in the coming weeks. Unfortunately I really can't say more than that right now.
I feel like this edit got lost in the shuffle.
Is Majestic maps not in Team Throwdown or did I just read it wrong?
I think you read it right. My guess is Throwdown would require those maps to get some tweaks which we will probably see a few weeks after they are out in the wild.
Or 343 may be waiting to see what the adoption rate is amongst Throwdown players so as to avoid wasting time on tailoring maps for a playlist that nobody would play them in anyways.
Still not DMR nerf even hinted at in the Title Update list of changes... I swear if there's no DMR nerf I'm selling Halo 4 and giving up on Halo and 343.