Yes, but if we look at the Golden [strikethrough]tripod[/strikethrough] square of Halo combat, we have weapons, melee, grenades, and AA's. Reach was damn near dominated by melee, grenades, and AA's. Melee and grenades are way better and more powerful than your damn guns, and AA's only encourage that.
From what we've seen of Halo 4, there is a clear gameplay emphasis on gun to gun combat being the driving force of the game. That's what has me excited. AA's, grenades, and melee are an augmentation to your combat abilities, th at started with your gunplay, not the other way around.
I still have plenty of concerns, but that has me quite excited for the game, because I know that even if there are some bullshit AA's and perks that I don't like, the core of the game is gun to gun action, and that core gunplay looks very good.