Oh they play fine, what I mean is, they are pointlessly too large and it makes for dumb moments sometime. Just played a match on longbow where the other team utilized camo. They were just all over the map and it was a game of hide and seek.
The entire lower area of wreckage where the light gets blinding is never utilized in slayer, and only in say oddball when people go there to hide.
I don't know, not necessarily saying I want to shoot fish in a barrel so to speak, but I'd like if maps were more simple, clean sight lines, the only real eye candy I like is skyboxes or color scheme.
If we get Halo 3 PC first thing I'm doing is ripping the H3 Beta textures and putting them on the H3 Spartans.
Also did some one say LAST RESORT
I don't have X-split, IDK about it's quality, but FRAPS is Lossless.
That should explain the difference. Its essentially a per-pixel check to see if its anti-aliasing stuff it shouldn't. (Like the GUI)
One of the PXAA variants, probably. According to Durante's stuff, it uses a more careful filter than FXAA implementations tend to.The AA options are FXAA, PXAA, and TPXAA. Which one should I be trying to use?
Yeah, a lot of the maps in Halo 4 seem overly complicated. One of the reasons I like Valhalla.
I'll do some stills first. I can even see the difference in the main menu when I switch modes.
who is the person responsible for putting grenades in the Snipers playlist? Who could be so dense as to think that is a good idea?
Just purchased Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, and Battlefield:2142 on Origin for $30. It would have been like $85 without the sale. Great sale.
Now that I know about ordnance re-rolling in Fiesta, it's all I notice. No wonder half the players have incineration cannons and rockets all the time. Really ruins a map like haven.
Hopefully they can fix this. It's a decent gametype to just screw around in.
But I don't see anyway to fix it unless they got rid of user selected load outs. And then you'd have people complaining that they can't jetpack, they cant use their camo.
Is there only AA on? Any sharpening? I wonder what it would look like if halo 3 didn't also scale 640p>720p? Maybe going sub-hd would show the difference better, but at that point its a bit useless. I wonder if it can do anything to offset the effects of the scaling?
toggleFullscreen = F
toggleVSync = V
toggleRGBRange = R
changeScaling = S
changeAA = A
captureScreenshot = P
setDisplayHz = H
switchAspect = W
toggleOneToNScaling(1) = 1
toggleOneToNScaling(2) = 2
resizeTo(360) = 3
resizeTo(480) = 4
resizeTo(540) = 5
resizeTo(720) = 7
resizeTo(960) = 9
resizeTo(1080) = 0
adjustPredicate(0.01,0.0) = GLFW_KEY_KP_9
adjustPredicate(-0.01,0.0) = GLFW_KEY_KP_6
adjustPredicate(0.0,0.01) = GLFW_KEY_KP_8
adjustPredicate(0.0,-0.01) = GLFW_KEY_KP_5
toggleLocalContrast = C
adjustLocalContrast(0.05) = GLFW_KEY_KP_7
adjustLocalContrast(-0.05) = GLFW_KEY_KP_4
toggleGammaCorrection = G
adjustGamma(0.05) = GLFW_KEY_KP_1
adjustGamma(-0.05) = GLFW_KEY_KP_2
# Available commands:
# toggleFullscreen : toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode
# toggleVSync : turns VSync on or off
# toggleRGBRange : toggles between limited and full range RGB signalling
# changeScaling : switches the scaling mode through all the available modes
# changeAA : switches the AA mode through all the available modes
# captureScreenshot : captures the currently dispalyed image as a png into the "captures" folder
# setDisplayHz : tries to set the refresh rate of the current display as close as possible to the input refresh rate (can reduce stuttering)
# switchAspect : switches between 16:9 (default) and 4:3 aspect ratio
# resizeTo([height]) : resizes to the specified height (the width is computed automatically for 16x9)
who else came looking for a pic..
I actually rarely run into people using camo. I expected to see more, especially since there's no motion sensor.
Or maybe that's why I don't run into them...
But yeah, I hate Jetpackers using the Incineration Cannon. I can never get them without a precision weapon.![]()
EDIT: Damn Fyre, those screenshots bring a tear to my eyes. Such a simple map and it looked so good. The only thing I hated about it was having to use an assault rifle sometimes.
Not really. Objects in screen-space are stretched when closer to the edges of the screen by perspective projection, but that doesn't affect pixel distributions. Most scaling methods *should* affect all parts of the screen basically equally (in some cases, aside from a few pixels at the very edges).It seems (as predicted) that things near the center of the screen, like the BR scope, fare better than objects near the edges of the screen. This would make sense as the center pixels would be less stretched than the top and bottom pixels to get to 720p.
and I guess whoever built Ragnarok forgot to put the part in where you don't spawn with someone else looking at you. Got spawn sniped six times in a row without being able to move off my spawn. GG 343.
Standoff is one of the best looking maps IMO.
Forget the EA sale, get Bastion for a buck (or more): https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
It's fairly diagonal. If you want to see really nasty aliasing, you pick an object that just barely doesn't line up with your pixel grid. This is why SGSSAA, which uses weird diagonal sample patterns, can provide better results than OGSSAA for the same number of samples. Sampling off your pixel grid helps a lot.I decided to use the Sword this time since the angle of the weapon should show some aliasing.
You'd think, but I can see it become softer when I switch it on.. so I'm not sure what it's scaling.
edit: here, i'll take a shot of the lobby and you can make a gif or something of the difference.
Mass effect 3 and arkham city should be no brainers. Don't know how invested you are in the mass effect games, but there is only one who thing that is super shitty about mass effect 3.
Arkham city is just flat out amazing.
The Walking Dead game is a definite must play as well.
Battlefield 3 premium if you've got the PC to run it.
There are differences, but they're mostly subtle. To see the biggest ones, look at the Standoff images, and compare the base in noAA to the base in FXAA. Look at high-contrast edges that are near-vertical or near-horizontal.I don't see a difference in Fyre's pictures at all... am I the only one?
what the hell you just made me bump a 6 month old thread.I had fun on that map.
You'd think, but I can see it become softer when I switch it on.. so I'm not sure what it's scaling.
edit: here, i'll take a shot of the lobby and you can make a gif or something of the difference.
I don't see a difference in Fyre's pictures at all... am I the only one?
Put these two in different tabs and switch between them:
That's the Lancozos Difference (tm)
Hahahaha nicewhat the hell you just made me bump a 6 month old thread.