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Halo |OT19| 793 Posts, And None Worth Reading

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CBOAT's nature as an anonymous source means that most information is suspect at best, has no one ID him or her yet even Microsoft?

He posts in that shitty confusing way so as to get around pattern recognition. I'm sure if GAF was sued, they might give up his IP address or email he uses to log on, but even then, there is really no reason to do that. I don't think MS is really affected by it, I mean Xbox One, although not as good as PS4 had a great launch and is selling well.

Based on the fact that a lot of his 'breaks' were about hardware issues, I'm assuming he's a tester/programmer, one who has friends probably working at MS and other studios. They share with him struggles like only being able to do 720p or that launch is set for only a few countries etc.

I wish someone would compile all of his posts, and some time from now, check to see just how correct his predictions were.


HaloGAF I need your help which game should I get!? Ryse, Forza 5 , dead rising 3. GO!

I'd say Dead Rising 3 would have been the more 'Complete' game in a sense, but a lot of people don't like it. Ryse doesn't seem that much fun at all, and Forza is a racing sim game. How much did you play the previous versions? Forza is probably the best of the 3 but unless you're really into racing games, I don't know.


If there are load outs in Halo 5 (please no), they better not put a 1 shot kill weapon such as the bolt shot as a starting option.
On a scale of 1 to Mikkelsen, how hyped are you for season 2 of Hannibal?

The poster is brilliant. I cannot wait. Hannibal is one of my all-time favourite villains and this rendition on NBC may actually be my favourite.

Infinite combat was fun. Any one of those big sandboxes with the sky rails were sweet. It was very frantic.

Those sections were cool, but every other part of the combat was fairly boring to me and more of a means to an end for moving from place to place. I love Bioshock, and I really enjoyed Infinite, but probably not because of the combat. It felt like a step down from the previous game to me. After sitting on it for a few months, I think I really just liked the setting and the characters. The story was good, but I had to read breakdowns on the Internet before I understood just what was going on by the end of it.

I guess when I think sandbox, I inevitably compare it to Halo at it's best. Something like the Scarab encounters in Halo 3, or the famous brute packs in Crow's Nest. The whole verticality and swinging around from space to space was really, really cool. But there were only a small handful of times that I felt they really nailed it in-game. The combat itself is kinda distilled, almost all the enemies are just bullet sponges and have very little feedback, if any, and most of the weapons work more or less the same. The powers are fun to use, but they didn't really feel all that necessary, and I wish they would have played up elemental weaknesses or one-two-type combos more. The AI was functional, but ultimately forgettable, even on the higher difficulties :/

Infinite exceeded my expectations by not being horrible, and actually being really enjoyable, but in a few years time, if I decide to go and play through it, I won't be doing it for the sandbox combat, it will probably be for the story and worldart.

gAg CruSh3r

Dead Rising 3.

Ryse/Dead Rising are rental games imo, Forza is probably best bet.

I'd say Dead Rising 3 would have been the more 'Complete' game in a sense, but a lot of people don't like it. Ryse doesn't seem that much fun at all, and Forza is a racing sim game. How much did you play the previous versions? Forza is probably the best of the 3 but unless you're really into racing games, I don't know.

Well I'm not huge into racing so I got Ryse , BF4(Friend has it), and Dead rising 3.

Thanks everyone!
HaloGAF I need your help which game should I get!? Ryse, Forza 5 , dead rising 3. GO!
Forza. Ryse is a rental, and Dead Rising 3 is fun but not as good as Forza Motorsport 5.

This is my time, for reference. :)


You can see which one I prefer. ;)

Well I'm not huge into racing so I got Ryse , BF4(Friend has it), and Dead rising 3.

Thanks everyone!

Well, enjoy Dead Rising 3 anyways. :) And Ryse, have fun with everything man.

I only bought my Xbox One for Forza, so I'm pretty biased towards Forza!
Forza. Ryse is a rental, and Dead Rising 3 is fun but not as good as Forza Motorsport 5.

This is my time, for reference. :)

You can see which one I prefer. ;)

Well, enjoy Dead Rising 3 anyways. :) And Ryse, have fun with everything man.

I only bought my Xbox One for Forza, so I'm pretty biased towards Forza!

Two questions:

1.) How's Curse of the Brotherhood?

2.) Is that screen on the Xbox or Smartglass?
I'm not saying I can't have "fun" with recent Halo games, its just that it's shallow, one-off fun that comes more from the inherent nature of playing an online game with other people.

I had "fun" playing Race in Halo CE where you weren't allowed to exit your warthog. I have "fun" playing a game of Snipers in Halo 4. I can have "fun" playing rock-paper-scissors, but if the underlying game cannot elevate itself above gimmicks, antics and chance then its never going to be a game that I truly enjoy. Some people can, but that's not what Halo was originally and that's not the game that brought me back to gaming.

When I talk about Halo CE, it was a game that become more than that; it became essentially a sport, with all the intensity, energy, excitement, skill, and emotions that come with it. Now, the only emotion I feel when I play Halo is apathy. I cannot emotionally invest in a game that doesn't reward me for being an individual player with unique abilities and skills. I have no desire to put time into a game where my own ability isn't challenged and I don't see myself improving as a player. It has become a game of circumstance and frustration rather than a personal challenge. The experience is shallow; it's cheapened. I cannot celebrate a victory nor despair in defeat if I don't feel the game was a true test of the player's abilities.

I can have "fun" with it, but it is not the same as being invested in the game. You can have fun with a prostitute, but it is not the same as falling in love with someone.

Good post. BTW, have you checked out this thread I made about CE? I'd like to do more of these eventually but on other maps and going into further detail.

Just threw that together based on some random Prisoner match I watched.
zoonitant joogent has pretty decent fashion sense.

that being said i would probably assume he enjoyed the company of dicks at first glance
Two questions:

1.) How's Curse of the Brotherhood?

2.) Is that screen on the Xbox or Smartglass?

The screen is from SmartGlass via the Windows 8 app. :)

Curse of the Brotherhood... it's okay. For $15 I can't complain. Seems to be a decently length game, 8 hours it seems. The game is REALLY pretty, and aside from the cut scenes (which seem to drag along at 20 frames) the game is a smooth pretty 60 frames. Game is pretty creative and fun, but really easy and the puzzles are made for 5 year olds it seems. Still, it's a fun experience and from what I've played, I can't complain for $15. It's pretty fun and simple Platforming.


I don't think he ever mentioned us. BTW, for the record, CBOAT's good batting average was about the same as say, a tester based in a 2nd or 3rd party studio who was hearing some items through the grapevine and often not understanding what the shipping version would be. Then when his average declined, it was really apparent he was getting really half assed, weeks out of date reports from somebody else on or near the frontlines. Eventually it was apparent he was in no meaningful way, in possession of any current knowledge whatsoever.

As for 343, we're growing and hiring. So maybe the 343BOAT will sink because we overloaded it with people.

To be fair,CBOAT got a lot right, especially earlier in the year. It is true that he/she/it had some misses, mostly clustered later in the year and that they got less specific as things went on. CBOAT's rep was well earned, though.



What about the hot redhead in the Amazon mayday advert Amy something.

thank god, it gives me more time to save money

Also the Xbox One droped prices here.

I'm waiting as well games have dropped in price already where I live so why buy now? When it will hopefully get cheaper soon. (or uncapped USB memory storage is announced / exchangeable hard drives).

This is mainly because I can get ground zeroes on my 360 and maybe dark souls 2 but I can't even do the first one.
To be fair,CBOAT got a lot right, especially earlier in the year. It is true that he/she/it had some misses, mostly clustered later in the year and that they got less specific as things went on. CBOAT's rep was well earned, though.


To amount CBOAT's rumours as tester level grapevine snippets, is significantly downplaying the stuff he absolutely nailed -particularly with respect to the XB1 & DRM issues. Though admittedly his reveals were a bit vague by the end.
The screen is from SmartGlass via the Windows 8 app. :)

Curse of the Brotherhood... it's okay. For $15 I can't complain. Seems to be a decently length game, 8 hours it seems. The game is REALLY pretty, and aside from the cut scenes (which seem to drag along at 20 frames) the game is a smooth pretty 60 frames. Game is pretty creative and fun, but really easy and the puzzles are made for 5 year olds it seems. Still, it's a fun experience and from what I've played, I can't complain for $15. It's pretty fun and simple Platforming.

If spartan assault is better post here or in the Xbox One OT, can't decide between the two.
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