Don't they know you're on gaf?
Yup its right under
- Legendary BR Skillz
and - Good at Drinking!
the audacity!
Don't they know you're on gaf?
I just want to comment on this again. I played a game of Halo 4 when I got home and the DMR had a noticeably slower rate of fire at PAX.
FLW FTWhttp://wrightsboathouse.org/ - this is nice. right by my work.
I tried to play MGS on the comp but couldn't get past aiming the sniper with the arrow keys while being shot at (megaflinch). I will have to either wait until the summer when i have access to a PS3, or play Twin Snakes.This is the most serious post I've ever made.
For the love of god get over it. Twin Snakes is perfectly fine, hell it actually does some stuff better than MGS. Cutscenes are much more in line the rest of the series, Gameplay is improved drastically by First person aiming and the other additions of the MGS2 engine. Mei Ling an American born Asian no longer has that stereotypical Asian voice acting. AI is smarter.
Its important to note that no real winner exists between the 2 each do some stuff better than the other but the Twin Snakes hate is hilariously misguided. For someone new to the series Twin Snakes is such a better way to ease into it than MGS1 is.
Yesssssssss fuck yes. Finally get that piece that starts at 2:13 in this video in my veins.
Talent seems to be getting so homogenized its like a boys club. Was looking into Epic Games Cary NC cause my GF has a possible job there. Ridiculous standards, nothing entry level. I guess I have to get some computer science degree and programmer experience.
Such a good show.
Don't you have GoW: Judgement? I rented it from redbox to pass the time till Bioshock.
Can't save something that is already dead
Yup its right under
- Legendary BR Skillz
and- Good at Drinking!
the audacity!
I just want to put this out there; Settler is one of the worst maps ever. Once one team controls that hill, it's spawn killing time for that team. They'll have you pinned down and there's nothing you can do.
It's in CTF. I really like Simplex though, but Settler is just brutal.
Did they put it in matchmaking?
If the Hammer's rate of fire is reduced I'll be pretty damn happy.If the DMR's rate of fire is reduced I'll be pretty damn happy.
Yea simplex was great when I played it. I don't mind it at all. I'm surprised settler is in there as the map seemed pretty bad.
If the DMR's rate of fire is reduced I'll be pretty damn happy.
I just want to comment on this again. I played a game of Halo 4 when I got home and the DMR had a noticeably slower rate of fire at PAX.
FGCU gives no fucks.
i hope they dont nerf anything. buff the br and carbine to make them more useful. never use the light rifle so no opinion. the dmr is fine as is. perhaps lower the magnetism on it a bit
you dont play btb do you?
FGCU gives no fucks.
sounds coolJungle Flood.
Starting Weapons for Flood:
AA: Promethean Vision
Poor Camo
Starting Weapons for humans:
Shotgun RoF halved, but damage increased.
Pistol RoF increased, but damage decreased to the point that 2 headshots are needed for the kill (against unshielded flood)
Weapons available on map:
SAW - RoF significantly decreased, and if possible, remove the muzzle climb. If possible, double the reload time. Holding a SAW cuts your walking speed down to 50%. You are a T-800 holding a helicopter chaingun. Also, you get a waypoint over you, visible to everyone.
DMR - reduce RoF to the equivalent of shooting a sniper rifle, reloading, then firing again. The purpose here is to give a sniper rifle type weapon with a bigger clip but shorter zoom range. Acquired once hardpoints are captured.
Hardpoints are Dominion switches. Humans must secure the hardpoints by using the button. Once secured, a countdown begins and all Flood get a waypoint over their head. After the countdown completes, the humans are awarded bonus points (formula: 5xthe number of Flood when the button was pressed) and must wait for the next hardpoint to appear. Completing the capture will make DMRs and shotty/pistol resupply ordnance drop onto the hardpoint.
Flood can counter-cap the hardpoints only after the humans have made an attempt on it. Countercapping gives all flood a temporary camo buff.
Play continues until the Flood fails to stop the humans from capturing 5 hardpoints (they should be sequenced so they're all across the map from each other - it should be harrowing and dangerous to go from one to the other) or the humans are wiped out.
If a Last Man Standing manages to capture a point and not have it countercapped, the LMS automatically wins the game regardless if it's the first hardpoint or the final hardpoint.
They can beat anybody if they keep playing like this. They're ridiculous right now.
Slowing down the rate of fire on the DMR wont fix its issues.
343 will no doubt claim to have addressed people's complaints with the change, though.
nope. but like i said, lower the magnetism so that you cant ping people at a distance so easily
best choice, bring a bit of skill into using it
Yea that pause broke my heart. If I was there I would have fuckin cheered hard. Totally agree with what Wheat said about Epic and UE. It did however seem to coincide with the complete drop off of FPS popularity in eSports. Halo was falling off, MLG was in serious decline, UE3 had no legs. Fighting games had a serious rebirth of sorts though which was awesome. And then of course SC2 came out and LoL got huge. CoD is a super popular game but I only see it is a blip in the grand scheme of eSports as a whole. We'll see in the future though.
The week in between games is going to hurt them a lot, I think, momentum-wise.
Florida has too many talented seniors who have been to this stage before and can handle the pressure better as well.
(bookmark this post in case i'm dead wrong and then i'll just a spoon to eat my words)
I keep on hearing talk about how SC2 is dying off though. Any truth to it? (I haven't been following the news ever since I stopped playing... my comp + connection were never really good enough, so I just stopped caring about laddering.)
Even with 100% bloom the DMRs accuracy was still a big issue in Reach BTB. Even then, at least in Reach bloom would make you incredibly inaccurate at long range if you shot too fast (for better or worse). A slower rate of fire will still allow you to easily ping people across the map which causes all kinds of map flow issues. Sure, you won't get kills as fast and as often, but you can still easily hit people from a large distance consistently.Care to elaborate? A slower ROF will significantly reduce it's effectiveness in the shorter range encounters and it will also decrease the shots taken in large open spaces. It will still maintain it's accuracy at larger distances but I would liken that to waiting for the bloom to settle, if bloom took longer to settle.
Yes it will. Now that the BR has a faster rate of fire than the DMR, the BR will win in close to medium range combat every time (assuming that both players hit all their shots). At long range the DMR is better, but even then now you get a little more time to get away when it starts pinging you.Slowing down the rate of fire on the DMR wont fix its issues.
343 will no doubt claim to have addressed people's complaints with the change, though.
Yes it will. Now that the BR has a faster rate of fire than the DMR, the BR will win in close to medium range combat every time (assuming that both players hit all their shots). At long range the DMR is better, but even then now you get a little more time to get away when it starts pinging you.
I thought it was a damn good fix. Once I realized the reduced ROF I switched to the BR and didn't look back.
Even with 100% bloom the DMRs accuracy was still a big issue in Reach BTB. Even then, at least in Reach bloom would make you incredibly inaccurate at long range if you shot too fast (for better or worse). A slower rate of fire will still allow you to easily ping people across the map which causes all kinds of map flow issues. Sure, you won't get kills as fast and as often, but you can still easily hit people from a large distance consistently.
Yeah, I agree. I really hope they can somehow hold their momentum.
Well I would say SC2 had its highest peak in 2011- early 2012. With the rise of LoL it has certainly fallen off and isn't the juggernaut it was then. However, HotS sold over a million in 2 days. It's getting really good Twitch numbers (not as good as LoL, but then again, 13 million play that game). I think it's still in very good shape. MLG Dallas, which was the first official HotS tournament pulled huge stream numbers and had a very good crowd there too.
Let's just cut the dmr.
It's a valid point and I totally understand that, but I can see more people switching to BR due to this.Not to sound rude but you played probably just a handfull of games with these settings, wait till it is in matchmaking, I also thought after Halo 4 prelaunch events some weapons played well but turned out shitty now months after launch.
The thing is that the DMR will still pinging everything over a large distance and continue to stop mapflow.
They should just make smaller maps so the DMR isnt as useful. Like good 4v4 maps.
FGCU oh my they are fun to watch.
Any walking dead fans here? New episode is on right now.
Edit: hydra but with flinch, even if they hit you once, it can ruin any battles you're having with someone else.
For example, in longbow if I am fighting someone in the middle base, someone could be pinging me from spawn and even one or two hits, coupled with flinch can throw me off.
Am I the only one here who hates how far you can aim and shoot with a non sniper weapon?
LoL at Pax
edit: LoL is really the unstoppable train, the success is really impressive.