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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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yeaaa not sure id trust some random guy who's willing to lend me space for 25 dollars a night.

Come stay at my place, its comfy, only faintly smells of death, Bathroom is off limits do your stuff in the kitchen, All screams are voluntary. If the police and/or men in black leather jackets come round please do not open the door.

$10 per night, must bring own towel.



this can't be real.

  1. Pajamas stay on the whole time.
  2. You don’t have to cuddle anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever.
  3. You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)
  4. If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO.
  5. If you’re a maybe, say NO.
  6. You are encouraged to change your mind.
  7. Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner.
  8. Get your Cuddle Party Facilitator or the Cuddle Assistant if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the Cuddle Party.
  9. Tears and laughter are both welcome.
  10. Respect people’s privacy when sharing about Cuddle Parties.
  11. Keep the Cuddle space tidy


Don't you leave me, Karl. I still want that write-up on campaign encounters!

Ah yes, thanks for the reminder(I even remember what missions specifically).

Here's something fun to do at the start of "Outskirts" co-op. Have one dude on the ground fighting like he normally would. Then have the other player grab the sniper from Johnson and get up on the buildings as if they were getting the hidden sword, but yet staying in the general area of the courtyard. Buggers come over the rooftops, and one player has them partially eliminated before they even reach there. Hunters are easily countered by the turret, but it's even more fun to have the ground player distract, while the upper player snipes them in the back. Jackals in the courtyard? No problem. Then you can even work your way up through sniper alley, and it confuses the hell out of the Jackals, because they don't know who to shoot first.

There's no encounter in any Halo campaign that has captured that sense of "co-operative, but yet still solo" quite like that has. Halo 3 has a few areas that would seem pretty good, but for the most part they're okay. One that comes close is the area on "The Ark" with the two AA Wraiths, the 2 turret towers, and the normal Wraith. Having one player go solo on foot and the other player driving a Mongoose with a rocket ODST is incredibly fun.

As I said in the post that got this all going the opening encounter on "The Covenant" is a really fun one too. I'll try to think of more areas that would accomodate the style of gameplay I'm describing.

I'm hoping Spartan Ops can fill my want for a co-op experience while still being a relatively lonesome gunner. My playstyle in Borderlands is just that(I tend to play Mordecai and snipe the enemies from afar while my buddies go up and fight a bit closer). From what specializations sound like, it might just be what I'm asking for. Here's to hoping that the maps are designed to accomodate the player who just wants to gain an upper position and shoot stuff.

Now I'm out. Tawpgun described my situation very well. 20GB HDD + spending money on college and apartment(
which to Elzar, Xand and co. complaining about my lag, I'll have a bit faster of Internet starting Aug. 1
) doesn't lead to a whole lot of money for the "real gaming".

Infinity slayer is not a replacement gor regular slayer. Only infinity slayer and regeide have been showcased because they are new.


Quick and dirty [spoiler]How she likes it[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
Oh God, this is definitely my cue to leave.


Quick and dirty
How she likes it

Louis Wu

yeaaa not sure id trust some random guy who's willing to lend me space for 25 dollars a night.

You can't be serious.
Dang, you guys are paranoid.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer, and when I finished my service my soon-to-be-wife and I traveled across the US, staying with friends, friends of friends, and in random places that turned up for whatever reason. 8 weeks, 12,000 miles, and we didn't pay for a hotel room ONCE. (We did pay for a Golden Eagle pass, which allowed us to camp for free in a lot of national parks, but that didn't really become useful until we got west of the Rockies.)

People are (by and large) nice. Treat them well, they'll treat you well. I'm amazed this service hasn't popped up before now.


Dang, you guys are paranoid.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer, and when I finished my service my soon-to-be-wife and I traveled across the US, staying with friends, friends of friends, and in random places that turned up for whatever reason. 8 weeks, 12,000 miles, and we didn't pay for a hotel room ONCE. (We did pay for a Golden Eagle pass, which allowed us to camp for free in a lot of national parks, but that didn't really become useful until we got west of the Rockies.)

People are (by and large) nice. Treat them well, they'll treat you well. I'm amazed this service hasn't popped up before now.

Had some buddies when we worked out west last summer use this website for the same thing it sounds, but usually free!




this can't be real.

Preview of the HaloGAF PAX meetup.

Dang, you guys are paranoid.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer, and when I finished my service my soon-to-be-wife and I traveled across the US, staying with friends, friends of friends, and in random places that turned up for whatever reason. 8 weeks, 12,000 miles, and we didn't pay for a hotel room ONCE. (We did pay for a Golden Eagle pass, which allowed us to camp for free in a lot of national parks, but that didn't really become useful until we got west of the Rockies.)

People are (by and large) nice. Treat them well, they'll treat you well. I'm amazed this service hasn't popped up before now.

In general, I agree. But I'll still do the hotel thing.


Valid points but having a 20gb at this point is insane. A 250GB is like $55 at this point surely you should of grabbed on by now its 6 years into the console lifespan and its become increasingly common for DLC and other miscellaneous downloads to become larger and larger. Not to mention the addition of installing game.

No one buys 20gb at this point. But some of us got them at/near launch and never wanted to pay all that money for a new console when it wasn't needed. Same with the HD.

also, LOL $55

Find me an old, 250 gig XBOX 360 hard drive and I will GLADLY get it. Refurbished gamestop ones can be dodgy, and im not sure how much I trust a used one.


Trigger pulled.

See yall at pax.


Off topic, but something interesting just happened. I used to make my games under a different company name, and released a game under that that used a launcher program that could check for any updates I issue. Sometime in 2007 the billing got screwed up on the domain and the Canadian company I had used to register it with basically took the domain from me and used it as a spam park domain, and the cross-country issue made it unafforable to persue legal channels at the time.

So what I just did was have every site owner that'd help run scripts to remove all links to the domain. The spammers finally let go, and now I control the domain again. Now I technically have the ability to issue an update to a 7 year old game :lol

Can I sleep on anyone's floor for a few hours?

Only if you skip out on your bill. I hear that works pretty well.



Off topic, but something interesting just happened. I used to make my games under a different company name, and released a game under that that used a launcher program that could check for any updates I issue. Sometime in 2007 the billing got screwed up on the domain and the Canadian company I had used to register it with basically took the domain from me and used it as a spam park domain, and the cross-country issue made it unafforable to persue legal channels at the time.

So what I just did was have every site owner that'd help run scripts to remove all links to the domain. The spammers finally let go, and now I control the domain again. Now I technically have the ability to issue an update to a 7 year old game :lol

What game?


I'd be willing to bet everyone here is a reasonably cool person irl, no matter they're posting style. There's always a few exceptions that really are just dicks and eventually their true personality comes out and they either leave on their own accord or they're 'politely' asked to leave.

The greatest aspect of HaloGAF to me is that not only is there (nearly) every type of personality, nationality, and ethnicity represented here, but everyone is here for the same reason
obviously to read Frank and David's posts
, and the passion for that something will always outlast any short-lived arguments, disagreements or outright forum bro-battles. I've only been posting here for a year and a half, and I can tell our regulars are 2 legit 2 quit. It's nice to see the ancients just as active as *some* of our FNG's
excluding a zoojoo of course :p

I'd buy any one of you assholes a beer and I hardly know any of you. #wishiwasgoingtopax


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sorry dude, my TV is on its way out and I have to power cycle it every time it decides to shut off in the middle of the game or I would have joined. I ended up having to blindly quit out of the one MP match I started.

lol I was wondering if you really rage quitted rumble pit



I hit the calculator to see how much Halo is costing me this year: ~842 dollars. This includes the console, the extra controller, the limited edition, estimated prices of 179.99 and 34.99 for the Tritton headset and limited edition guide respectively, and of course the final sting to the wallet my outrageous state tax.

You might say that is quite a lot, and it's not really. Not when you add on the other five games I'm getting between Oct. and Nov. that aren't Halo (limited editions of those games where applicable). I need to get a real hobby.
I started trying to recreate that piece of music in the bts video they showed at the campaign and multiplayer panel. I think I have it down on piano. Maybe I'll do a session on logic or pro-tools.
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