*blood flows to certain appendage*
Hahaha, now THAT'S how to re-use a joke.
*blood flows to certain appendage*
Idea for PV gotten after Frankie went through airport security confirmed.What if someone uses PV on me while my thing is out.
Protect people's privacy.
BR - less auto aim. The learning curve for aiming with the BR is gonna take a little longer than previous games. The game doesn't aim for you
DMR - slow firing rate. BR will easily dominate a DMR user close range.
Magnum - bloom is huge, long kill times, the weapon is pretty pointless in the sandbox except for single headshots.
AA drawbacks
Thruster - Slower movement and sprint speed
Camo - You die the moment you use it
Promethean Vision - No radar
Hologram - You will be laughed at by your teammates for using Hologram, lowering your morale
Hard Light Shield - Slower Shield recharge time
least 343 is continuing the tradition..So many bad design decisions in Reach. Ugh.
So sad
Understandable. The lunge was a bit too far; but I did like the mechanics behind the damage in Halo 2 the best.
Still bitter about the fact that you slow down if you get hit while sprinting?least 343 is continuing the tradition..
AA drawbacks
Thruster - Slower movement and sprint speed
Camo - You die the moment you use it
Promethean Vision - No radar
Hologram - You will be laughed at by your teammates for using Hologram, lowering your morale
Hard Light Shield - Slower Shield recharge time
I steal energy from Elzar in this scenario.Hopefully the lust-tangle will sap their captain's energy.
least 343 is continuing the tradition..
I have't kept up with news, but do we know if a regular jetpack is in this game or is it just the glorified evade thing?
Assuming yes, but don't know exactly for MP. Spartan Ops had a jet pack for AA.I have't kept up with news, but do we know if a regular jetpack is in this game or is it just the glorified evade thing?
I tried using the DMR when playing FFA, and lol, what a mistake. The rate of fire is just too slow to keep up with the faster shots of the BR, or any other auto weapon at a closer range. Different story in a team setting where distance comes into play more; it's designed to fit a narrower role than it has in Reach.GIVE ME WHY'S MAN! Tell me why the BR feels a little hard to control, why will it take awhile to master... why will the DMR lose to BR up close... why is the magnum garbage... why don't armor abilities dominate game play like Reach... etc, etc. Otherwise you are just telling me... " H4 is gud... hype".
AA drawbacks
Thruster - Slower movement and sprint speed
Camo - You die the moment you use it
Promethean Vision - No radar
Hologram - You will be laughed at by your teammates for using Hologram, lowering your morale
Hard Light Shield - Slower Shield recharge time
well the sentence I read said you slow down slower than normal walking speed... that is fucking stuipd, at least make it cap at default walking speed, which from the vids doesn't seem that fast.. but most poeple wasn't even using sprint. :/I think some people need to let go of the idea of the pistol being a primary weapon. AR starts is gone so you'll never have to use it as a primary anymore. It's a secondary gun that's useful for finishing up kills after your primary weapon had run out of ammo, similarly to pistols in most games. That's why I think the clip-size and amount of shots to kill will be fine.
Still bitter about the fact that you slow down if you get hit while sprinting?
No, it makes people think about what they want to sacrifice for the short moment of having an advantage. Having a thruster will give you a boost for a very short while but overall you're slower. So are you willing to sacrifice overall speed to get that extra bit of boost when you need it? You want to see everybody one the map with Promethean Vision? No/Smaller radar for you. You essentially get a superior version of radar whenever you use PV but when you're not using it you're more vulnerable.Its going to make people opt to not use any AA.
It's quite possible I was expecting too much from it, but what I played was no better than the Plasma RepeaterEvery impression I've heard of the Storm Rifle is that it's weaksauce. Hopefully it get's a buff to be comp with the AR.
You can shoot the pistol as fast as you can pull the trigger, same goes for the Carbine. I feel pretty confident that the Carbine has no bloom, but I could be wrong. The pistol "feels" like it sits between Halo 3 and Reach in terms of power. Whether it's from bloom or just scaled back to fit a backup role, I can't say for certain.Is the bloom on the pistol just a visual representation of the firing mechanic while keeping shots 100% accurate, or do shots spray randomly?
I like what you say about the BR and DMR.
It's quite possible I was expecting too much from it, but what I played was no better than the Plasma Repeater
He even used my minus account. Jebus.
He even used my minus account. Jebus.
Interesting to see the difference in opinions about weapons or areas of the game between the community and the developers. 343 has stated that the Storm Rifle is a beast, and everyone outside of 343 has basically said it sucks.
Do we know yet if the radar uses different shaped dots to represent a player that is either above us or below us?
**This is just a rough idea but should be enough to get my point across**
Currently PV gives you enemy player silouettes which show their exact body positioning and movement at the time they are scanned. A very simple fix would be this.
-Only show a small red blotch (see image below). This would give you an idea of their location, but not where they are facing.
-Don't show the players movement, similar reasoning to the above, no indicicator of where they are heading.
-The still images of enemy players shown on PV would also prevent use while in combat, promoting only smart, tactical use of it where radar just can not get the job done.
i believe it uses up and down arrows (up for above, down for below)
The multiplayer designer said he hates it in one of the E3 videos lol.
So even 343 thinks it sucks in it's current iteration.
6:50 mark.
Interesting to see the difference in opinions about weapons or areas of the game between the community and the developers. 343 has stated that the Storm Rifle is a beast, and everyone outside of 343 has basically said it sucks.
Wasn't it Ellis that said it was super powerful in the E3 build?
Another case of people using CoD to describe ages old FPS concepts.heres a thought:
what if carrying the flag is no longer default? it just goes on your back like in cod, which removes flag juggling..
If Reach had not received the changes from beta to launch, the backlash would've been much, much worse.Halo's public betas aren't real betas. Hardly anything would have changed and folks might have decided to polarise already strong opinions pre-launch.
I had to hold to activate the Hard Light Shield, so add that to your list of things to not like.
Didn't get to play Longbow; they were only showcasing Regicide FFA on Adrift and Infinity Slayer on Haven.
Being a non-fan of FFA in general, I enjoyed Regicide. I like the melding of two gametypes (Juggernaut and KOTH), and hope it was done in an effort to streamline gametypes/playlists like has been mentioned by 343. I hope that Adrift becomes my least favorite map, because my opinion of it as of now is simply "better than Reach". There are a couple of dead spots on the map that fooled me on more than one occasion into thinking it lead somewhere other than to my death. The insta-spawning worked a lot better than I thought it would, in both FFA and Infinity Slayer. Once I found out how great the Carbine was, I stuck to that loadout for most of my play time.
Haven was a much better map IMO, and I really liked Infinity Slayer. The new radar seems even more informative that Reach's, which may or may not be a good thing. The amount of time it would take you to turn on PV for a good scan of the map seems greater than the time it would take you to just look at the radar.
Movement is really, really great, but I have to admit that I didn't really care for the default controller setup that much(I also didn't realize how much worse I was going to be without my KontrolFreeks, ugh). Crouch on B was just too weird for me, but I'm sure I'll find something I like.
Never used the Thrusters, as I tried to settle in with the Carbine/PP/Holo loadout. Hologram is just as fun as Reach, got an assassination out of fooling someone with it. Plasma Pistol is supremely powerful; I got lots of kills by using it normally. The overcharge sounds like it's gonna explode in your hands, it's awesome. Homing seems about as accurate as it is in Reach.
This seems pretty contrary to my experience. I was definitely meleed to death through it when it took enough damage, which I don't believe was "infinite".
Sorry if I'm all over the place; writing this and working is not the best way to spend my time, lol.
Thanks, dudes. I'll link these in the OP.The guns dominate Halo 4 gameplay. Kills were FAST. I mean like kids were sprinting towards me with the swords and I could take them out with the BR before they got to me. That's unthinkable in Reach. Felt more like H2 than any other Halo.
Played for about 3 hours on and off. The first map I played was Adrift, 8 player Regicide. It was interesting to to always know where the guy in first place was. It was fun when I was king actually. You get quite a rush when you know that EVERYONE is coming towards you at that very instant. Quite a "back to the wall" feeling. It's a good fun gametype. It's still essentially FFA though, the gimmick doesn't destroy the game.
BR - feels a little hard to control at first, this thing will take a while to master. But when it works, its glorious.
Carbine - much more precise than the halo 3 version, something I hated about the H3 version was that its spread was huuuge. This time it's got Minimal spread. fun to shoot
DMR - the thing is a beast at long range. It will lose to a BR close up though.
Scattershot - felt like a silenced weapon from battlefield. fun to get kills with. big spread so its only worthwhile close up.
AR - the thing is a beast at close range.
magnum - straight up garbage. good for single headshots I guess.
Armor Abilities's - they didn't dominate gameplay like Reach's AA's do.
hardlight shield seemed pointless. Some guys used it against me and I beat them every time. not to mention they are very vulnerable.
jump thruster - It doesn't seem to go very far or fast at all.
pro vision - I probably used it about once every 5 respawns. it's good to see if some guy is camping with a sword around the corner or if he's sprinting away to teammates. Didn't feel very OP at all. It's essentially babbys first radar.
Game is good. My first impressions with Reach were "Grenades suck, bloom sucks, AA's are overpowered." Impressions with 4 were, "gunplay is good, I want more." My friend rev3rb, who longs for the days of H2 and hates reach with a passion, couldn't get enough. He never liked the Reach Beta and now he has high talk of h4.
well the sentence I read said you slow down slower than normal walking speed... that is fucking stuipd, at least make it cap at default walking speed, which from the vids doesn't seem that fast.. but most poeple wasn't even using sprint. :/
The gunplay most definitely looks wonderful. I love the fact there's more close/long range weapons...lol I see more from BF3 than COD and that is bad becasue that game is baad.
The guns dominate Halo 4 gameplay. Kills were FAST. I mean like kids were sprinting towards me with the swords and I could take them out with the BR before they got to me. That's unthinkable in Reach. Felt more like H2 than any other Halo.
Played for about 3 hours on and off. The first map I played was Adrift, 8 player Regicide. It was interesting to to always know where the guy in first place was. It was fun when I was king actually. You get quite a rush when you know that EVERYONE is coming towards you at that very instant. Quite a "back to the wall" feeling. It's a good fun gametype. It's still essentially FFA though, the gimmick doesn't destroy the game.
BR - feels a little hard to control at first, this thing will take a while to master. But when it works, its glorious.
Carbine - much more precise than the halo 3 version, something I hated about the H3 version was that its spread was huuuge. This time it's got Minimal spread. fun to shoot
DMR - the thing is a beast at long range. It will lose to a BR close up though.
Scattershot - felt like a silenced weapon from battlefield. fun to get kills with. big spread so its only worthwhile close up.
AR - the thing is a beast at close range.
magnum - straight up garbage. good for single headshots I guess.
Armor Abilities's - they didn't dominate gameplay like Reach's AA's do.
hardlight shield seemed pointless. Some guys used it against me and I beat them every time. not to mention they are very vulnerable.
jump thruster - It doesn't seem to go very far or fast at all.
pro vision - I probably used it about once every 5 respawns. it's good to see if some guy is camping with a sword around the corner or if he's sprinting away to teammates. Didn't feel very OP at all. It's essentially babbys first radar.
Game is good. My first impressions with Reach were "Grenades suck, bloom sucks, AA's are overpowered." Impressions with 4 were, "gunplay is good, I want more." My friend rev3rb, who longs for the days of H2 and hates reach with a passion, couldn't get enough. He never liked the Reach Beta and now he has high talk of h4.
Another case of people using CoD to describe ages old FPS concepts.
Let's just forget that Unreal Tournament and Quake ever did this.
I used it almost exclusively for a full game of Regicide and didn't care for it. It seems just like the Repeater, complete with similar 'ow-my-armored-hand-is-hot' overheat animation.all the videos i've seen of people using it it looks pretty damn killer up close. AR too. i think most decent halo players are just accustomed to using the precision weapons and didnt give it much time.
Yep, that is the case. Great way to counter the problems that Reach sprint has.I know what sentence you're referring to, although I can't find the post link right now.
It said getting shot while sprinting slows you down almost to normal speed. As in, you are slower than someone sprinting but not slower than normal movement.
.I hope that 343 take to heart the criticism on bumper jumper. I think that having grenades on X and not armor abilities is not ideal in most circumstances and I'm almost positive I'm echoing everyone else's sentiments so far on the issue.
It was always present in mine... the weapons do not exist in a vacuum. That's been my point. A headshot capable precision weapon in combination with other game mechanics has always been a superior weapon.
Thanks for that Tunavi, just reading that got me hyped![]()
Going to be DMR all the way for me.
Another case of people using CoD to describe ages old FPS concepts.
Let's just forget that Unreal Tournament and Quake ever did this.