Syphon Filter
Was Neil davidge hired for Halo 4 specifically or is he part of 343 like the other japanese guy?
Was Neil davidge hired for Halo 4 specifically or is he part of 343 like the other japanese guy?
Don't think he is but holy shit this is hilarious.Oh god I'm just dying because of this thread on Waypoint
I'm not sure if he is trolling, but bloody hell if not
Don't think he is but holy shit this is hilarious.
"Fair and Balanced"
"Most competitive"
Oh god I'm just dying because of this thread on Waypoint
I'm not sure if he is trolling, but bloody hell if not
Don't think he is but holy shit this is hilarious.
"Fair and Balanced"
"Most competitive"
Oh god I'm just dying because of this thread on Waypoint
I'm not sure if he is trolling, but bloody hell if not
"Overpowered, but crazy fun" just got defended.
Oh god I'm just dying because of this thread on Waypoint
I'm not sure if he is trolling, but bloody hell if not
Oh you guys had 8? That's awesome
Hope no one drank the blue kool-aid.
We had 9 for a while and rotated people out, but yeah we were playing 4v4 MLG settings. It was a blast, but my god it took me a while to get used to Halo 3 controls haha.
GAF > Internet > GAF
Stealth edit - GSO
Meant to post on Beyond OTGD lol, damn you're quick.
The thing has a bright laser when you scope. They could lower the aim assist and not allow it to drop down in Personal Ordnance or to be used with Ammo perks instead of scrapping a one shot Sniper entirely.
Snipers in BF are one shot kills anywhere on the body, no? It's balanced within the context of that game because the aiming is difficult and kill times are fast. The Binary Rifle in Halo can be balanced by the laser when scoped (which it has), one shot per reload and less aim assist/ammo.
I don't know, I just think there's potential in that weapon because it's fun to see a bright red line targeting you as you're trying to avoid it - "oshitoshitoshit." It's the finer touches within Halo's gameplay that makes it different from other games, much like the Plasma stun in CE.
I don't mind the concept of the Binary Rifle, but I feel like the one-shot kill has to go. If it has to stay in the sandbox, I'd rather it:
- Retain its current ammo count, rate of fire, etc.
- Require two shots to kill anywhere but the head, as is the case with the Sniper / Beam Rifle.
- Functions as an EMP sniper - a shot anywhere on a vehicle will jam it.
- Taking a non-lethal hit from the Binary Rifle on foot will mildly fuzzy up your HUD as well as jam your Armor Ability.
I also like the "ohshitohshitohshit" idea of the laser sight and kinda wish it applied to more weapons - I'd personally love to see a beefier-looking / sounding Light Rifle that had a more alien-styled laser sight that got projected on targets, sort of like that one the Predator's got.
EDIT: Didn't Ozzy say he was going to post OT19 when we hit page 196?
Man, so jealous. I was able to LAN some Halo 3 several months ago and it was so fun. The game is way better when you don't have to deal with network inconsistencies.So, a friend of mine invited me to his friends Halo 3 LAN last night. Good stuff. I forgot how damn good that game was. How the hell have they not come close since?
What if it didn't have any aim assist, but kept the one-shot kill?
Man, so jealous. I was able to LAN some Halo 3 several months ago and it was so fun. The game is way better when you don't have to deal with network inconsistencies.
Just get rid of it at that point. They should ditch most of the Promethean weapons and come up with unique ones. Still not sure why we needed orange versions of guns that were already in the game.
Nothing better is coming out of this Saturday.
Nothing better is coming out of this Saturday.
Auburn beat Alabama though.Nothing better is coming out of this Saturday.
you guys really take oddone for pomegranate.
This is like, what I had hoped classes in Halo would bring. More strategy, team work and team compositions(besides that Global Ordnance part). But yea it didn't work out like that, at all lol
Tashi's never played a Call of Duty game apparently.
Just watch them online after. I haven't sat through the VGAs since the Reach reveal - show is so embarrasing.
Oh god I'm just dying because of this thread on Waypoint
I'm not sure if he is trolling, but bloody hell if not
holy bubbly-shammying christbuckets your avatar.
well my other half is using it too. it's only fair.
Um, you do know Microsoft is in charge of the franchise in every aspect? Halo 4 sold well, so why should they change course? Because of some whiny fans who still play the game and buy the DLC anyway? You won't see significant reform until Halo 7, because they need to take the sales hit first, and even with Halo 5, their genius analysts will attribute it to low install base or some other bullshit.Halo 4 united the community under a common goal: To make Halo a powerful multiplayer franchise once again. Seeing people break out the in-depth analyses of why past Halo's have failed is a beautiful thing. Generally speaking, it seems Halo fans are becoming more aware of what makes Halo, Halo, and won't accept anything less. The community just wants to feel loved.
Give us the tools, give us the power: Building a better Halo.
Remember when Bungie said a lot of Reach could be done via stealth. Was MASSIVELY dissapointed that never happened.
Remember when Bungie said a lot of Reach could be done via stealth. Was MASSIVELY dissapointed that never happened.
Remember when Bungie said a lot of Reach could be done via stealth. Was MASSIVELY dissapointed that never happened.
bf4 clip of the night!178
bf4 clip of the night!178
bf4 clip of the night!178
Im not sure how its working on PS4 right now, but I really enjoy the Clips and Upload Studio functionality on Xbox One, I know the quality of the vid isnt greatbut its still really fun, its bringing me back to the Halo 3 type of sharingfor now?
campaign theater aside, rip
Remember to grab a copy of Turkey Bowl/Stadium for customs.
Very likely in my opinion.any chance there will be some destiny footage at vgx?
Very likely in my opinion.
Also what do you guys think could MS/343 be so cruel and release a Halo 4 xboxone edition which includes the beta for Halo5?
New Gen ports seem to happen.
Oy Nokyard, grabbed the gametype but the map doesn't seem to be in your share.
The description on my STB lists Destiny among the games featured.any chance there will be some destiny footage at vgx?