I know, just wanted to point out the important Water in Halo titles as a joke.We are talking about Alpha gameplay.
Time to learn to claw BJ nerds! Hahaha
I have to claw everytime I want to play Jetpack
as if lol
I know, just wanted to point out the important Water in Halo titles as a joke.We are talking about Alpha gameplay.
Time to learn to claw BJ nerds! Hahaha
You mean in Reach people who use Bumper Jumper don't rely much on AAs? Because aside from the Jetpack you can use them all perfectly.Yeah, I hope they fix that, current bumper jumper players don't rely too much on AA's, , so Having AA activation in such important button as the LT is counterproductive.
You mean in Reach people who use Bumper Jumper don't rely much on AAs? Because aside from the Jetpack you can use them all perfectly.
Also, the jackpot in MLG may be over but the BKs stayed. Went +115 in 7 matches.
Time to learn to claw BJ nerds! Hahaha
You can also just pull back on the movement stick to cancel sprint... if its anything like Reach, and I'm betting sprint probably is.
Scope health is a thing. A thing Frank has confirmed. Still tweaking, might be in final might now; wouldn't doubt some sort of scope health will be in the shipping game.
Hell, you don't even have to pull back on the stick - you just have to let go.
Jetpack is the only armor ability we know of that wouldn't work as a face button - I'd be perfectly happy to toggle Promethean Vision and Hard Light Shield instead of holding the buttons down.
A - Sprint
X - Armor Ability
Press jump (LB) while in the air to use jetpack.
I always claw my BJ's.
You of all people should know that.
is it too early for weirdgaf?
I know, just wanted to point out the important Water in Halo titles as a joke.
I have to claw everytime I want to play JetpackI understand that they wanted to do something different with Bumper Jumper because of the Jetpack issues in Reach.. but moving Grenades on X is idiotic.as if lol
Hell, you don't even have to pull back on the stick - you just have to let go.
Jetpack is the only armor ability we know of that wouldn't work as a face button - I'd be perfectly happy to toggle Promethean Vision and Hard Light Shield instead of holding the buttons down.
A - Sprint
X - Armor Ability
Press jump (LB) while in the air to use jetpack.
could be true, will be awkward from Reach (really heavy grenade spamming) going to Halo 4Well from what we hear, grenades play a much smaller role in H4 so I think you BJ nerds will be fine.
I think the game needs more give and take in order to truly balance the packages and AAs.
There should be a true reason you pick something with an advantage and a disadvantage.
For instance, if you have shielding, your base movement would be slower. This would allow you to get back into combat quicker, but you'd need to choose your engagements more wisely.
Another example would be mobility. If you have mobility equipped, you would start with less shield strength making you able to get around the map more quickly, but in more of a sneaky, rogue-like fashion to truly cater to that play style.
Tribes does this well, Shadowrun does this well with the different classes. A Troll in SR has more health than all other classes, but moves slower and is a much bigger target. An Elf in SR has the lowest health of all classes, but is the fastest and skinniest of all the classes.
If you're going to force players to make a choice with their AAs and Packages, it needs to be a conscious decision with a give and a take; an actual thought process being involved as to why you're picking certain abilities over others.
Take the Ninja Troll in Shadowrun. A typical Ninja Troll would have a Katana primary with a SMG secondary. Its slotted magic and tech would be Wired Reflexes, Teleport, and AMG's or Gust. A typical troll in SR was meant to be a Tank, one that could take a lot of damage and stay in a fight.
However, the Katana in the hands of a troll was only a 2 hit kill. So, players would SACRIFICE the ability to take lots of damage and use the trolls unique "harden" ability which cost mana to fill those slots with Wired Reflexes so it could have a faster base movement speed along with teleport which cost 3 mana slots with each use. Trolls also had the slowest mana regen of all 4 classes.
So, you sacrificed a LOT of what made the Troll class and Troll and in return, if you were sneaky enough, knew enough teleport lines, and made great flanking decisions, you had a class that was unique that you could play in a strong way, but at the cost of what would typically be the Trolls strengths.
Never got Bumper Jumper, Always been a default kind of guy.
this is new to me, mind explaining what scope health is?
Well, I was looking for a general write-up on everything: weapons, vehicles, movement, gameplay, game modes, etc. That would be awesome. Your opinions on each; I'd love to hear them.bsangel kept giving me drink coupons, so I might not remember everything. Anything specific you want to ask?
Hell, you don't even have to pull back on the stick - you just have to let go.
Jetpack is the only armor ability we know of that wouldn't work as a face button - I'd be perfectly happy to toggle Promethean Vision and Hard Light Shield instead of holding the buttons down.
A - Sprint
X - Armor Ability
Press jump (LB) while in the air to use jetpack.
I prefer the Ricken Repeat. I've been sayin' this shit since Reach beta!From this day forth it shall be known as the "Duncan Double Jump Solution."
You can take a certain amount of damage before getting knocked out of scope.
So if someone is successfully lighting you up, you will probably get knocked out; if someone from across the map pings you once, you probably won't.
Hell, you don't even have to pull back on the stick - you just have to let go.
Jetpack is the only armor ability we know of that wouldn't work as a face button - I'd be perfectly happy to toggle Promethean Vision and Hard Light Shield instead of holding the buttons down.
A - Sprint
X - Armor Ability
Press jump (LB) while in the air to use jetpack.
You can take a certain amount of damage before getting knocked out of scope.
So if someone is successfully lighting you up, you will probably get knocked out; if someone from across the map pings you once, you probably won't.
Hell, you don't even have to pull back on the stick - you just have to let go.
Jetpack is the only armor ability we know of that wouldn't work as a face button - I'd be perfectly happy to toggle Promethean Vision and Hard Light Shield instead of holding the buttons down.
A - Sprint
X - Armor Ability
Press jump (LB) while in the air to use jetpack.
I prefer the Ricken Repeat. I've been sayin' this shit since Reach beta!
I hope they don't modify Recon. Looks absolutely perfect.
Frankie explained it would create a near limitless BXR/button combo dilemma.
It seems so ingenious it makes you wonder why that isn't an option!
Because you never use the Jet Pack without jumping first anyway, unless of course you are , as the kids say a "NOOB"
I liked bumper jumper, but I enjoy being a jetpack pig even more.
I don't like beating the dead horse beta talk, but custom button mapping in a beta for all of us to play could have ended this whole discussion in heartbeat.
Now this I like.To match your avatar, the "Ricken Rip-Roarin' Repeat and Release."
I don't like beating the dead horse beta talk, but custom button mapping in a beta for all of us to play could have ended this whole discussion in heartbeat.
That doesn't really make sense though. BXR worked because the function of one action cancelled the animation of other actions. It wouldn't have mattered if "X" was on the LT, the B button or any other button. What mattered is that it cancelled/overrode other animations. All that matters is how each action interacts with and flows with the other actions, not what buttons they are mapped to.
You can have one controller layout or 1 million, but that doesn't change the amount of action combinations there are.
That doesn't really make sense though. BXR worked because the function of one action cancelled the animation of other actions. It wouldn't have mattered if "X" was on the LT, the B button or any other button. What mattered is that it cancelled/overrode other animations. All that matters is how each action interacts with and flows with the other actions, not what buttons they are mapped to.
You can have one controller layout or 1 million, but that doesn't change the amount of action combinations there are.
I think 343 doesn't want to fully commit to class-based MP. Their intent was to make the loadouts slight enhancements rather than full-bodied alterations. Now, whether or not they are succeeding is up for debate.
Frankly, I'm glad they don't alter base characteristics of the players because I don't want that in my Halo games.
Obviously we don't know their controller code, but I agree. It shouldn't matter what button is calling the action - Halo 2's combos were the result of glitches in the code for the actual actions themselves.
Wow, I can't believe both Bungie and 343 never realized that. They're sure gonna be embarassed when you tell them how their game actually works.
I put these three gameplay videos from RTX into the OP. I wish, however, we had gameplay videos like the MLG videos from E3 (an example) where it's nothing but the game's sound design filling up the audio space (or a developer clarifying gameplay elements). These videos got me hyped to play the game, and I would love to see an equivalent for Longbow.
As it is with the RTX videos, we have to deal with very annoying announcers spouting off useless information like this: "Obviously Longbow presents some interesting challenges and opportunities here." Really?
Yeah, I'm confused about that, too. I don't see how the control scheme could possibly cause more glitches. I'm not saying Stinkles is making things up, just that I don't understand how that would be an issue.That doesn't really make sense though. BXR worked because the function of one action cancelled the animation of other actions. It wouldn't have mattered if "X" was on the LT, the B button or any other button. What mattered is that it cancelled/overrode other animations. All that matters is how each action interacts with and flows with the other actions, not what buttons they are mapped to.
You can have one controller layout or 1 million, but that doesn't change the amount of action combinations there are.
Wow, I can't believe both Bungie and 343 never realized that. They're sure gonna be embarrassed when you tell them how their game actually works.
And this is why you will never reach the end of Indiana Jones!Recon here
Wow, I can't believe both Bungie and 343 never realized that. They're sure gonna be embarassed when you tell them how their game actually works.
Hello THC, Magnum here AKA "Andrew from Keller, Tx" for those of you who watched the RTX Livestream last night. I went to RTX this last weekend and got to play 5 games of Halo 4 including the Community VS RT Day 2 on the mainstage. This was an amazing experience and i even got to talk to Goofy for about an hour before i played on the stage. Here are my thoughts or my review of the game. I have pictures of some of my game results on my phone and will post them when i figure out how to.
-Haven: Haven was by far my favorite map it felt like Narrows a little bit with 2 man cannons leading to the middle which im sure most of you already know. Its a mid sized map a little bigger than Zealot or Gaurdian. 5/5
-Adrift: This map was pretty good and Promethean vision was very uselful on this map. There are 2 mancannons on the outside just to launch you to the other side of the map quickly. If you had the highground you absolutely dominated. 4.5/5
-Longbow: This map was a BTB/Squad Battle like map. There was a Ghost and a Warthog on each side of the map with a Lazer and Sniper up top which my team went for and Rockets down low. 4/5 (Not a big fan of Vehicles)
Game 1: Regicide on Adrift
This was my very first game getting to play and after i started late with the controls and everything i came back and won 305-275(i believe).
Regicide is a FFA/Juggernaut esque type of game where a player is king and he gets a bounty and it adds up by him getting kills up to 50 i believe. You got 5 points for a regular kill and 10 points for a headshot plus 10 points for Doubles Triples Overs etc. and Killing Sprees and Frenzys. I got 2 triples my game but could never get the over but Promethean Vision was what i used and was very helpful.
Game 2: Infinity Slayer on Haven
This is the game that got me my golden ticket to go play on the stage against Rooster Teeth. I went 29-5-2 with the BR and Thruster Pack.
In Infinity Slayer you get an individual score and a team score. The team score only adds up by kills by 10 up to 60 kills so individual medals dont affect your team score only your individual. I really only used the power ups when i got my ordanance but I picked up the scattershot once and got a couple kills with it.(Picture later)
Game 3: Infinity Slayer on Longbow
This was my first game i played on Sunday of 3. Right of the bat i sprinted 3 feet and my Xbox froze. After restarting and jumping in using the new join in progress system i hopped back into the game about halfway through it and only ended up getting 16 kills but the overall map felt and looked very good but had vehicles.
Game 4: Infinity Slayer on Longbow
This was the first time i got to spend a full game on this map and i went 27-3-4. I got to use the Lazer a little bit and i still dominated using Thruster Pack and BR with Sensor and Ammo Perk.(Picture later)
Game 5: Infinity Slayer on Longbow vs Rooster Teeth
This game was very fun and I had a great game and team. We ended up dominating RT just like the 343i lady asked us to do. I took the picture of the game but it somehow got deleted. I went 28-11*-2. We had a gameplan going in that id get the Lazer and let them get the Hog up another grab snipe. At one point I accidentally chose the Sticky Detonator but i wasn't disappointed that i did but for the most part i just chose the powerups. On this game i used BR and Promethean Vision with Mobility which turned out to be very good on this map. I got 2 Triples but they aren't seen in the video.
*- Myy brother said i got 11 but im not positive.
Halo 4 Gameplay - RT vs Community day 2 // With Bravo's Commentary - YouTube
This is my review of all the weapons i got to use.
-BR: I absolutely loved the BR. It was from the E3 build so it was a 5 shot but with hitscan it still was amazing. Felt like it had more aim assist than the other weapons at closer ranges.
-DMR: The DMR really felt like a monster and better then the 3 even though i used BR the most. Really good on Longbow due to the open area and size of the map.
-Carbine: The Carbine was OK in my opinion I didnt get to use it very much but I got destroyed by it once it kills alot faster than the BR and was a god at close range.
-Scattershot: The scattershot was alright but i expected more. If the reticule wasn't red it was very useless and even when it was red it would take more than one shot sometimes.
-Rocket Launcher: The Rocket Launcher felt very powerful as expected. It felt alot slower than past games and the blast radius felt smaller than Reach's Rockets.
-Sticky Detonator: I used this gun on accident but it was a very good sabotage weapon. At one point vs RT i shot it into the drivers seat of the hog before they got into it and waited till they drove towards us to blow it up and it worked perfectly. A cool thing about it is that you can shoot it and switch weapons and still use your BR and it wont explode until you switch back and make it explode with another tap of RT.
-Frag Grenade: Not alot of people are talking about them in their posts. First off I play Bumper Jumper and grenade on it was X so i didnt use them alot but when i did they were good. The blast radius of the explosion felt alot smaller than Reach and they overall had a Halo 3 feeling.
Armor Abilities
These are the abilities I used.
-Promethean Vision: Wasn't as overpowered as I thought it would be and was very good on Adrift.
-Thruster Pack: I really like the idea of this ability but when i used it i was a little disappointed on the distance you cover when you use it. You maybe go like 5 feet in the direction you choose. If they buff it up im all for it.
-Hardlight Shield: I didn't use it very much but I liked it. The shield cannot be meleed through from what i saw and can take infinite damage to the front and is reflective bouncing bullets back at the shooter. Splash damage can kill you though easily.
Perks(or whatever they are called)
-Ammo; I didn't use it cuz i didn't see much use for it but at one point i killed a rocket guy and he had 4 bullets plus 2 in the chamber which seemed a little overpowered.
-Sensor: Makes your Radar more sensitive by showing you if enemies are below or above you and there are tiny arrows on the outside of it showing you the way of enemies firing.
-Mobility: Unlimited sprint i found it very useful on Longbow.
-Firepower: Used it once and didn't find much use to it. You have the ability to have 2 primary weapons but i didnt see much use in it sense you have a pistol already.
-Damage: My favorite and it made the BR four shot which was perfect.
-Shield: Just gave you an extra shield just like regular Overshield like past games.
-Speed: Makes you run alot faster and reload quicker but did not make you shoot faster.
Overall: 10/10
I absolutely loved playing the game and almost everything felt perfect down to the sound lighting and movement of your character.
Feel free to add me on XBL GT: Im Magnum
I'd prefer to see games before the month prior to release. It's not hard to understand that things are in a roly poly state of flux while checkin' previews. Also, seeing a final game means that there's no possible way that there can be any sort of change made on feedback from previews.most companies have no fucking clue what a first impression is. I really don't understand why show any thing that isn't final. All it does is confuse the fan base.
Cearly you don't know what kind of testing would have to be done with custom button mapping.
Even with lots of people testing, it would take ages and I still doubt it'd fix every problem.
Those slight enhancements run by the same rules in regards to balance though... they still should be self limiting - the idea works the same. These are things that enhance you in some way, that are pervasive... they don't go away, and are not power ups. The more there are, the harder they are to counter to create balanced game play. If they aren't self limiting... game play will be messy or will trend to a certain load out.
So say you want to be a "grenadier" and have the ability to have 6 grenades instead of 2... make sure that guy can't pick up grenades at all during the game. Or he looses all of them when he dies, spawns with 1 and can pick up grenades. It's that give and take that will create balance in the game and still allow someone to play the way they want.
In the same way... if there was a proficiency that allowed faster movement, make them slightly weaker, an ability with slightly more shields, make them slower... and so on/so forth.
And this is why you will never reached the end of Indiana Jones!
Yeah, I'm confused about that, too. I don't see how the control scheme could possibly cause more glitches. I'm not saying Stinkles is making things up, just that I don't understand how that would be an issue.
Pretty much. Hence the Zealot space section lacking a kill zone.
Hire Walshy. Get his feedback.
For real.
Anyway, Risen's team and Jazzy's team moved on today? Separating the wheat from the chaff early on I see. I think I'm playing Jazzy next?
It wouldn't cause more glitches... but once a glitch is discovered it would allow people to map the buttons to easier exploit the glitch.
I agree with the princples that you're throwing out, but there are other ways to balance them without altering the base traits of a player. I'm not saying I like what 343 is doing, but I don't want full-out class based MP in Halo.