Unconfirmed Member
We're trying to get a 6v6 or 8v8 on Reach. Currently at 9 players.
PS: hate u sai kun
PS: hate u sai kun
We're trying to get a 6v6 or 8v8 on Reach. Currently at 9 players.
PS: hate u sai kun
We're trying to get a 6v6 or 8v8 on Reach. Currently at 9 players.
PS: hate u sai kun
man, heckfu's cute as fuck!
Where you are maybe. Box fans here fo sho.
man, heckfu's cute as fuck!
Cute as heck*
And every other woman wears yoga pants.
Cute as heck*
Welcome to the West Coast.
So my main problem with the way ranks were handled in Reach was not being able to accurately assess how good my opponents/teammates are while in the lobby (without navigating through 5 sub-menus.) Reach had the playercard when you highlight someone's gamertag, and that had so much potential. However, Bungie decided to clog up that prime real-estate with Armory Completion, Commendation Progress, and Daily and Weekly Challenges. Who the fuck cares.This would be perfect but it seems to be out of reach, (according to stinkles).
At this point I would be fine with having a rank that only I could see. As long as that rank can be assigned to individual playlists. Having a rank system is a great way for me (and others I think) to gauge how much I am improving as a halo player. Now of course trueskill will need to be stricter so that I am facing people that are around my same rank. Otherwise, we get what we have in reach with bpr where it is possible to have a 100 bpr and still face other players that have a 60 or so bpr in matchmaking.
summary: it would be nice to search in halo 4 if I had a personal rank to judge my personal skill and improvement, while simultaneously being matches with people of that same rank as well.
Welcome to the West Coast.
Aye, it looks like Cyren can stop raging about you not being approved yet. Welcome.
Would have posted these earlier, but I didn't feel like missing with the audio sync issues yesterday :/
Better quality of RTX gameplay.
Lordy.Now I can put all my focus on getting the Sudd twins here.
I carried my computer from Burnaby with my roommate all the way back up here to Broadway. Let's just say quite a few people didn't leave anything to the imagination.
Also it's freaky how NOBODY TALKS TO EACH OTHER. It's like thousands of people downtown and nobody is saying a word.
Now I can put all my focus on getting the Sudd twins here.
Cute as heck*
Sai needs to eat a sandwich. My god.
Don't they have their own forums at CGL.com?Now I can put all my focus on getting the Sudd twins here.
You sound angry.I'm sure he's never heard that a million fucking times in his life.
Sai needs to eat a sandwich. My god.
Now I can put all my focus on getting the Sudd twins here.
Best Coast
Now I can put all my focus on getting the Sudd twins here.
Cute as heck*
So I'm playing a ton of Rumble Pit trying to get my 4th Halotracker 50...
I win a game on countdown by a decent margin, kid tells me I suck and to 1 v 1 him cause he'll wipe the floor with me, etc.
I win a game on countdown by a decent margin, kid tells me I suck and to 1 v 1 him cause he'll wipe the floor with me, etc.
I want to see the film of this just to see how badly you spanked him.
Yep. Absolutely zero desire to play Reach for the foreseeable future.Playing halo 4 months before release was a bad idea. Major withdrawals right now
Yup! Got a party of ten right now. There's others going, too.Is anyone playing Reach at the moment?
Really now, none of that body shaming.
Yup! Got a party of ten right now. There's others going, too.
Where are all the Best Coast posters located? After seeing how some of you hate California drivers, I felt bad inside (even though it's 1000% true)Best Coast
Yup! Got a party of ten right now. There's others going, too.
Why don't you just go eat a burger or something?
Team HaloGAF just obliterated a team of Bronies.
Felt so good.
I'd be so torn
OK Kyle, I take it all back. This post puts it all in perspective.
Is Squad Slayer still ten times better than Super Slayer?Question, is super slayer's population still bad?
Really now, none of that body shaming.
Maybe that's the kid who sent me this sweet rage message today
It's like a line from James Joyce if he had Down syndrome.
That sucks. Don't know what playlist to playIs Squad Slayer still ten times better than Super Slayer?
I don't think I could possibly eat anymore (comfortably) than I already do on a regular basis.
Alright, I'll capture it and upload it right meow.
Give me 5.
Warning: My snipes are atrocious in this game, I always get nervous doing 1 v 1's, idk why.